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"Historical Sex Abuse"


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Aye, shagging and possibly even murdering kids, covering it up for years and then basically telling us all not to worry our pretty little heads about it... That shouldn't be acceptable to anybody.


We'll see how these inquiries play out but I'm not expecting anything like the sort of outcome that should happen given the severity of the crimes. They'll keep a lid on it as far as they possibly can.

A lot of it goes deeper and I wouldn't be surprised if it inc judges and so on...Mi5 were making vids of powerful people and their 'pastimes' to get leverage and this goes back to the 60's.


The home KCG is talking about apparently lent out hundreds of children to establishment types for years.

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Yeah. Interesting stuff. I haven't followed any of Icke's crap for almost a decade now. It makes perfect sense that Icke would cling to the rumour mill and add a dash of lizard. Its easier to sell lies/conspiracy when its attached to a seed of truth.


I completely agree the guy is a looney. Icke's views just sprung to mind, for me, when all this starting coming out. I'm not ready to declare war on our lizard overlords, by any stretch, but it just reminded me of his ramblings from years ago.

Lord Scottish Son of a Swiss Mountain (that cryptic enough Ant?) was on the list iirc. I think Ted Heath might've been on it too.

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I'm gonna sound a bit like Parky here for a minute, so tin hat's on.


I read a David Icke book years ago which had a few chapters about this shit and the involvement of members of parliament. If Icke hadn't have thrown in, 'oh and they're all lizards', people might have paid attention. It does make you wonder a bit though, what is wrong with these people?


The other thing is what NJS mentioned. The ammo this provides for blackmail. Is there anything someone involved in this racket wouldn't agree to do if threatened with being exposed? That's deeply worrying in it's own right.

Icke was writing about it 25 years ago and went on record for Heath to sue him for defamation something which was obviously never taken up. Back then of course everybody just dismissed it as Icke was deemed a top 'nutter'. :lol:

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I don't think that's why he was deemed a nutter though Parky. That was more for the semi-immortal lizardmen stuff. I was at a talk Icke did in Brisbane about 15 years ago. People starting leaving when the lizards were brought up. Even the dreadlocked hippies in front of Dad and me got up and left at that point. If even the stoners from Nimbin think you're off your rocker you've got issues.

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Our masters have a different religion (a very old one).

Which one?


And don't show me an out of focus picture of a 40-ft high owl statue. ;)


Seriously though. I'm interested.

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I don't think that's why he was deemed a nutter though Parky. That was more for the semi-immortal lizardmen stuff. I was at a talk Icke did in Brisbane about 15 years ago. People starting leaving when the lizards were brought up. Even the dreadlocked hippies in front of Dad and me got up and left at that point. If even the stoners from Nimbin think you're off your rocker you've got issues.

Lizard just means ancient bloodlines preserved through marriages. More cold blooded.


Like Charles came out with this shit that he was related to 'Noah'. :lol:

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Like Charles came out with this shit that he was related to 'Noah'. :lol:

All Christians believe that though. It's batshit. But I'm an atheist so of course I'd say that.

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Btw, everyone on that list is a confirmed stander.

Can spring into action faster if a little boy happens by.






Sorry everyone. We were doing so well too.

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Can spring into action faster if a little boy happens by.






Sorry everyone. We were doing so well too.

This one's getting too close to the truth.

Shut him down Parky, with extreme prejudice.

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