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Work Issues - Anyone in HR?


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I am having issues at work with one of the gaffers. Ill try keep it simple.

Basically, he is fucking shite at his job. I have spoken to the main gaffer twice about it. I have spoken to the main gaffer and the other directot together once about it and a few of us a couple of weeks ago spoke to the main gaffer not directly about this shite gaffer. but about certain proccess in the office which were not been carried out correctly.


Now, we had a deadline on Friday. This gaffer was gonna send some info out to get some of it done externally. I sent it out and then the lad doing it externally emailed the gaffer asking a few questions. This lad as normal just ignored it. Got to Friday morning, eternal lad phones one of the gaffers saying this lad hadnt been in touch and he was rather fucked off about it. So, me and this lad pulled in the office and questions asked. Whilst there I raised the point that these projects werent going out because I had zero information from silly bollocks. Anyways, we come out and then this useless shit says that "We need a plan to get them out"


The infomation did go out, but as per on this kids projects they went out unchecked and probably containing errors (another issue brought up).


Its seriously fucking me off working with this lad as he is fucking useless. He doesnt communicate on any of the projects I work with. He doesnt manage work loads or projects. He is just shit and lies all the fucking time.


I have tried speaking to the gaffers and they just seem to make excuses for the little cath word. Saying they're putting extra work on him etc. But we are all getting that yet we do the job right.


I am going to ask to be moved out of his team on Tuesday as I cannot work with him. I dont want to leave the company as the majority of the lads are good and the work is good. But this lad is a fucking joke.


Is it worthwhile getting HR involved? I dont want to piss the main gaffer off really. He may see this move as underhanded, but then again, I have complained 3+ times now about him and nothing has been done. I genuinely dont think they know how to deal with him.

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If you've raised it with senior management already, I would just aim to move teams. I would only get HR involved if you can't do that.


At the end of the day, it's not your job to keep on top of your manager, it's the job of the people you're complaining to. It sounds to me as though the management structure/culture in the organisation is one that doesn't operate well with conflict. All I'd say is that as long as you're not being directly blamed for things that are going wrong, it's not really *your* problem, as annoying as it may be.


Might be worth detailing jobs that are going wrong though - so if you can see something beginning to fall apart, try to do something about it (i.e. raising it with management) and just note when and how you did this. That way, for any eventual investigations, you'll have demonstrable proof that everything you did was correct.

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The other thing you could do is basically pick up the stuff that this clown is supposed to be doing. So from what I understood or the above, he was supposed to line an external up to do something but didn't. So you just send the stuff to the external, copy in the clown and whichever bosses need to be copied in to make your point. Don't say anything in the email about why you're doing it.


That way you'll get credit for keeping things on track and it'll highlight the fact that this bloke isn't holding up his end.


If there are big pieces of work that are coming up and you suspect he's forgotten or will under deliver, drop him a note, copy his boss in and just say "x, y and z is coming up so we'll need to make sure the following is done. Can you confirm that you'll have this done by x date."


Again it puts the onus on him, alerts the bosses to the fact that it needs doing and he's on the hook, and you get credit for being the one keeping things on track.


I would maybe try this before asking to move team. You don't have to do it in a "just reminding you about this cos I'm sure you've forgotten" way. You just need to look like the proactive one. Then if he fails to deliver you're completely covered with the added bonus that those in charge know that you're on top of it all and being let down by this dick.

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I've tried that Gemmill.


He ignores most of his emails and the gaffers seem to also.


I emailed about a month back about certain dates on a job and the time it would take to carry out these tasks. Totally ignored and as of Monday we will be 3 weeks overdue on one part of it. I brought that up on Monday, for him to say that the dates have been pushed back, which is the first I heard and I dont believe it.

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You're not the problem are you? ;)




I have tried to take the personal things away from the situation. I.e I dont like the bloke because of the lies and bull shit he spouts. So taking that away and looking at it without emotion (which is difficult) the bloke isnt doing his job correctly.

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You've raised the issue with you bosses boss and he has done nowt - HR won't do anything without "evidence"


You have two choices - buckle down, keep your head down andhope they get rid of him or, and the bestthing to do, is to move on


working for idiots is soul destroying

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If you feel strongly enough about it then go to HR. I've recently discovered that being 'nice' and 'tolerant' and making excuses for peoples behaviour, both at work and in life in general gets you nowhere. You'll be the one left frustrated and fed up. If you want things to change then change them. Don't rely on other people to change them for you.

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If you feel strongly enough about it then go to HR. I've recently discovered that being 'nice' and 'tolerant' and making excuses for peoples behaviour, both at work and in life in general gets you nowhere. You'll be the one left frustrated and fed up. If you want things to change then change them. Don't rely on other people to change them for you.


... is the right answer

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As catmag says, I'd also say if you're fed up and have raised your objections and nothings changing then get another job.


Whining (I know, it's not whining, its caring about your job. But as a manager you'll just fall into the trap of losing credibility if you keep complaining). From my experience, staff sending emails all the time is also a ball ache and I personally never look favourably on it, so I take that as poor advice.


Always remember that you control your working life, raise your objections ONCE with HR. Make sure you note down an agenda for that meeting so that you don't ramble or get over emotional. When that doesn't work (I think HR is the most useless department ever for things like this), leave the job and get something better. No jobs worth being pissed off all your working week for.

Edited by scoobos
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