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Looks like nothing serious, thank God.


BBC reporting he's been shot dead.


Always fear the worst when this thread is bumped.

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  • 3 weeks later...

80 people dead, including children. The maniac drove into the crowd at 50kph for 2km, zig zagging to hit as many people as possible.


The utter fucking psychopath.

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Aye it's horrendous. There's a really disturbing eye witness account on the Guardian website where a bloke describes a stampede - people were just told by police to run but they weren't told where and what from, so it just became this gigantic panic. I'm not blaming the police btw, they just wanted people to be somewhere other than where they were. But it sounds from the witness that they were almost stampeding from all directions.

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Poor France. Nice is one of my favourite places on the planet.


You have to wonder how many atrocities a country can take before some more extreme measures are taken to try and control them. Maybe a country can "cope" (for a better word) with one or two of these a year but surely the frequency is too much now not to damage society itself? But what can France do to protect itself?


Also, and honestly I'm not trying to make a political point here, just writing down my thoughts and feelings, I feel ashamed we have abandoned our European family at such a difficult time in its recent history. Pulling up the drawbridge and isolating ourselves cannot be the answer. It could just as easily be us and might well be one day.

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Well said, although I feel that abandoning Europe to this shit isn't what any of the Brexiters had in mind, even though that's exactly how it feels.


As for the points about what governments can do, I can't think of much, personally - the more they crack down, the more this sort of thing will happen, I would guess. I ended up scouring the news a bit this morning and was casting my eye through the comments on Fox News (one of the few sites that allows comments on atrocities like this) and between the comments made by lunatics, there were some people making quite legitimate points about how, if French citizens were more fully armed, stuff like this couldn't happen (at least not on this scale). Obviously that opens a whole other can of worms which would doubtless lead to more deaths overall, but I did think that this is probably the first time that statement rang true about a specific scenario.


Not at all advocating arming people, it's just that I can sort of see now why the Americans look at this stuff and think that they have the right of it.

Edited by Rayvin
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Would be useful if they could point to any occasion when an armed citizen has prevented or limited an incident.


Also "pray for Nice" - I know it's a standard response but prayers and all that goes with it is part of the reason we're where we are.

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I don't know how you prepare for a massacre like this. Armed civilians would probably have led to a mass shoot out and possibly even more casualties. Maybe a greater armed police presence at organised events like this would have done more to keep the death toll down?


The whole thing is just fucked. What kind of twisted lowlife mows down scores of innocent families in a truck, zig zagging along the way in order to kill as many people as possible? Sick bastards

Edited by Dr Gloom
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I don't know how you prepare for a massacre like this. Armed civilians would probably have led to a mass shoot out and possibly even more casualties. Maybe a greater armed police presence at organised events like this would have done more to keep the death toll down?


The whole thing is just fucked. What kind of twisted lowlife mows down scores of innocent families in a truck, zig zagging along the way in order to kill as many people as possible? Sick bastards

It's impossible for the state to legislate against insanity like this unfortunately.

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We haven't abandoned anyone to terrorism man, you giant fannies. The two are completely unrelated. If we'd voted to remain, it wouldn't be providing any solace this morning.

Terrorism was part of the agenda for leaving, "taking control of our borders". Also issues with pan European anti-terrorism measures and intelligence sharing. You use have missed this.


But, more fundamentally, Brexit is an isolationist move where we are attempting to remove ourselves from Europe's problems. Of course it hasn't affected anything that happened last night, but it will. To be quite frank I expect to be less welcomed in the future in France than have been in the past. It's not right but it's human nature, Brexit is a big "fuck you" to Europe imo.

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Probably not the time to be pointing the finger, anyway. This is no one's fault aside from that psycho. I note that ISIS haven't even claimed it yet, which I find a tad weird actually. Too extreme even for them?

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Aye, IS's leader has been telling followers in France to do exactly this for some time.


As for arming civilians, no thanks. That just gives more unbalanced people opportunities to commit horrific acts.


The bottom line is Governments can do nothing about this sort of terrorism. If some low life sympathiser decides it's his day for "glory", it's going to happen.

Edited by Christmas Tree
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Aye, IS's leader has been telling followers in France to do exactly this for some time.


As for arming civilians, no thanks. That just gives more unbalanced people opportunities to commit horrific acts.


The bottom line is Governments can do nothing about this sort of terrorism. If some low life sympathiser decides it's his day for "glory", it's going to happen.

Probably right. And yet events like this will have a profound effect on politics. Le Pen will be rubbing her claws. Edited by Renton
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