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Holidays 2025


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16 hours ago, Christmas Tree said:

Bet your doc is loving those results.

Had me back twice to double check my bloods. Like they thought it was a mistake the first time. He said you can stop the medication and was happy to tell him i stopped it the day i started the keto lifestyle. 


Had a bit of a conversation with him about low carb/keto in general and why Type2 weren't steered in that direction. He just said nutritional advice is pretty much set in stone and they can't (except for cetain circumstances) offer any other guidance but the official guidance from up high. 

It's crazy! 

Edited by Ugly Mackems
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31 minutes ago, Gemmill said:

What are you in about this time, dungeon master? :lol:


Anything with “diet” in its name does taste shit tbh. You should never spoil good alcohol mixing it with cheep and fancy stuff.

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I've been drinking these for lunch the past couple of weeks. Essentially slim fast but tastes OK and keeps me feeling full between 12pm and 5pm at work. Certainly healthier than the stodge I normally have for lunch from the canteen 



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In an odd way, that's probably the most processed food you could buy, which begs the question whether food being processed is always a bad thing.

But 3 quid a bottle, 600 calories, and less texture than baby food, I'll pass I think. 

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20 hours ago, Renton said:

In an odd way, that's probably the most processed food you could buy, which begs the question whether food being processed is always a bad thing.

But 3 quid a bottle, 600 calories, and less texture than baby food, I'll pass I think. 

400 calories. And £3 for lunch is fairly reasonable! 

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2 hours ago, Gemmill said:



This is nailed on Renton and his family. 

The one and only time I've swam in the lake district  (Grasmere) I was 18 and I came out with leeches on me, like that scene from stand by me. So no thanks. At least a couple of people died last week though, one on Brothers water, where we were very close to,, and one in Crummock water. More than 10 in lakes nationally I believe. Water is warm on the surface but can still chill you underneath, not a great combination if you're not a great swimmer (I'm not). 

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BTW, was a fantastic holiday, thanks for asking. The lakes are insanely busy and expensive now though. Walking between Howtown and Patterdale, we had to stop at a weird cafe I knew about,ainly because we were running out of water. 4 adults, 4 kids, each got a soft drink and/or bag of crisps each, bill came to £58. No cash on us but the owner took it on trust to let us do  a bank transfer when we got reception later, which we did. Still, 2.50 for a snickers is a bit of a piss take. Just the way things are from now on I guess. 

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13 minutes ago, Renton said:

The one and only time I've swam in the lake district  (Grasmere) I was 18 and I came out with leeches on me, like that scene from stand by me. So no thanks. At least a couple of people died last week though, one on Brothers water, where we were very close to,, and one in Crummock water. More than 10 in lakes nationally I believe. Water is warm on the surface but can still chill you underneath, not a great combination if you're not a great swimmer (I'm not). 


Two adults and a 9 year old kid died in Loch Lomond yesterday. 7 year old kid is currently in intensive care. 

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47 minutes ago, Gemmill said:


Two adults and a 9 year old kid died in Loch Lomond yesterday. 7 year old kid is currently in intensive care. 


Add to that the other kid that drowned in Loch Lomond and the further two that drowned in the Clyde, all in the last week or so.


On a lighter note theres a local kid here about 8yo in hospital looking at getting serious skin grafts after paddling in a river and brushing up against some hogweed. 


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on the north of islay by ardnave which is basically 2 houses and a farm. took the dogs for a walk and spotted what looked like a dead sheep on its back all four legs pointed skywards with 2 lambs stood nearby. went to investigate and the sheep was alive but very distressed, shitting and pissing itself. abandoned the dog walk and went to the farm and told the farmer what we'd found and explained where roughly it was and off he went zooming off on his quad bike. he came back an hour or so late really pleased as he reckoned it would've died within an hour it was that bloated with gas. 

anyway, he told us we could drive through his farmyard, go through several gates, follow the little map he drew us and park up on the headland where nobody else his access to.

we now have our private beach, not a person, building or vehicle to be seen for miles.

view from a sidedoor.....


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1 hour ago, thebrokendoll said:

on the north of islay by ardnave which is basically 2 houses and a farm. took the dogs for a walk and spotted what looked like a dead sheep on its back all four legs pointed skywards with 2 lambs stood nearby. went to investigate and the sheep was alive but very distressed, shitting and pissing itself. abandoned the dog walk and went to the farm and told the farmer what we'd found and explained where roughly it was and off he went zooming off on his quad bike. he came back an hour or so late really pleased as he reckoned it would've died within an hour it was that bloated with gas. 

anyway, he told us we could drive through his farmyard, go through several gates, follow the little map he drew us and park up on the headland where nobody else his access to.

we now have our private beach, not a person, building or vehicle to be seen for miles.

view from a sidedoor.....


Lucky ewe. Well done.

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2 hours ago, thebrokendoll said:

on the north of islay by ardnave which is basically 2 houses and a farm. took the dogs for a walk and spotted what looked like a dead sheep on its back all four legs pointed skywards with 2 lambs stood nearby. went to investigate and the sheep was alive but very distressed, shitting and pissing itself. abandoned the dog walk and went to the farm and told the farmer what we'd found and explained where roughly it was and off he went zooming off on his quad bike. he came back an hour or so late really pleased as he reckoned it would've died within an hour it was that bloated with gas. 

anyway, he told us we could drive through his farmyard, go through several gates, follow the little map he drew us and park up on the headland where nobody else his access to.

we now have our private beach, not a person, building or vehicle to be seen for miles.

view from a sidedoor.....


Have a Caol Ila or Lagavulin or 6 for me 

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15 hours ago, Alex said:

Have a Caol Ila or Lagavulin or 6 for me 


your reply prompted me to have a read about the lagavulin distillery tour alex, gets absolutely cracking reviews but sadly would be wasted on me. I'm not a spirits drinker at all and whisky in particular, instant heartburn.  :(

on a more positive note, for company yesterday evening we had oystercatchers, ringed plovers and choughs. swimming just offshore we had a group of about 5 seals and could clearly see the fins of 3 dolphin. and then just before it started getting dark a golden eagle being mobbed by gulls. the Eagle started flying back towards where we're parked up and was suddenly joined by its mate!

fucking tremendous!  :)

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4 minutes ago, Ayatollah Hermione said:

Anyone got any good recommendations where to drink in Leeds? They’ll be wasted by my fucking backward mates but it’ll be nice to have places that I can walk past and go “aye, that looks canny in there”

I remember puking in the bogs of The Dry Dock after a flaming Drambuie the night after going to Orbit at The After Dark Club in Morley. Didn’t see Craig David (or Kes) though. This was about 25 years ago. 

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37 minutes ago, Ayatollah Hermione said:

Anyone got any good recommendations where to drink in Leeds? They’ll be wasted by my fucking backward mates but it’ll be nice to have places that I can walk past and go “aye, that looks canny in there”

Headrow House is good. Tapped and Brewery Tap are all right. Whitelock off the main street is a real old pub.


What Newcastle equivalent are you after?


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