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It's 'funny' how the motive has become far more important than the act though. Like if something is deemed to be an act of 'terrorism' then it's suddenly much worse. Take that arson spree in Oxfordshire that was suddenly relegated from the main news nice the police said it wasn't 'terror related'. There's definitely an appetite for the hysteria surrounding terror attacks carried out by Muslims. Of course Muslims who've comitted certain acts are much the reason behind that. But aimaad is probably correct about the assumptions many would make were the roles reversed. Initially at least and it's those first sensationalist stories most people remember and that often perpetuate myths about incidents

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  On 13/02/2015 at 08:48, Alex said:

It's 'funny' how the motive has become far more important than the act though. Like if something is deemed to be an act of 'terrorism' then it's suddenly much worse. Take that arson spree in Oxfordshire that was suddenly relegated from the main news nice the police said it wasn't 'terror related'. There's definitely an appetite for the hysteria surrounding terror attacks carried out by Muslims. Of course Muslims who've comitted certain acts are much the reason behind that. But aimaad is probably correct about the assumptions many would make were the roles reversed. Initially at least and it's those first sensationalist stories most people remember and that often perpetuate myths about incidents


I think people would definitely make those assumptions if the media reported that the killers were Muslims - I just don't know how often reports of non-religiously motivated killings by Muslims ever make reference to their religion. Ultimately, how would anyone even know they were Muslim unless this was something that they were broadcasting. I suppose I could be convinced of this if I could see some evidence of murders that specifically make mention of the religion of the killers without it being the actual justification for the attack (as described by the killers themselves).

Edited by Rayvin
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  On 13/02/2015 at 08:51, Rayvin said:

I think people would definitely make those assumptions if the media reported that the killers were Muslims - I just don't know how often reports of non-religiously motivated killings by Muslims ever make reference to their religion. Ultimately, how would anyone even know they were Muslim unless this was something that they were broadcasting. I suppose I could be convinced of this if I could see some evidence of murders that specifically make mention of the religion of the killers without it being the actual justification for the attack (as described by the killers themselves).

fair comment. Don't disagree with previous post either.
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  On 13/02/2015 at 08:51, Rayvin said:


I think people would definitely make those assumptions if the media reported that the killers were Muslims - I just don't know how often reports of non-religiously motivated killings by Muslims ever make reference to their religion. Ultimately, how would anyone even know they were Muslim unless this was something that they were broadcasting. I suppose I could be convinced of this if I could see some evidence of murders that specifically make mention of the religion of the killers without it being the actual justification for the attack (as described by the killers themselves).


Its not that. Well, in some ways yes. The taliban, for instance, have been branded with everything from fundamentalists to islamist extremists to islamic militants since 9/11 whereas they maintain they fight to get the invading forces out from Afghanistan. By the way, after all these years I see that the US is now again making distinction between 'good' and 'bad' Taliban which is utterly ridiculous. Probably because they're looking to set up some factions against the ISIS.


The words terrorist or terrorism seem to have been reserved exclusively for muslims. The amount of coverage is also completely disproportionate and this incident has made that clear. Its a farce, as Parky's pointed out above. I'll be convinced its not if some of the things the likes of the US and Israel get up to get labelled terrorism. Or incidents like this one.


Agree with Alex that its odd what takes importance these days when incidents like this happen. Well perhaps not odd, in light of the above. Unfortunate.

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  On 13/02/2015 at 19:34, aimaad22 said:


Its not that. Well, in some ways yes. The taliban, for instance, have been branded with everything from fundamentalists to islamist extremists to islamic militants since 9/11 whereas they maintain they fight to get the invading forces out from Afghanistan. By the way, after all these years I see that the US is now again making distinction between 'good' and 'bad' Taliban which is utterly ridiculous. Probably because they're looking to set up some factions against the ISIS.


The words terrorist or terrorism seem to have been reserved exclusively for muslims. The amount of coverage is also completely disproportionate and this incident has made that clear. Its a farce, as Parky's pointed out above. I'll be convinced its not if some of the things the likes of the US and Israel get up to get labelled terrorism. Or incidents like this one.


