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Holidays 2025


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2 hours ago, Gemmill said:

You wouldn't even be able to work out how to phrase your Google search for the kind of shit I pull off in Excel.


I like the fact you're using the paperclip lad to do your powerpoints though. :lol:


"It looks like you're fucking up ANOTHER presentation! Can I be of assistance?!"



Paperclip assistant was 20 years ago Grandad. And if you actually took your head out your Excel arse, you'll see I was addressing HMHM's potential needs, not yours or mine. But Excel is a cunt for doing scientific graphs (error bars etc), which is when I use Google to help. PP is design suggestions, which cos I haven't got an ounce of artistic skill in my body, is useful. 


Still, you keep being loud and proud of your spreadsheets. Maybe your epitaph can be written in spreadsheet form. 

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10 minutes ago, Renton said:



Paperclip assistant was 20 years ago Grandad. And if you actually took your head out your Excel arse, you'll see I was addressing HMHM's potential needs, not yours or mine. But Excel is a cunt for doing scientific graphs (error bars etc), which is when I use Google to help. PP is design suggestions, which cos I haven't got an ounce of artistic skill in my body, is useful. 


Still, you keep being loud and proud of your spreadsheets. Maybe your epitaph can be written in spreadsheet form. 


You should look into power BI for your visualisations. It's class. Excel is shite in comparison.


You can just connect Power BI to your excel to consume the data but then do flash charts with slicers and time lines and shit.


Yeah. You're jealous. You want to be me.


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2 minutes ago, Gemmill said:


You should look into power BI for your visualisations. It's class. Excel is shite in comparison.


You can just connect Power BI to your excel to consume the data but then do flash charts with slicers and time lines and shit.


Yeah. You're jealous. You want to be me.



I really don't. I know my limits with Excel, I direct others, don't do it myself. The type of economic simulations our modellers do is ridiculous. But then, Excel was never designed for this really. Much more efficient to just use programming languages and statistical packages such as R. Excel is only used for legacy reasons.

@Howmanheyman, I hope these conversations have allayed your fears. 👍

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2 hours ago, Renton said:


I really don't. I know my limits with Excel, I direct others, don't do it myself. The type of economic simulations our modellers do is ridiculous. But then, Excel was never designed for this really. Much more efficient to just use programming languages and statistical packages such as R. Excel is only used for legacy reasons.

@Howmanheyman, I hope these conversations have allayed your fears. 👍




Loud and clear.

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I walked into my current job and within about a fortnight, had to present a PowerPoint to the BM and my direct line manager was amazed when I made it so the bullet points came on the screen incrementally at the press of a button. And that’s my gaffer. To do that, you literally press one button. You’ll be more than fine, HMHM

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i had some extended leave this summer - five weeks where every day was spent with the children around the clock.


returning to the office has felt like a holiday 

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20 minutes ago, Dr Gloom said:



i had some extended leave this summer - five weeks where every day was spent with the children around the clock.


returning to the office has felt like a holiday 

I’ve done three weeks in France with my needy ones.


It was around day two that I started to think about all the things I am going to when I get home.

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In Verona airport, after a 7 day break in Garda. Good holiday, although I can no longer afford the quality of hotel as I once did. Lake Garda is stunning. Below is a view from the table I ate at. Went to Venice, I've been before but man is it busy now. 


Getting briefly political, I've been going to this area for 15 years. It's clear as day to me how it has diverged from the grimey shit hole that is the UK. Northern Italy is full of developed infrastructure and more being built. Despite these being Italians, everything runs smoothly. It is obvious this part of the continent is getting richer whilst our island is in decline. And the reality is, many people who voted for the Brexit shit show and this criminal tory government will never travel here to witness the difference. And now dreams of living over here are closed to me. 


Rant over. Back to reality tomorrow. 





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I hardly ever go into the city centre now but did the other weekend. Whilst places like Grey Street remain beautiful I couldn’t help but think how much of the city centre is a shit hole now. Northumberland Street for example. It’s rough as fuck. Not even edgy or cool. Just a wasteland compared to how it was. Your point about the infrastructure too though. Possibly the worst legacy of the last 13 years or whatever of Tory rule is the complete lack of joined up thinking. The sheer incompetence and corruption of it all. Everything done on isolation for personal gain or to feed an ideology half of them don’t even believe in. I think it’s pretty much irreversible too. The media is so fixed against anything remotely in opposition to large corporations ripping nearly every fucker off 

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I'm in Newcastle city centre twice a week for work. I literally avoid going in for lunch unless I have to. The beggars, homelessness, charvers, just feed my anxiety and depress me. Going home I take the posh route on the metro (your way) because the probability of being abused or spat upon is too high through Wallsend. I know we've discussed this before but it's fucking insane I have to voluntarily add 30 mins to my journey for this reason. It didn't have to be like this. But we chose the US way without even getting the benefits of that country. 

