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Dr Gloom

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"What's that Skip?! ...... There's a fella with a rag on his head, Skip?! ..... Carrying a machete?"

Quite happy to see all who refuse to assimilate fuck off quickly tbh.


I have a certain distaste toward people with beards too. My failure of an uncle (not on my side of the family) has a beard, the no-hoper, Ned Kelly fuck that he is who still wears tight short pants in this day and age and thinks it is OK to be drinking beer at 10:00am who ends every sentence he says with "eh"

Fucking send him to Northern Iraq.

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Largest anti-terrorism operation on record here. This 'lot' as you call it are linked to ISIS directly.


If you think you are immune then that is just laughable. I'd suggest you would be more prone than we are.

Am I missing something here, or am I just being a pedant? Its already happened here Ken, as was pointed out to your opposite bookend of fuckwittery this morning.

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Quite happy to see all who refuse to assimilate fuck off quickly tbh.


I have a certain distaste toward people with beards too. My failure of an uncle (not on my side of the family) has a beard, the no-hoper, Ned Kelly fuck that he is who still wears tight short pants in this day and age and thinks it is OK to be drinking beer at 10:00am who ends every sentence he says with "eh"

Fucking send him to Northern Iraq.


As he starts on his fourth bottle of Shiraz.

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You both seem to be suggesting that something like this hasn't happened in the UK yet?


Listen, you are either that desperate to win an argument on the internet or are just having an extremely thick fucking day.


I have made it pretty clear that the news today is about IS launching a TARGETED ORGANISED CAMPAIGN against ORDINARY MEMBERS OF THE GENERAL PUBLIC.


This is different to TWO RANDOMS, acting ALONE, who spent an hour waiting for a SOLDIER to attack.


Sorry, had no crayons.

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Am I missing something here, or am I just being a pedant? Its already happened here Ken, as was pointed out to your opposite bookend of fuckwittery this morning.

You see, this sort of stuff is unprecedented over here. It should never have been allowed to get to where it has in the first place. I am happy for this country to declare war with these cunts now and enable internment without the threat of left-wing interference.

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Its scary. You've got scum like the ISIS running around a whole country or two doing whatever they want. Then you've got everyday people like Ken on the other side who want the whole middle east nuked just to be on the safe side (probably also because he has a problem with beards). Does kind of explain why half the world's such a mess.

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Its scary. You've got scum like the ISIS running around a whole country or two doing whatever they want. Then you've got everyday people like Ken on the other side who want the whole middle east nuked just to be on the safe side (probably also because he has a problem with beards). Does kind of explain why half the world's such a mess.




The difference mind, is that Ken is in no position to carry out his threats (mercifully). ISIS actually are running riot...

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Its scary. You've got scum like the ISIS running around a whole country or two doing whatever they want. Then you've got everyday people like Ken on the other side who want the whole middle east nuked just to be on the safe side (probably also because he has a problem with beards). Does kind of explain why half the world's such a mess.

You can laugh about this sort of thing but you will be surprised how quickly the dark side can rise in all of us when threatened.


I say this vaguely remembering the anti Irish feelings in this country and to a lesser degree the anti gay sentiment at the height of the HIV scare.


A few Muslims start regularly lopping heads off in England and the shit will blow up the fan.

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This was on the local news just now:




Won't make a tangible difference as such, but good to see, I guess.

Aye it's a shame but it will count for nowt if this starts properly over here.


My pub night solution to all this is a ASAP move to alternatives to oil.

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You can laugh about this sort of thing but you will be surprised how quickly the dark side can rise in all of us when threatened.


I say this vaguely remembering the anti Irish feelings in this country and to a lesser degree the anti gay sentiment at the height of the HIV scare.


A few Muslims start regularly lopping heads off in England and the shit will blow up the fan.


Yeah, please drop the lecturing tone because I've seen 50,000 of my countrymen pay with their lives for the 'dark side' that arose post 9/11. I know this better than you can imagine.


Its good to see people acknowledging this fact though. Perhaps it will one day lead them to realise why so many of these groups or organisations spring up in the first place. Shit happens when you threaten people, invade their homes etc etc. The whole point I was trying to make on the Gaza affair when the ridiculous notion of how somehow Hamas' rocket attacks were to blame for the whole mess.


We dont learn though. Or I suppose we do but curing the problems doesnt really suit the people who're making these decisions. Always addressing the symptoms, never the disease.

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Its scary. You've got scum like the ISIS running around a whole country or two doing whatever they want. Then you've got everyday people like Ken on the other side who want the whole middle east nuked just to be on the safe side (probably also because he has a problem with beards). Does kind of explain why half the world's such a mess.

When did I ever state nuke the whole middle east. Don't try and put words in my mouth. All I am guilty of suggesting is that the motherland of the so-called ISIS caliphate should be scratched. Just wipe this death and rape cult off the face of the earth and remove their one main tool which keeps them going - social media. I don't think that is unreasonable.

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I was going to get to that. Keep going down that chain and almost everyone in that region, and beyond, will be involved in either training, funding or arming the ISIS. Nuke em all, that'll show em. Oh and dont forget to leave behind a few warheads for them to play around with after that.

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