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QPR 16/5/15

Monroe Transfer

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The annoying part about all of this is if we stay up Ashley, Charnley etc will be laughing their dicks off. You can just here them "well we survived even with that idiot in charge of the team and we've still got £34 million in the bank" " Tell you what Lee give him the job full time it'll save me a fortune not only that it'll fuck off those scumbags who pay me to watch the match"

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I'm just not so sure it would've been much better. And the bloke left for better t&c's. He absolutely was not forced out nor are the fans to blame for carver getting the job. Scoobos came across 'I told you so' with all the grace of Anne Widdecombe attempting ballet.

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I think Pardew has provided sufficient evidence in previous seasons to suggest that he was more than capable of getting us entangled in a relegation battle. Is he better than Carver? Yes. Would I be better than Carver? Yes. Does that mean Pardew should have been immune from criticism? No.


At the end of the day, nothing was ever going to change with Pardew here. Something has changed now, and in the long run it can only be a good thing, IMO. Darkest before the dawn, etc...

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Maybe by now yes, but we definitely would have been in the mix at some point. 7 straight losses last year remember - granted, Carver outdid him, but only by a game.

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Some big confidence in Pardew. Was a couple of Cisse last minute goals away from being in the same situation a couple of years ago.

I don't think anyone bar the odd nutter rates him highly. But it's far to acknowledge he's a more qualified coach than Carver. I was no big fan of him but I reckon we'd be in comfortable mid table obscurity if he'd stuck around.

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We have nothing to do with the relegation battle, mind. Lots to do with relegation, absolutely nothing to do with battle. We're just cruising steadily on towards oblivion while the others are fighting and raging around us.


It is, as Gloom has put it, a Zen like acceptance.

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Look, I don't know what everybody is worried about.

Villa have got to the FA Cup Final but that cup run has endangered their Premier League survival, especially as they haven't got anyone who can score goals (that Benteke is rubbish).

What do you mean, Villa are now safe?

Well, anyway, Leicester will surely go down, what with their awful results in the first part of the season (that cup run didn't do them any favours either), plus they are foolishly relying on an experienced manager and fantastic commitment and team spirit from a squad of very average players. Oh, they're safe as well, are they?

Well, at least we can rely on our old friends the Mackems to keep us up. Did you see those two embarrassing home defeats against Villa and Palace when most of their fans walked out? I don't know how they managed to beat that other team at home in between those two disasters. And what have they done? Employed some vastly experienced foreign manager with a funny name who claims he's never been relegated (these Mackems will believe anything!) to get them out of trouble. It'll never work.

Oh, I see they're a point ahead of us now, with a game in hand.

Gawd, who can save us now?

Howay Mrs Doubtfire! You can do it!

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Can't see too many different outcomes gamewise under Pardew - maybe stoke and WBA but no more.

That's ridiculous. A common criticism of Pardew was that he was unable to get the most out of a group of great players. That delusion seems to have disappeared with the players now more accurately cast as shite. Pardew managed to at least get the odd good run out of them. I'd like to think we now have a better perspective on the quality of resources Pardew was working with.

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Look, I don't know what everybody is worried about.


Villa have got to the FA Cup Final but that cup run has endangered their Premier League survival, especially as they haven't got anyone who can score goals (that Benteke is rubbish).


What do you mean, Villa are now safe?


Well, anyway, Leicester will surely go down, what with their awful results in the first part of the season (that cup run didn't do them any favours either), plus they are foolishly relying on an experienced manager and fantastic commitment and team spirit from a squad of very average players. Oh, they're safe as well, are they?


Well, at least we can rely on our old friends the Mackems to keep us up. Did you see those two embarrassing home defeats against Villa and Palace when most of their fans walked out? I don't know how they managed to beat that other team at home in between those two disasters. And what have they done? Employed some vastly experienced foreign manager with a funny name who claims he's never been relegated (these Mackems will believe anything!) to get them out of trouble. It'll never work.


Oh, I see they're a point ahead of us now, with a game in hand.


Gawd, who can save us now?


Howay Mrs Doubtfire! You can do it!



So it's come to this has it? Relying on the ineptitude of an alcoholic Geordie in drag.

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Still no sign of the Pimms-drinking shithouse.

Worried about the lad now, anyone been checking the bridges? The Pod's only a couple days away, probably hear from him then.

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This is the sort of thing I was say that earned me a ban from Newcastle-Online for being a mackem troll......but I'll keep saying it, because it's true.


Pardew is not a good manager, and by rights has no business being anywhere near the job under ordinary circumnstances. But there are not normal conditions. Nobody can deny now, in the cold light of day and with many years experience behind us, that he was probably the best we could have hoped for under the conditions set down by Ashley - he wanted someone who was capable enough to get the players to perform, albeit inconsistently as it turns out, but wouldn't rock the boat by complaining about the ridiculous constraints he was expected to work under.


In seeking to criticisie Pardew, a lot of people seemed to have quickly forgotten that under Ashley NUFC was being run so incompetently we'd recently been managed by Joe Kinnear, FFS, and been relegegated. A lot of people gave Pardew shit for towing the party line, but what was he supposed to do? How many managers would we have gone through by now if they all had the same principles as KK? And believe it or not, as it turned out, Pardew actually deserved credit for going against the regime and actually putting good sides out in Europe, even though he was the person who suffered most for doing that.


The Sack Pardew campaign was ridiculously misguided, it was and still is obvious that Ashley was the problem, and that no manager could hope to succeed while he was in charge. One things for damn sure, Pardew quite clearly wouldn't have sent us down with this set of players at his disposal.

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Yep, but for me, the main reason for getting rid of Pardew was the fact that he was enabling Ashley to continue with this nightmare. Now he's gone, Ashley is having to live or die by his decisions - and it may end up costing him enough to finally shunt him out. I think I made a post to this respect months back...

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Hey I can take you lot taking out your frustrations at the team on me.


If we stay up though, you lot are going to look a right pack of cunts

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After some of the shit you guys throw at conflicting opions, I can be as anne widdecomey as I like. It's alright for you to be snyde is it Ewark, but no one else?


Mako, I agree.


I wonder if you fucked Ashley off enough whether he'd get out demand his money and force the sale of everything, the stadium, training grounds and all assets just to put one up us. Looking at his behaviour anywhere else, he's carrot and stick and traps people. This loan that he's not taking back could well be used badly, e.g. give me my money back in 60 days or nufc gets wound up.


Ashley's not the incompetent blunderer people would have me believe, he's a top grade snake and killer businessman. Since he knows little about football and has hired very few advisors on football, I think it's safe to say his buying of nufc has fuck all to do with it.


I'll never say Pardews a good manager, I'm saying he was the best we could get and performed under Ashley. All that the clamour to get him sacked was misguided and against the interests of the club. (before you jump on that I mean he could keep us in the Premiership with the same ownership).


When we get our next manager he'll be no better.


The Ashley campaign is looking all too similar, IN MY OPINION boycotting won't work as the fans that leave will be replaced by new fans , unless you get 30,000 or more boycotting. Attacking his brand would be much more effective, some campaign against sports direct.

Edited by scoobos
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Hey I can take you lot taking out your frustrations at the team on me.


If we stay up though, you lot are going to look a right pack of cunts

Not really.


Your mindless optimism has been entertaining but it is mindless. If we stay up it'll be a fluke.

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