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Well in this case I don't actually understand a great deal about what has happened here (largely because it's not actually very interesting beyond a certain few details), so it would be remiss of me to just wade in and assign blame. I'm just curious as to whether others feel that the MSM are at the root of this one.


You talk as though I'll look for any excuse to pin things on them. I don't feel like I do that :lol: They offer a fucking lot of excuses to do so, however.

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tbf to buzzfeed, they clearly stated at the top of the piece that the claims were unverified and there were some factual inaccuracies contained within the document, but felt they should publish it in the public interest with those caveats. 


I agree it's a public interest issue if it's true.

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tbf to buzzfeed, they clearly stated at the top of the piece that the claims were unverified and there were some factual inaccuracies contained within the document, but felt they should publish it in the public interest with those caveats. 


People were outraged that Wikileaks would publish verified authentic Clinton emails because it might influence the election and/or help Trump (therefore was against the public interest).  Now the defense for publishing unverified claims is that it is in the public interest...even though the only thing verified is that it contains some falsehoods,  presumably because it's harmful to the bad guy.  The Ministry of Truth would struggle with this.


There has to be some standards that are adhered to regardless of who a story helps or hinders.  Verified and corroborated stories should be published about anyone in power, Unverified and false stories should not get the oxygen of publicity.

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even if it isn't, it'll be like water off a duck's back for trump. 




I'm not bothered about Trump tbh, but I do think that Alex makes a good point further up that the more of these 'untrue' stories that emerge, the less people trust the MSM. And if you happen to believe that the Russians are at the heart of a conspiracy to turn ordinary Westerners against their information sources, then that would be a worry for you.


In my case, simply having people 'not trust' the media isn't helpful. You want people to be able to critically analyse and filter out the bullshit. Not ignore it all together.

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People were outraged that Wikileaks would publish verified authentic Clinton emails because it might influence the election and/or help Trump (therefore was against the public interest).  Now the defense for publishing unverified claims is that it is in the public interest...even though the only thing verified is that it contains some falsehoods,  presumably because it's harmful to the bad guy.  The Ministry of Truth would struggle with this.


There has to be some standards that are adhered to regardless of who a story helps or hinders.  Verified and corroborated stories should be published about anyone in power, Unverified and false stories should not get the oxygen of publicity.


Well said.

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People were outraged that Wikileaks would publish verified authentic Clinton emails because it might influence the election and/or help Trump (therefore was against the public interest).  Now the defense for publishing unverified claims is that it is in the public interest...even though the only thing verified is that it contains some falsehoods,  presumably because it's harmful to the bad guy.  The Ministry of Truth would struggle with this.


There has to be some standards that are adhered to regardless of who a story helps or hinders.  Verified and corroborated stories should be published about anyone in power, Unverified and false stories should not get the oxygen of publicity.


i thought you if anyone would be behind this move by BF

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Well said.


i thought you despised the "MSM" for carrying out exactly those practices. nothing is published before being fact checked and verified by at least two sources where i work. and yet we're apparently the bad guys. 

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Wikileaks haven't released any unverified leaks.  They have a 100% record of unchallenged accuracy over the past decade.


They've admitted that they didn't have the resources to verify everything they leak.


Anyway, old ground. Let's move on.

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And I do agree that this should not have been published. The only saving grace is that Buzzfeed stated that it was unverified and is so outlandish that no one with half a brain will actually believe it.

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i thought you despised the "MSM" for carrying out exactly those practices. nothing is published before being fact checked and verified by at least two sources where i work. and yet we're apparently the bad guys. 


You think I've said that I despise the MSM for carrying out fact checking and verifying their sources?


I despise the MSM for dealing in narratives and colouring information in such a way that it moulds and shapes public opinion rather than allowing public opinion to mould and shape itself based on the presentation of facts. I believe the colouring of their information supports a status quo that is failing the vast majority of people.


I don't believe that they publish factually inaccurate information - although apparently they do - I believe they're part of the structure that resists change.

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And I do agree that this should not have been published. The only saving grace is that Buzzfeed stated that it was unverified and is so outlandish that no one with half a brain will actually believe it.


i believe it. in fact, i'm pretty sure there is far worse out there on trump. his closet will be close to bursting point with all the skeletons accumulated over the years

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You think I've said that I despise the MSM for carrying out fact checking and verifying their sources?


I despise the MSM for dealing in narratives and colouring information in such a way that it moulds and shapes public opinion rather than allowing public opinion to mould and shape itself based on the presentation of facts. I believe the colouring of their information supports a status quo that is failing the vast majority of people.


I don't believe that they publish factually inaccurate information - although apparently they do - I believe they're part of the structure that resists change.


So it isn't just the MSM, it's all news media you dislike?

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i believe it. in fact, i'm pretty sure there is far worse out there on trump. his closet will be close to bursting point with all the skeletons accumulated over the years


You genuinely think he paid a number of hookers to piss on a bed just because Obama slept on that mattress?

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So it isn't just the MSM, it's all news media you dislike?


No, just the ones who actually matter. We all have narratives that we live by and believe in at every level, some are more invested in the status quo than others.

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No, just the ones who actually matter. We all have narratives at every level, some are more invested in the status quo than others.


But the non-MSM who generally promote even stronger narratives. Ergo it's all news media you dislike?

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They've admitted that they didn't have the resources to verify everything they leak.


Anyway, old ground. Let's move on.


They always verify their sources and the authenticity of docs.


They don't have the resources to go through with a fine tooth comb and make redaction decisions.  


They do invite the impacted parties to do that though.


the likes of the US government refuse



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You think I've said that I despise the MSM for carrying out fact checking and verifying their sources?


I despise the MSM for dealing in narratives and colouring information in such a way that it moulds and shapes public opinion rather than allowing public opinion to mould and shape itself based on the presentation of facts. I believe the colouring of their information supports a status quo that is failing the vast majority of people.


I don't believe that they publish factually inaccurate information - although apparently they do - I believe they're part of the structure that resists change.


a structure that reports factually correct information, exactly right. worth remembering next time you lay into the MSM like it's a collective evil in the world. 


however a news organisation shapes its editorial, reputable ones do so while presenting the facts. access to a free press is one of the great things about living in the west. too many take it for granted. 

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because you've defended wikileaks to the hilt. 


When have wikileaks ever released anything and said "Half of the stuff in here is provably false, none of it provably true, we don't know who came up with it or where they got it from, but here, for shiots and giggles have a read"


This is exactly the point I was making about the harm caused being to deligitimise actual news sources.  The fact it's being driven by the US intelligence community makes you wonder if there isn't actually some intelligence behind it.  But that would give them too much credit I think.

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You genuinely think he paid a number of hookers to piss on a bed just because Obama slept on that mattress?


is that the actual line? i'm not that across it :lol: 


no, that does sound absurd. but i wouldn't rue out the GS element 

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