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President Biden

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  On 01/02/2017 at 10:43, Dr Gloom said:

excuse me? :lol:

They are watching Trump to see if he delivers. He's on the clock. He's the stalking horse for a much bigger danger. The elite probably could have stopped him but realized that frustrations needed venting.

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  On 01/02/2017 at 10:55, Dr Gloom said:

you're talking about a fringe group of lunatics. what do you think they're going to do other than broadcast whacky podcasts about the new world order? 

The ideas went mainstream when Trump won. You can tick them off. Climate denier, trade deal unpicking, anti-abortion, anti-immigration, war on the MSM, remaking the military, dissing the CIA and FBI, protectionism, deregulation, downsizing the Govt....etc...

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all your pet subjects  :lol:


if trump is impeached or if he finds it hard to force a lot of this stuff through, what do you think will happen? pitchforks and torches in the streets? 

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  On 01/02/2017 at 11:06, Dr Gloom said:

all your pet subjects  :lol:


if trump is impeached or if he finds it hard to force a lot of this stuff through, what do you think will happen? pitchforks and torches in the streets? 

My analysis is that he will be allowed so much but the elite have their red lines. The elite make as much money outside America and war as they do in America. They won't be happy if NAFTA or TTIP or any of the other grace and favor deals are completely killed.

America is to run on debt and manufacturing is to be maintained in low tariff and low wage zones...Trump looks like he is going to take this on. He also looks like he won't start a war (they love a war). These two areas is where the wall is waiting for him. We'll see.


They are limiting themselves to soft power for now...NGO's, demos, resistance politics, MSM henchmen etc...The first sign it is getting nasty is when the false flags start. :D

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  On 01/02/2017 at 11:14, Park Life said:

My analysis is that he will be allowed so much but the elite have their red lines. The elite make as much money outside America and war as they do in America. They won't be happy if NAFTA or TTIP or any of the other grace and favor deals are completely killed.

America is to run on debt and manufacturing is to be maintained in low tariff and low wage zones...Trump looks like he is going to take this on. He also looks like he won't start a war (they love a war). These two areas is where the wall is waiting for him. We'll see.


They are limiting themselves to soft power for now...NGO's, demos, resistance politics, MSM henchmen etc...The first sign it is getting nasty is when the false flags start. :D


he's said he'll wipe isis off the earth. that suggests he'll engage in some kind of warfare. 

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  On 01/02/2017 at 11:21, Dr Gloom said:

he's said he'll wipe isis off the earth. that suggests he'll engage in some kind of warfare. 

It will be limited and he's already said he wants to do it with Russia. Cutting off the Gulf states money would be faster.


He's paid attention to compliance signalling. He's got the Goldman boys in, he's talked tough on China and he's said the right things about Israel.


I think China will be the pet project.

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  On 01/02/2017 at 11:37, Park Life said:

It will be limited and he's already said he wants to do it with Russia. Cutting off the Gulf states money would be faster.


He's paid attention to compliance signalling. He's got the Goldman boys in, he's talked tough on China and he's said the right things about Israel.


I think China will be the pet project.


how could you possibly know that? he changes his tune every 5 minutes. 

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  On 01/02/2017 at 11:40, Dr Gloom said:

how could you possibly know that? he changes his tune every 5 minutes. 

They're pretty much done in the field. The will probably concentrate on softer targets etc...


Unless they get a re-branding (a new name) and a new theater of ops. You have to remember that their funding is black budget hence Obama had no clue he was fighting himself. :D


ISIS was basically Gulf states money, western arms and logistics and Islamic diaspora fighters.


This was basically the Brezinski doctrine. Proxy forces, NGO's, new media, color revolutions, American aid, internal strife, etc...


Trump will be more Kissinger doctrine. Threaten the source directly without a proxy. Hence America will threaten take the field against China (Carrier groups and so on)... Projected force. There

is no scope in China for an internal take down even though it entertains the greatest collection of NGO's on the planet. :lol:


It's why Putin and India have got the NGO's to register and lay out exactly what they do and who they are. ;)

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  On 01/02/2017 at 11:59, ewerk said:

Come on Parky, say something we can hold you to.

They think they can still mold him. But if he gets outta hand he'll be gone. Some bloke with a Beatles collection and Manson posters probably... :D

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