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"Historical Sex Abuse"


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It is an absolute disgrace that successive governments have brushed so much of what they have known under the carpet to save face, it baffles me the fact it only hits the news when the suspect in case is dead. This scumbag was PM for christ sake.



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I was talking to someone last week saying I saw an interview with a journalist call Anthony Howard a few years ago who was a good friend of Heath's and he reckoned the bloke was asexual. This was in response to him never having being associated with a woman but at the same time not thought of as a closet gay. I thought Howard was quite convincing and sincere in his description of Heath so despite the general cynicism around the subject, I'm still a bit surprised by the allegations now.

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I was talking to someone last week saying I saw an interview with a journalist call Anthony Howard a few years ago who was a good friend of Heath's and he reckoned the bloke was asexual. This was in response to him never having being associated with a woman but at the same time not thought of as a closet gay. I thought Howard was quite convincing and sincere in his description of Heath so despite the general cynicism around the subject, I'm still a bit surprised by the allegations now.


Google Haut de la garenne Edward Heath and you will see the whispers go back years.

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It seems that these bastards have been covering each others backs for years. Cyril Smith had someone in high places protecting him and so did Leon Brittain. So they've got away with it because the police and judiciary have all been nobbled. No doubt aided and abetted by govt spooks and the civil service, so victims and witnesses are intimidated and evidence is "lost".


Its a tragedy and a national disgrace on an industrial scale. It requires a massive independent enquiry and the guilty to be hunted down and publicly prosecuted but I doubt there's any appetite on either side of the Commons to do that.


Sadly I dont think the victims will ever get justice.....seems like child abuse was endemic across UK society in the 60s and 70s when you see whats come out re youth organisations, childrens homes, the church, celebrities and politicians. All very sad.

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Yeah. There's definitely something to this in terms of some sort of cover-up. It's a big concern that people in powerful positions are involved in this sort of shit.


So many of these arseholes get away because a lot of the victims don't come forward due to the shame/embarrassment they feel. Throw in that their abusers, in this case, have the money to access supercunt lawyers that can, and will attempt to, ruin anyone's reputation.


Its no surprise the victims rarely speak out. It must take enormous courage to come forward regardless, but against a public figure, the fear of being shamed must be ten fold.

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Yeah. There's a massive difference between taking on a paedo scout leader and a paedo politician who probably threatens to have you killed. Most of these children were the most vulnerable in society and these bastards preyed on them.


They should still be exposed for what they are even if they've died. Those that helped them to cover up their crimes should be tried in court as accessories. The victims deserve justice. The political establishment will close ranks of course just like the catholic church did for years

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I was talking to someone last week saying I saw an interview with a journalist call Anthony Howard a few years ago who was a good friend of Heath's and he reckoned the bloke was asexual. This was in response to him never having being associated with a woman but at the same time not thought of as a closet gay. I thought Howard was quite convincing and sincere in his description of Heath so despite the general cynicism around the subject, I'm still a bit surprised by the allegations now.


Of course, if one were certain ways inclined, "I'm not into men or women" would be a clever bit of lying by omission.

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Yeah. There's a massive difference between taking on a paedo scout leader and a paedo politician who probably threatens to have you killed. Most of these children were the most vulnerable in society and these bastards preyed on them.


They should still be exposed for what they are even if they've died. Those that helped them to cover up their crimes should be tried in court as accessories. The victims deserve justice. The political establishment will close ranks of course just like the catholic church did for years


Yep. Until the lot of them are weeded out this sort of shit will carry on. The lot of them should be exposed no matter how small the involvement.


Spot on about the internalising (see: silencing of victims) that goes on with the Catholic church 'dealing' with their issues.


Their approach only amounts to a centralised means of silencing victims, protecting abusers and preserving reputations. Sick. From people who should absolutely know better.

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Of course, if one were certain ways inclined, "I'm not into men or women" would be a clever bit of lying by omission.

Well I know everyone would "like" the allegations to be true, but that's basically been Cliff Richard's self-definition.
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There's two nasty sides to the cover up in my view especially with MI5 involvement - firstly the info would be more valuable for blackmail purposes and secondly I'd guess there's a public school based attitude that a bit of buggery never harmed anyone. Both completely dismiss victims' trauma.

