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John Carver Football Genius


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Aye John, a highly paid, international footballer, when he wants to compose an "open letter" to be published by the club, knocks it out on a jotter page in blue biro.

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Aye John, a highly paid, international footballer, when he wants to compose an "open letter" to be published by the club, knocks it out on a jotter page in blue biro.


I just imagine him jotting it down with his tongue out and Jonas pointing at a word on the page "i theeenk eeets Caaant no' Canit" Then WIlliamson walks past "nah maaayte its spewwt Carnt, I fink thats it".


It's incredible man, the fact they would even be thinned skinned enough to go "ahh well he did write it, you see!! DO YOU SEE!", then to have Carver completely fall off his rocker and call himself the best coach in the league. What the fuck is that about? that'll lose any respect he had at all with the players, why would you even say such a thing? There's probably supporters out there who could do a better job let alone professional coaches, in fact he actually can't do any worse since he has lost every game for the last two month.

It's embarrassing enough supporting the club at the moment without watching the bloke in charge having a full on Frank Bruno break down, which I'm agreeing with Gemmill now that he's having. I'd say Charnley needs to do something but he has already had a meeting and is fully convinced by this fella so it'd be a fair assumption to think he's losing his marbles too, as he's also in a job he has no qualifications to be in!

Edited by Howay
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On the Carver sympathy angle, if you lie down with dogs you get up with fleas. He's been fully aware of the nature of the beast since day 1. He's digging his own grave with Ashley's shovel. The fact he is too thick to realise is just one of those things, like chlamydia after an unexpected dogging session.

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Can't walk away, needs the money and will have very limited opp to work in professional football again. Same for the whole coaching staff (what there is of them).

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There were paragraphs in there that were five lines long. Lee Ryder would be disgusted.




The doc I sent was half a dozen thick blocks of text, I liked how the Douglas managed to stretch some single paragraphs into 4 or 5 for people.

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