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Geordies almost twice as likely to kill themselves as Londoners

Happy Face

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After reading Renton's patter I've went from a bit pleased to fucking suicidal in the space of twenty minutes.



Genuinely sorry, I seem to have this effect on people. Be assured though, lurking on this board as much as I do, your posts nearly always cheer me up. ;)

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Some professional advice, if you're going to be a daft lad and buy benzo's off the internet to treat anxiety don't then neck an entire bag over the weekend. That's not therapeutic, that's just abusing drugs to get off your tits

Mixed messages here

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I have known people who 'self-medicate' in the past, and they were all drug addicted, or attention seeking, or narcissistic know-it-alls, who think they know better than a fucking doctor for some reason, or all of the above. Basically dickheads, in short.

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I have known people who 'self-medicate' in the past, and they were all drug addicted, or attention seeking, or narcissistic know-it-alls, who think they know better than a fucking doctor for some reason, or all of the above. Basically dickheads, in short.

And your point is?



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Ginger Quiff seems to have a few problems and puts up a pretty obnoxious front. perhaps he worries that he's displaying weakness by honestly confronting them and accepting help or advice either from family, the NHS or strangers.


He seemed to come close in his first reply in this thread, but who knows if that was a piss take.


Hope he gets whatever help he needs sooner rather than later.

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Its working for me though. You should do some drugs and you might get some friends too. 2 player mode in pinball, imagine the doors that'd open


I've taken drugs. Except when I did, I referred to it as 'taking drugs', not "Oh, I'm self-medicating". You self-important fuckwit.

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Tbf like, introversion doesn't stop you from winding people up on the Internet. I'm an introvert ffs.

A few people have said I'm an extrovert, but its a load of bollocks. Oz wasn't an extrovert and I'm more like him than anyone I can think of.

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