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Holidays 2025


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1 hour ago, Dr Gloom said:

i'd love to go to banf - it looks unreal 

Banff is nice and the scenery round there is incredible. We did a three week holiday in 2007. Vancouver-Vancouver Island-Rockies-Vancouver, plus some places in between. Fantastic trip. 

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8 hours ago, Dr Gloom said:

I used to love roadtrip holidays in the states, the scale and beauty at the National parks and the Pacific coastline is staggering, then you try your luck with a random motel, stumble across funny little hick towns, roadside diners, getting sozzled on bourbon. 

Fell in love with California and almost ended up working out there a few years back but looking at what has happened there since, it kind of feels like it worked out for the best. 

I had a great 6 months there driving around the South East and then up in the North East. Did just about every city in Florida, from Key West up to the pan handle, and then into Georgia, Alabama and Tennessee. Visited the likes of Graceland and the Jack Daniels distillery but spent time in lots of non-tourist bits too.

Then flew back up North and did most of Connecticut, spent some time in NYC and Boston. Spent my final day in Newark waiting for a plane which was an absolute shit hole.

Edited by Kid Dynamite
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I'm on my annual trip to a lodge in the lakes with my brother and family, which I've been doing for years. I love it here, might well retire here. It's a bit different this year though. Normally it's complete solitude, the land is private and we have access to the lake exclusively. But it is crammed this year, cars parked everywhere including illegally and blocking access. Went down to the lake this morning and had to get a bin bag to clear litter. A large group of "youths" with some adults descended, I didn't challenge them even though its private land. Anyway, I've now seen they've broken some 5 aside goalposts for no reason at all, the cunts.


Even staycation's are going to be shit, aren't they? I know I'm becoming Victor Meldrew but tbh he always had a point. 

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I've said it already on here but people rhapsodising about how lovely it'll be to rediscover Britain this year don't realise (a) just how many tourists we export and (b) just how many cunts there are among them.


That said, I still quite fancy doing some UK exploring this year, but definitely not before the schools go back. (Child-free privilege, I know.) Hopefully the September weather will still be okay.

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Aye  the UK is a great place apart from its inhabitants.....


Genuinely think our popular spots are going to get even more overrun though. The government are making it a captive island. 

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19 hours ago, Renton said:

I'm on my annual trip to a lodge in the lakes with my brother and family, which I've been doing for years. I love it here, might well retire here. It's a bit different this year though. Normally it's complete solitude, the land is private and we have access to the lake exclusively. But it is crammed this year, cars parked everywhere including illegally and blocking access. Went down to the lake this morning and had to get a bin bag to clear litter. A large group of "youths" with some adults descended, I didn't challenge them even though its private land. Anyway, I've now seen they've broken some 5 aside goalposts for no reason at all, the cunts.


Even staycation's are going to be shit, aren't they? I know I'm becoming Victor Meldrew but tbh he always had a point. 

We stayed in Eskdale which was reasonably quiet but it is quite isolated. But the people who owned the place said they have a boat on Windermere and they said there’s barely a tree next to the lake that isn’t littered with human faeces and bog roll. 

Wasdale was fucking mental though. People everywhere parking and camping where they like. 

Edited by Alex
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On 7/18/2020 at 08:31, Gemmill said:

It's meant to be a mint place. College town, big music scene, lots of bars etc.


None of which is any use at the minute mind. And Texas is also covid central right now. 

Work with Houston office, one of the directors' over there (they're all Directors of something) uncle had a kidney problem and had to go to hospital, couldn't get in as was full and no beds, and was sent to one "a long way" away.

The US is so screwed

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  • 4 weeks later...

just back from a three week staycation tour of the country, taking in somerset, mid wales, northumberland and the peak district. managed to largely avoid the crowds. unlike a holiday to the med, we did something active with the children every day, which was good, instead of the usual lazing by a pool, which meant i didn't read a many novels as i might have on a typical summer holiday. i didn't drink any less though. liver needs a well-deserved holiday. 

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Before all this I thought a staycation (which is a word I’m not a fan of, not least because we don’t use the word ‘vacation’ but anyway) was when you had some time off so did the things a tourist would do where you live, ie local museums, attractions whatever. Whereas the correct phrase for holidaying in the UK is holidaying in the UK. Is it just because a load of fuckwits who didn’t realise you could do that (not you, Gloom) instead of going to Magaluf have now discovered it’s possible? Or is it ‘instagram influencer’ speak? My reaction to it is something akin to HMHM and ‘guys’ 

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3 minutes ago, Dr Gloom said:

it's a fucking terrible buzzword, i give you that, and i apologise for using it. 

ok, guys? 

:lol: it’s horrific 

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fuck camping like :lol:

renton would fucking hate getting up to piss in the night with his dodgy prostate. those pegs and guy lines are a trip hazard minefield in the dark 

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it's fine as long as there are no children involved and it's the sort of weekend where you don't sleep much anyway. 

on our most recent, and probably final, family camping trip, my youngest, who was potty training at the time, decided to do a dirty protest and use her hands to smear it all over the inside of the tent, which we had borrowed. 

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I'm in Keswick for a week at the minute. My mam's got a static caravan at the site right by the lake so we're just borrowing that for a week for a change of scenery. The town is busy but if you're not having to find parking and just dipping in and out when you have to, it's fine. 

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  • Meenzer changed the title to Holidays 2025

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