Agree with Alex that its odd what takes importance these days when incidents like this happen. Well perhaps not odd, in light of the above. Unfortunate.


Believe me mate, I'm entirely sympathetic to your points. I don't know if there's an agenda to downplay anti-muslim killings in the news, is all. On literally everything else you've said there, I'm in agreement. Israel in particular.

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  On 13/02/2015 at 19:34, aimaad22 said:


The words terrorist or terrorism seem to have been reserved exclusively for muslims. The amount of coverage is also completely disproportionate and this incident has made that clear. Its a farce, as Parky's pointed out above. I'll be convinced its not if some of the things the likes of the US and Israel get up to get labelled terrorism. Or incidents like this one.

Away to fuck. We're the original terrorists. Not you bunch of Mohammed-come-latelies.

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  On 13/02/2015 at 19:34, aimaad22 said:


Its not that. Well, in some ways yes. The taliban, for instance, have been branded with everything from fundamentalists to islamist extremists to islamic militants since 9/11 whereas they maintain they fight to get the invading forces out from Afghanistan. By the way, after all these years I see that the US is now again making distinction between 'good' and 'bad' Taliban which is utterly ridiculous. Probably because they're looking to set up some factions against the ISIS.


The words terrorist or terrorism seem to have been reserved exclusively for muslims. The amount of coverage is also completely disproportionate and this incident has made that clear. Its a farce, as Parky's pointed out above. I'll be convinced its not if some of the things the likes of the US and Israel get up to get labelled terrorism. Or incidents like this one.


Agree with Alex that its odd what takes importance these days when incidents like this happen. Well perhaps not odd, in light of the above. Unfortunate.

Nothing Israel or America ever do is labelled terrorism, if it is criicised it's done moderately and in hushed tones.


It's why the whole whistleblower stuff revealing the overwherlming state apparatus in the West makes them so edgy. One trapped in an embassy and one trapped in Russia. Make no mistake 'The West' wants to wipe Islam out as a competing force by way of demonising it and culturally erasing it as a beleif system. It is to all intents and purposes being turned into a 'dirty' religion. But here's the fucking news...The West will lose. No state or country or monarch or whatever has ever beaten a religion in the long game. EVER. Oh yes Christinanity rolled over as a balancing and moral touchstone as soon as it saw how much money it was going to make. All these wars, the coulour revolutions, these coporate backed dictators, these cleansings, these dronings and so on...ARE coming back to haunt us. I guarantee it.

Edited by Park Life
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I dont think its ultimately ever about wiping out Islam or any religion. The world power of the time needs an enemy, especially one that's as unrivalled militarily right now as the US. One thats got a massive a defence industry as they do. Europe contended itself with colonizing the world, America had the soviets to deal with for a good while. After that, well, there HAS to be something....



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  On 14/02/2015 at 08:24, aimaad22 said:

I dont think its ultimately ever about wiping out Islam or any religion. The world power of the time needs an enemy, especially one that's as unrivalled militarily right now as the US. One thats got a massive a defence industry as they do. Europe contended itself with colonizing the world, America had the soviets to deal with for a good while. After that, well, there HAS to be something....



I used to think that too. That it was a convenient 'enemy'...But I don't believe that any longer. The public at large dazed by continual war in Muslim countries and somewhat resisting it or tiring of it have to be continually fed on a diet of how 'dangerous' fundamental Islam is (which taints the whole religion as there is never much detail given)...This has to be ongoing and systematic. This is what you find 'odd'. There has to be continual relatavising of interventions all over the planet for the home audience....Much like those propganga films during colonial times of India and Africa...But much more subtle now.


Something like 90% of the terrorism documented in America and Europe is by non-muslims. When's the last time you saw a news report or docu about that? :lol:

Edited by Park Life
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Spot on Parky.


See point 5 here....




"Europe’s most deadly attack in recent years was the one carried out by far-right Islamophobe Anders Breivik, who killed 77 Norwegians in 2011 when he bombed downtown Oslo and then slaughtered children at a nearby summer camp."

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