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Swansea protest in the ground also protests outside SD stores within a 20 mile radius of St James Park also protests at his flagship Oxford St store in London . Things just moved up a notch i just hope they get the A4 posters in the ground this time.

Mako will be furious they've not consulted him on this

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Mako will be furious they've not consulted him on this

Not to worry. He'll be sure to tell us at great length what they did wrong and why his plan was better.

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Not to worry. He'll be sure to tell us at great length what they did wrong and why his plan was better.


That's fine as long as he changes his posting style from tapping out huge block paragraphs to getting his message across with funny animated pictures or pertinent pithy quotes.

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They're targeting 15 of his 470 UK stores. Unless they're planning a prolonged siege then I doubt he'll bat an eyelid.

Rangers fans are doing the same i still think he's going to be annoyed its his baby. I wonder if he boycotts the match as well seeing as the protest in the ground is aimed at him personally. We know how thin skinned he is.

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There's a worry that this will lead to confrontation, confrontation leads to fear, fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering.



Or rather it will lead to twats being twats and the point of the protest being lost behind headlines about Newcastle fans rioting in shitty sports shops.

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We know how thin skinned he is.


N-O groupthink logic in action. This particular theory relies on the fact that because he got upset by previous protesting and decided to change his style of ownership from bumbling hobbyist to 'it's all about the balance sheet baby', somehow that's a victory.


Anyone who has done even the most basic of research on Ashley, knows that when it comes to business, he thrives on being seen as the outsider, as the cause of conflict, as the person who goes against the grain.


It will probably give him a raging hard-on to think of all those TV cameras outside his SD stores, getting his logo on the news. There's no such thing as bad publicity when your business model is knocking out cheap tat.

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My proposals deliberately stayed away from doing anything that targeted SD directly, for reasons which really should have been blindingly obvious to anyone who was planning protests in a strategic and well thought out way, based on some basic research of Ashley and his methods/motivations.


1. There is nothing any NUFC protest group can do to damage SD's reputation or financial health, that hasn't already been tried before by competitors, the government, social reform campaigners, and even his own shareholders.


2. As I just said, when your business model is selling cheap tat and casting yourself as the maverick against the city's vanilla methods, there is no such thing as bad publicity.


3. Ashley just doesn't give a fuck. Targeting SD will therefore simply give him another avenue to demonstrate just how much he doesn't give fuck, thereby increasing the sense of futility about the campaign.


4. It actually gives Ashley an open goal against the protesters - he can now blame any future downturn in SD's fortunes (and therefore any lower bonuses in staff pockets) on the protests - and they can hardly say it's not their fault, because their goal here is clearly to hit SD's bottom line (either through direct boycott or via bad publicity)


As I feared, this campaign is rapidly turning out to be badly conceived and poorly executed. There are other far more obvious avenues to pursue if the goal is to weaken Ashley by targeting his non-NUFC commercial activities. The relationship with Puma being the prime example. They're the only major sponsor with nothing to gain and everything to lose by being associated with Ashley.

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N-O groupthink logic in action. This particular theory relies on the fact that because he got upset by previous protesting and decided to change his style of ownership from bumbling hobbyist to 'it's all about the balance sheet baby', somehow that's a victory.


Anyone who has done even the most basic of research on Ashley, knows that when it comes to business, he thrives on being seen as the outsider, as the cause of conflict, as the person who goes against the grain.


It will probably give him a raging hard-on to think of all those TV cameras outside his SD stores, getting his logo on the news. There's no such thing as bad publicity when your business model is knocking out cheap tat.

People think he's thinned skinned because when people have done things he doesn't like he reacts. He stopped people taking sackpardew banners into the ground, he got rid of the singing section because they were singing nasty things about him and even on Sunday children were stopped taking in banners saying loathe Ashley. He clearly doesn't like it. Whether or not it'll make him go or do anything else is another matter. Edited by David Kelly
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"Calling Greggs Emergency Despatch Division- Special Delivery 10x Mince Pies, 5x Steak Bakes to;

Carver Residence

Geordie Street



This is A Code Red Panic Pie Munch

Make Haste, He's ONE OF US!"

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Slightly disappointed that a couple of questions I've asked on their website comments section about today's protest are not showing up. This is after a couple of other comments I made slating a couple of trolls a couple hours ago were allowed so don't think it's a time issue where the comments need to be moderated. (The questions were genuine and supportive).

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