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Gigs 2025


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After Michael Buble last month it's John Legend & Seasick Steve coming up. All to accompany other fans. I'm dead canny. Won't go as far as Nickleback though. Had to knock them back.


Think the only one I'm keen on is Foo Fighters. Even then the wife ordered tickets rather than me. I haven't listened to the last 3 or 4 albums. Might watch the HBO show if I can get a DL.

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2 1/2hrs of old skool rock with every song a classic. No interval, no gimmicks, superb lighting and Lambert didn't try to be Freddie. He's got bags of charisma and is camper than Meenzer at the Eurovision final but his voice is insanely good and he was perfect. And Bryan May did a little acoustic version of Fog on the Tyne in the middle. Waited 25yrs to see them and had a class night :D

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I want to go and see Placebo.


I was tempted but I heard it had sold out recently.


Went to relive my teen years at Korn & Slipknot the other day and thought it was very good.


Got absolutely nothing lined up the rest of the year though so need to have a look to see what's coming up.

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  • Meenzer changed the title to Gigs 2025

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