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46 minutes ago, Renton said:

In Verona airport, after a 7 day break in Garda. Good holiday, although I can no longer afford the quality of hotel as I once did. Lake Garda is stunning. Below is a view from the table I ate at. Went to Venice, I've been before but man is it busy now. 


Getting briefly political, I've been going to this area for 15 years. It's clear as day to me how it has diverged from the grimey shit hole that is the UK. Northern Italy is full of developed infrastructure and more being built. Despite these being Italians, everything runs smoothly. It is obvious this part of the continent is getting richer whilst our island is in decline. And the reality is, many people who voted for the Brexit shit show and this criminal tory government will never travel here to witness the difference. And now dreams of living over here are closed to me. 


Rant over. Back to reality tomorrow. 





Going to Hellas v Bologna on the Monday night before we play Milan ☺️



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1 hour ago, Renton said:

In Verona airport, after a 7 day break in Garda. Good holiday, although I can no longer afford the quality of hotel as I once did. Lake Garda is stunning. Below is a view from the table I ate at. Went to Venice, I've been before but man is it busy now. 


Getting briefly political, I've been going to this area for 15 years. It's clear as day to me how it has diverged from the grimey shit hole that is the UK. Northern Italy is full of developed infrastructure and more being built. Despite these being Italians, everything runs smoothly. It is obvious this part of the continent is getting richer whilst our island is in decline. And the reality is, many people who voted for the Brexit shit show and this criminal tory government will never travel here to witness the difference. And now dreams of living over here are closed to me. 


Rant over. Back to reality tomorrow. 






Just back from a long weekend on the coast of north-eastern Germany with very similar feelings. Good infrastructure, joined-up thinking, everything broadly works. Also drove to Poland on Saturday morning for parkrun and breakfast on the beach promenade, and (as I felt in Warsaw last year) the place has a quietly prosperous feel to it. I'm aware we were mostly in well-maintained beach resort towns which aren't representative of the two countries as a whole, but we're talking about places that were behind the Iron Curtain not that long ago, and now they're miles ahead of what we have here, frankly (as much as I do love a slightly tatty British seaside town).


That said and if it's any consolation, the new Berlin airport already feels old and the German railways are a total shambles these days, so at least we have that in common. :lol:

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2 hours ago, Renton said:

In Verona airport, after a 7 day break in Garda. Good holiday, although I can no longer afford the quality of hotel as I once did. Lake Garda is stunning. Below is a view from the table I ate at. Went to Venice, I've been before but man is it busy now. 


Getting briefly political, I've been going to this area for 15 years. It's clear as day to me how it has diverged from the grimey shit hole that is the UK. Northern Italy is full of developed infrastructure and more being built. Despite these being Italians, everything runs smoothly. It is obvious this part of the continent is getting richer whilst our island is in decline. And the reality is, many people who voted for the Brexit shit show and this criminal tory government will never travel here to witness the difference. And now dreams of living over here are closed to me. 


Rant over. Back to reality tomorrow. 





What was that taken with? A Nokia 3310?


re: shit holes I took the lad to the Gruffalo clubhouse in Blackpool last week. Jesus H tittyfucking Christ is Blackpool a horror show. Bloke passed out surrounded by cans in a doorway on the main seafront, houses and shop fronts boarded up, some with windows smashed in, families having to guide their kids around broken bottles on the street and all that stuff. Not blaming anyone who lives there, but it shows how little the government gives a shit about other people.

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2 hours ago, Renton said:

I'm in Newcastle city centre twice a week for work. I literally avoid going in for lunch unless I have to. The beggars, homelessness, charvers, just feed my anxiety and depress me. Going home I take the posh route on the metro (your way) because the probability of being abused or spat upon is too high through Wallsend. I know we've discussed this before but it's fucking insane I have to voluntarily add 30 mins to my journey for this reason. It didn't have to be like this. But we chose the US way without even getting the benefits of that country. 


jesus, really? people give you grief just sitting on the metro through wallsend?

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That stretch was always jokingly referred to as the Valley of Death but that was more after dark, not ducking commuting through the day. I know I’ve said it before but you’d get rid of about 90% of anti social behaviour overnight if you made it so you actually needed a ticket to travel on it. Outside of the city centre I probably get my pass checked once every 8-12 weeks. Travelling at busy times too. 

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