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Dr Gloom

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I hate RT mainly because whenever people send me links to their footage (happens more often than I'd like) I have to ask that person if they realise that its the propaganda arm of the KGB. People who buy the RT narrative are just as ignorant as people who buy Fox's ;)


All media are lying to us except when it's state controlled Russian TV. Aye :lol:

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I hate RT mainly because whenever people send me links to their footage (happens more often than I'd like) I have to ask that person if they realise that its the propaganda arm of the KGB. People who buy the RT narrative are just as ignorant as people who buy Fox's ;)


All media are lying to us except when it's state controlled Russian TV. Aye :lol:

I don't link to RT that often as it goes. His book is has caused some stir here. Historically of course it was the Germans that taught the CIA their business. ;)


Of course there are huge slush funds to buy news wether it be intelligence services or multi-nationals...6 corporations own 90% of the American media. I think one can look at the specific coverage in isolation (some of it is good and some as you say propaganda)...I know when BBC are doing propaganda and when they have their 'public good' mask on....It's silly to use blanket bias with regards to specific media stories...ALL media has its paymasters/men behind the curtain.

For the middle east I will compare Al Jaz, RT, BBC and a couple of others and then get my own divination of what is actually occurring in the fog.


We live in a time when ALL news is shaped and manufactured to fit an agenda. I don't look for truth I look for the angle.

Edited by Park Life
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Well, it's the definition of treason, so I say hang the fuckers. Really. Hang them or drug them.


I'm one of those really annoying lefties too, but I think it's warranted


How are these Jihadists betraying the UK? They're going off to join one party who're fighting local Iraqis? We've no boots on the ground and (I assume) we're only conducting bombing runs rather than low-level air strikes, so I think it unlikely that any Brit has come under fire from them. It's not treasonous in my eyes.


It's the men encouraging the jihadists to go fight that are sowing seeds of dissent that are the problem, unfortunately it would take a huge change to the Islamic faith to address it.

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Well, it's the definition of treason, so I say hang the fuckers. Really. Hang them or drug them.


I'm one of those really annoying lefties too, but I think it's warranted

Sounds like you've got this UK Law stuff sussed.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sometimes on this forum, it appears that you really like to jump on certain posters with petty abuse, thanks for the attention.


Fish, its a risk to the UK, jihad is not aimed at iraqi's. They want to control resources and build capability. All infidels are in their long term sights.


My definition of treason would be to fight for an enemy of your home country. We are at war with these guys


Glad that with such views of allowing genocide that we are in 2014 and not 1939.

Edited by scoobos
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Sometimes on this forum, it appears that you really like to jump on certain posters with petty abuse, thanks for the attention.


Fish, its a risk to the UK, jihad is not aimed at iraqi's. They want to control resources and build capability. All infidels are in their long term sights.


My definition of treason would be to fight for an enemy of your home country. We are at war with these guys


Glad that with such views of allowing genocide that we are in 2014 and not 1939.

We are not at war with them. We're just bombing them. They are making no direct threat to the UK.

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Erm... yes we are at war. We declared war on them in the houses of parliament after the beheading of the UK citizens... sheesh, google it if you want. We don't bomb anyone we are not at war with, that would be against international law and the UN would be all over us.


Thankfully we are doing quite well but it's shocking to me how some people seem to think that they are no threat when it's been publically stated, in their strategy to not stop until there is fighting in our streets. This is from the leaders speech back in May , hopefully he's in pieces as I write this though.


I think the debacle of Iraq and the campaign in Afghanistan has numbed people and put IS at an advantage.

Edited by scoobos
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Erm... yes we are at war. We declared war on them in the houses of parliament after the beheading of the UK citizens... sheesh, google it if you want. We don't bomb anyone we are not at war with, that would be against international law and the UN would be all over us.


Thankfully we are doing quite well but it's shocking to me how some people seem to think that they are no threat when it's been publically stated, in their strategy to not stop until there is fighting in our streets. This is from the leaders speech back in May , hopefully he's in pieces as I write this though.


I think the debacle of Iraq and the campaign in Afghanistan has numbed people and put IS at an advantage.

No we have not declared war we have decided to join in action against them. Tell me when we last declared war on someone.

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Sometimes on this forum, it appears that you really like to jump on certain posters with petty abuse, thanks for the attention.


Fish, its a risk to the UK, jihad is not aimed at iraqi's. They want to control resources and build capability. All infidels are in their long term sights.


My definition of treason would be to fight for an enemy of your home country. We are at war with these guys


Glad that with such views of allowing genocide that we are in 2014 and not 1939.


The Brits at risk of injury or death are those joining the jihaddis, and quite frankly fuck them. Treason is to take action against the state, these zealots haven't done that. They're joining a band of bullies, panderers and thugs who're recruiting under the flag of a holy war but are in fact launching a campaign to establish a scratch of earth where they have power. They spout bile about the west yet drive our cars, wear our watches, and use our internet to spread their word.


Jihaddis are not always the same as terrorists, we must be clear on this. Isis are easier to fight because they are, as you say, looking to create. The terrorists are not. We can bomb infrastructure, we can obliterate training camps, we can assassinate officials and publis figures. We can't bomb a dumb kid building a bomb in his bedroom before he straps it to his chest and murders 180 innocent people at a street market in Kabul.

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