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We'll never find out what's gone on here. The inquiries will end up being hushed up or sanitised and everything will get locked in a cupboard. Which quite honestly should be enough to get people descending on Downing Street and taking the place over.


The establishment fucking kids and then tidying up behind themselves should not be accepted by a country. It should be the end of them.

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Some pommy prick in the 1600s said, if one's rulers are corrupt, its a citizen's responsibility to rebel.


The American's listened, the French listened, the English... elected Cromwell.

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Some pommy prick in the 1600s said, if one's rulers are corrupt, its a citizen's responsibility to rebel.


The American's listened, the French listened, the English... elected Cromwell.

The tiny proportion of the population who had the vote made Cromwell an MP. He was never elected Lord Protector in a general election though. He effectively seized power using the military, his being a military commander by that stage and was subsequently brought to power by his fellow coup leaders. All of which took place about 150 years before the French Revolution or the existence of America as an independent country. Other than that though....

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Seriously though Gemmers. You do have a good point. If abiding child abusers isn't a catalyst to throw the lot of them out on their arse, what is?


I was being a dick with the Cromwell stuff though, I admit. ;)


But, and I hate to do this, despite the gap in years, John Locke's philosophical views on the responsibility of a country's rulers to its citizens had a massive influence on the American and French revolution.

Edited by toonotl
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Aye, shagging and possibly even murdering kids, covering it up for years and then basically telling us all not to worry our pretty little heads about it... That shouldn't be acceptable to anybody.


We'll see how these inquiries play out but I'm not expecting anything like the sort of outcome that should happen given the severity of the crimes. They'll keep a lid on it as far as they possibly can.

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I'm gonna sound a bit like Parky here for a minute, so tin hat's on.


I read a David Icke book years ago which had a few chapters about this shit and the involvement of members of parliament. If Icke hadn't have thrown in, 'oh and they're all lizards', people might have paid attention. It does make you wonder a bit though, what is wrong with these people?


The other thing is what NJS mentioned. The ammo this provides for blackmail. Is there anything someone involved in this racket wouldn't agree to do if threatened with being exposed? That's deeply worrying in it's own right.

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I think there were rumours going around for years. I've read some stuff and listened to stuff Icke has said and I don't think he knew anything. I think he jumps on bandwagons to sell his books. That's not to suggest this cynicism makes him sane btw. As an example, he used to have a list of all these people who were paedos and shape-shifting lizards that appeared on his website. He also reckons he'd been telling anyone who'd listen for years that Jimmy Savile was a serial abuser. What doesn't make sense is that Savile wasn't on this list and there's no record of him mentioning Savile in public until after his death. He also reckons he first heard about Savile in the late 90s which is unlikely given he worked at the BBC in the 80s when, seemingly, everyone working heard a few stories about his penchant for young lasses (at the very least). It would appear there is some substance to a lot of the rumours doing the rounds though, I just think Icke is a massive fraud. And a fucking looney.

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I think there were rumours going around for years. I've read some stuff and listened to stuff Icke has said and I don't think he knew anything. I think he jumps on bandwagons to sell his books. That's not to suggest this cynicism makes him sane btw. As an example, he used to have a list of all these people who were paedos and shape-shifting lizards that appeared on his website. He also reckons he'd been telling anyone who'd listen for years that Jimmy Savile was a serial abuser. What doesn't make sense is that Savile wasn't on this list and there's no record of him mentioning Savile in public until after his death. He also reckons he first heard about Savile in the late 90s which is unlikely given he worked at the BBC in the 80s when, seemingly, everyone working heard a few stories about his penchant for young lasses (at the very least). It would appear there is some substance to a lot of the rumours doing the rounds though, I just think Icke is a massive fraud. And a fucking looney.


Yeah. Interesting stuff. I haven't followed any of Icke's crap for almost a decade now. It makes perfect sense that Icke would cling to the rumour mill and add a dash of lizard. Its easier to sell lies/conspiracy when its attached to a seed of truth.


I completely agree the guy is a looney. Icke's views just sprung to mind, for me, when all this starting coming out. I'm not ready to declare war on our lizard overlords, by any stretch, but it just reminded me of his ramblings from years ago.

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