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Ayatollah Hermione

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Stevie, please tell me you didn't start a witch hunt on some poor bastard for something like that without being 100% sure.


The lad's clearly not all there, but then neither am I, please to be not sending the cops around.

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I've read this whole thread in an attempt to make sense of it and just fucking can't. I gather that some guy called Wyn may or may not have been a character of disrepute, and that separately to this, other people were accused of being him on the forum. At no point was any solid evidence that anyone was a character of disrepute brought forward.


Is that it? :lol:

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Ok that's an 81 page thread.


I've gone through the first 10 pages and it seems that the guy posted once to quit the forum and then someone called Ashley's Skid Mark and toughguymick both started verbal fights with pretty much everyone on the forum :lol:

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This place is a lot more fucking civil than it used to be, like :lol:


I've given up going through it now but fucking hell...

Aye you had to have thick skin back then :lol: . To be fair it was mostly aimed at knackers anyway but people have definitely mellowed.

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I forgot about Kevin. He was err, special, wasn't he?

:lol: Aye he was. Reading through the thread and still cracking up at LoveTheBobby's posts, he's not been on in a while has he?

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Was there a mass exodus of a lot of these people or did they all just phase out over time? I know some manner of shit went down with Stevie (some reference to him getting banned in there) - just wondering if it became Game of Thrones style stuff.


I love how SEW wades into that particular thread and basically draws the ire of the whole forum btw :lol:

Edited by Rayvin
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