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You must be gods gift to relativism.


Don't try and hide behind all this bollocks.


Renton had the good sense to apologize earlier.


Dude I'm not bullshitting. It might sound a bit "some of my best friends are black", but it's true. I'm not sure what I need to apologise for so I'm going to leave it there for a bit

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Obviously I wouldn't carry on in the office how we do on here :lol:


I don't want to deny anyone's right to religious expression, but does that make religion exempt from criticism? I hope not, I think they all deserve to be criticised. Hopefully that will result in them adapting and evolving to modern life. These books were written hundreds of years ago, it's common sense that they should be reviewed and scrutinised isn't it? And yes, laughed at too if that's what results in them becoming relevant today.


You know, there's a big part of me that wants to be as unbelievably tolerant as the majority of people on TT are. I consider myself to be very accepting of other cultures and beliefs. But the scenes in Paris, and 9/11 and the London bombings before that, have made me question how anything like that can be done in the name of a faith.

It's nowt really to do with Faith though is it. It's power, money, greed and a very small band of thugs (probably wouldn't fill St James).


Nowt at all to do really with the Billions of peace loving Muslims in the world who just want to live and let live.

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It's nowt really to do with Faith though is it. It's power, money, greed and a very small band of thugs (probably wouldn't fill St James).


Nowt at all to do really with the Billions of peace loving Muslims in the world who just want to live and let live.

Power and the money. Money and the power. Minute after minute. Hour after hour.


Muslim Paradise by Rahulio iirc.

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why are you uncomfortable? it's not like everyone is ganging up on aimaad. as far as i can see renton, toonotl and i seem to be in the minority and plenty of people have his back in what is admittedly a heated debate.


and anyway, he was the one who brought up burqas. :razz:

No, it was CT who brought it up, not Aimaad.




Oh! Burqas. Not burgers. Aye, that was aimaad right enough.

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People getting upset about a few pretty weak barbs thrown shows what the problem is. The bollocks is still too ingrained in the human race, even in those who've woken up but are still to nice to stand up to it.


I'm as guilty as anyone about biting my tongue which sadly shows we aren't as free as we'd like to think we are.


I read that Keith Vaz has been quoted today saying he'd have no problem with a new blasphemy law - that's how fucked up we've become because of this shit.


One step forward ten steps back.

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I'd like to think I've been respectful to aimaad as a person, if not his beliefs. There aren't many Muslims represented on TT though so I also understand the accusation of bullying, and for that reason alone I want to leave it. The idea though that religion should be a sacred cow not up for discussion us not acceptable to me though. There are clearly huge issues that need to be honestly addressed by all of us at play here.


Anyway, found the Burqa debate particularly interesting, goes to show how we all see the world differently.

Edited by Renton
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You had me going for a bit there, Parky.


This forum is as polite as it is full of piss taking, which is probably why it's the one I've stuck with for over a decade. Big up everyone.

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EXCLUSIVE The pot-smoking Paris suicide bomber:

Ex-wife reveals 'blood brother' terrorist was a jobless layabout who spent his time taking drugs and sleeping... and never went to the mosque

Naima wed to Comptoir Voltaire bomber Ibrahim Abdeslam for two years

Revealed the unemployed layabout's favourite activity was 'smoking weed'

Said 'chilled out' ex-husband only observed Ramadam when he forced to

Said trained electrician laid in bed all day listening to Arabic rap music





Fitting those Mi5 findings perfectly

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Not bloody likely.


Aimaad did well, but I don't feel the need to come on here or anywhere and defend my religion any longer. Why should I? The murderers who blow themselves up, rape children, and force minorities to live under a reign of terror when not killing them outright clearly haven't been reading from the same book I have. (I'm not sure they can read, actually. Have you seen the clip of their flag? It looks like something a borderline retarded Omani child fingerpainted using only bird shit as his medium of expression.)


The best course of action for us is to simply deny any connection to them. The members of ISIS are not Muslims. They are just killers with good PR, and they've nothing to do with me or with the religion I follow.

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Not bloody likely.


Aimaad did well, but I don't feel the need to come on here or anywhere and defend my religion any longer. Why should I? The murderers who blow themselves up, rape children, and force minorities to live under a reign of terror when not killing them outright clearly haven't been reading from the same book I have. (I'm not sure they can read, actually. Have you seen the clip of their flag? It looks like something a borderline retarded Omani child fingerpainted using only bird shit as his medium of expression.)


The best course of action for us is to simply deny any connection to them. The members of ISIS are not Muslims. They are just killers with good PR, and they've nothing to do with me or with the religion I follow.

Well said.

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From the Guardian comments section:


I know this has nothing to do with the England game , however as an English guy living in Turkey, I want to make a comment regarding some stories that have appeared in some British media today regarding the Turkish crowd booing the minutes silence in respect for the victims of Paris.


Firstly ,Turkish football fans don't do minutes silences. They show reaction by generally booing! If the idiotic reporters had actually done their job and investigated the story they would have seen that they even were booing when a minutes silence was held after the recent Ankara bombings were held! NOT booing the victims but the terrorist that undertook the atrocity!


Secondly if the idiotic journalist were able to speak Turkish, he would have understood what the crowd were shouting, in this case martyrs and victims of terrorism will live forever and be immortal!


This is the thing though, these articles are an attempt to separate people, and basically could have been called "Look even Turks support the atrocity". All in an attempt to separate people the, them v us syndrome. A very dangerous game to play!


These articles don't go unnoticed in Turkey and also creates antagonism against foreign people living here, people like me, all because the media in the UK have totally misrepresented Turkish people!


I wish they would think before printing this rubbish

Edited by Gemmill
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