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Holidays 2025


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1 hour ago, Meenzer said:

Morning all. 👋





Looks shit. Give me pissy rain and unseasonably cold for May any day of the week. 

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40 minutes ago, Monkeys Fist said:

Cullercoats in 20 years when we’re all basking in Mediterranean climates. 


Cullercoats will never be sunny. Was in York this weekend, finally a bit of warmth and sun. Drove home, fucking freezing clag as ever. 

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13 minutes ago, Alex said:

Lynne, idea for new comedy show. It’s Never Sunny in Cullercoats. 

Stained glass, seagulls with vendettas, ear-flicking Chavs. 

This has got legs, Lynne. 


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Sitting on little balcony in Pegia last night, sipping vino by this time, watching the sun sink into the Med. :good:


I experienced something negative I never have before on the flight over here plus something I absolutely have experienced before. There was a party of scattered orthodox (I'm guessing?) Jews on the plane, some of which had young kids, first time I've ever been in close proximity to them but the they were absolutely chaotic, constantly moving around or splitting up a young family, up and down all flight moving things around the storage space, getting stuff out, putting stuff back, getting it out again, because they were moving all over the seats their stuff would be in different overhead compartments, a couple who shifted the young Cypriot family took their three seats, most of the time he was trying to sleep not giving one ounce of a fuck of his young kids on the seats adjacent making a right fucking mess, the mother sat with them for a bit then moved next to hubby decided she should have a kip too so two young bairns are climbing around, making a mess and some poor cunt was sat next to their bairns at the window seat having to pick things up when he went to the toilet, the stewardesses warned them, not just them but the rest who took zero notice of the seatbelt announcements when they came up throughout the flight. On landing the elder for want of a better word was trying to get everyone to sit at their designated seats and the poor lasses were demented trying to get them to sit down. What a bunch of cunts these were, it doesn't just take boisterous, sweary louts to ruin things, these were unreal. And the diarrhoea sauce to accompany the Jewish travellers was a fifty something 'new' couple, (you could tell) behind us with some poor old cockney wife sitting next to them, she was a 'sand dancer' she told the cockney from South Shields and wasn't too bad but she told the woman her irritating cunt of a partner whose patter reeked of 'look at me, I'm a great bloke, like me, please) was from (roll drums) do I need to say? Yes, a MLF of course, I knew by the needy tone and accent exactly the the daft cunt was from well before her confirming it, and after a couple of drinks on the flight he was fucking arseholed and having arguments with his soon to be ex. 


Can you guess which flight experience WASN'T new? :lol:


Anyway, might have a little walk to the shop and try and get SOME exercise after a bit of a hectic couple of days. 

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1 hour ago, Gemmill said:

PS ANTI-Cuntite




Honestly, nothing to do with religion at all, they were just unbelievably disruptive, they're lucky it wasn't Geordie lasses as stewards and not really nice, very cute Cypriot/greek lasses as they might've ended up meeting Cypriot plod on arrival. The sense of entitlement was Liverpool/Man U levels. The mackem? Say no more, mackem is as mackem does. 

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7 minutes ago, Renton said:

HMHM appears to be undergoing some wykikification process going on here. 


It wasn't just me, you tell others couldn't believe how much hard work they were making, one of them shoehorned a fucking scooter up above and later on as we were getting up I caught it mid air as it fell out and was going to land on someone, got zero thanks so I just should've let it hit the target. Cunts. :lol:

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11 minutes ago, Gemmill said:





One of them was merely good looking and fit, another was an actual goddess. :lol: Had to do some high level covert shit as they tried to walk around with cunts getting in their way making sure to avoid the missus clocking me. :lol:

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13 minutes ago, Howmanheyman said:


One of them was merely good looking and fit, another was an actual goddess. :lol: Had to do some high level covert shit as they tried to walk around with cunts getting in their way making sure to avoid the missus clocking me. :lol:


'High level covert shit'


im horny jack nicholson GIF

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  • Meenzer changed the title to Holidays 2025

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