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President Biden

Happy Face

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How long is that video hf?

Hour and a half.


John Pilger's latest.


Looks at the US encirclement of China.


Also, ironically, the nuclear testing the US has done over there, with human guinea pigs.

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Should have happened years ago. Letting them strengthen their capabilities has made potential shitstorm greater. That's why it needs to happen now

Yup. Back in the mid 1990's when Clinton instead offered the Norks 2 light water reactors to trade in their plutonium after they refused inspections by the IAEA which the Norks knocked back in the end.


If that wasn't enough of an alert for a future flashpoint then Pakistan gave the Norks nuclear technology in the latter part of the 1990's which has allowed them to develop low yield nukes as they have now. They may not have the cutting edge delivery systems yet but crazy gangsters who feel like they are being cornered will find a way to deliver them (one way suicide trips via submarine or plane or saturated missile launches).

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To be brutally honest, NK has to come crashing down at some point. China should be doing it but...

What exactly can China do? They have turned back deliveries for North Korea's coal and apart from completely cutting off all business ties with them it is too late for China to have any influence which would convince the Norks to sign up to a non-proliferation treaty. Sanctions only make their development efforts more expensive to continue but won't stop it completely.


China's influence is completely overstated.

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Say what?

Project 4.1 was a medical study conducted by the United States of those residents of the Bikini Atoll exposed to radioactive fallout. From 1956 to August 1998, at least $759 million was paid to the Marshallese Islanders in compensation for their exposure to U.S. nuclear weapon testing.

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