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What's your Ubble age


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Your Ubble age is 31 years (27 to 34 years)


It's as well they don't ask about drink or job/shifts as I'm pretty sure that would be a bit higher. (I'm 41). There was a medical study done at an old workplace and nationally the life expectancy levels were generally lower for shiftworkers. About a decade later I'm still on shifts although presently it's a slightly better shift but this will change again no doubt.

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Now I've switched to 9-5 I feel like I've got much more energy.


Mind you, my place had fucked up "patterns"; I could work 6 12hr shifts one week, finish 7am on the sunday morning, then be back in work at 7am on the Monday, followed by 3 days off day shift on the friday and a night shift on the Saturday.


Mostly because the Peter Principle seems to have found fertile ground in the public sector and their support functions.

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Night shift must properly mess with you. My chakras couldn't cope with it.

Haven't done a night shift for about 18 months so that's been a big bonus but unfortunately it's in the post for next year through no reason other than wankers interfering with shift patterns that nobody wants. There's no extra days/tonnage required so it's change for the sake of it driven by cunts who don't have to work it. Never done a permanent day shift for about twenty years.
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I've happily done nights for nearly 10 years but I'm struggling with it at the moment. It's doing nothing for my mood.


"Turn the lights down, Cath.......Grab a glass.......Let's get some music going on........Let's work on that mood.......Yeah."

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So, there I was getting angry at not being able to figure out why this bastard test thinks I'm going to die well beyond my years, when I remembered that for the question that says rate your health, I said poor. :blush2: Stupid machine doesn't know a pessimist when it sees one clearly. No word of a lie, every other question there I answered was in my favour.

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