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Harry Roberts is our friend, is our friend........

Rob W

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I am not advocating the wholesale reintroduction of the death penalty, in Roberts' case however had it still been on the books it would have been proportionate, in my opinion, and the life sentence that was given should have meant that.


He'll be down the pub on Friday the twat.


:lol: You make it sound like he's only been sent down for 10 months for shooting his girlfriend through the bathroom door. He has spent 48 years in jail. The trouble is that while Roberts did kill those officers, it's not like the police force haven't sent down others who've subsequently been found innocent. If Roberts had been murdered by the state and was then found to be innocent, do we then murder the murderer of the wrongly convicted murderer?


The death penalty is a petulant response to crime. It's revenge, pure and simple. If you're a man of faith you should hold it abhorrent because your God is the only one allowed to cast such judgement, if you're without faith you should understand that death is simply the end of his troubles. Hardly a punishment, yes?

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What I find odd about our friend is that there has never been a hint that he wasn't as guilty as hell - given the record of the Met over thelast 50 years he must be unique


I heard he was one of the "old school" villains like the Krays and the Richardsons........................


and the death penalty never stopped anyone from commiting murder

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I don't know about the argument that internment is worse than the death penalty - I mean, it probably is, but that's not a justification to use it instead of capital punishment, that's just something we're saying to make it easier for capital punishment advocates to swallow. Has nothing to do with the ethics of the matter.


As PL said, the state has no right to take anyone's life. That's the start and end of my thinking with it. It's a slippery slope otherwise.


As Fish said as well mind, capital punishment is just revenge. In the States they have the victims family in the room while the kill people, how bloody minded is that? Cold blooded (normally years after the event) state sanctioned murder with an audience willing it to happen. Disgusting...


As for this guy - 48 years of his life man, that's basically his whole fucking life. He's too old to be dangerous and he won't have a clue what to do in life on the outside. He isn't going to recognise the world, I would think release at this point would be utterly harrowing.

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In the States they have the victims family in the room while the kill people, how bloody minded is that? Cold blooded (normally years after the event) state sanctioned murder with an audience willing it to happen. Disgusting...


They're only there if they choose to be, and it's easy to say that it's disgusting when you've not been through what they've been through. I don't agree with it but I can empathise with why a relative might want to witness it.

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`Experts' are appointed to make the decision on whether someone in prison for a serious crime should be let out.If he's let out,there will be rules he has to abide by.

He's not allowed to kill anyone for a start.

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