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Oculus Rift/Project Morpheus


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And the rift is £500 - absurd.

I got Google cardboard for £4 or something.


It's a fun novelty at that price and the kid loves it.


I enjoy taking 360 photos and then watching my disabled family members who can't get out much/far transported to the places i photograph.


I like the home theatre that presents my photos and videos as massive framed pictures in a library I can select to watch on a big screen.


Also enjoy watching VR content from bands, films, podcasts I already like. Run the jewels, tiny desk concerts and star wars have all done stuff I have wanted to watch in vr, not just on a TV screen.


As with the internet, mobiles and vhs I guess gaming and porn will only be the starting point before it goes mainstream for people not particularly interested in either. It'll be the Facebook vr app (or better designed equivalent) or that new Nintendo Wii mii app that catches fire and pushes the masses towards vr.

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Or everyone on toontastic can watch a live match together in a virtual pub.

[emoji38]CT's dream comes true. Him virtually annoying the virtual fuck out of everyone with his virtual pub "banter".
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I had a go in The Lab via HTC Vive yesterday. Amazing. This was probably the best game, haptic feedback in the controllers assisting the immersion.


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good input!

I have to say, the vive is where I'd be looking if I was going to buy one, seen a lot of youtube lets plays and they do look fun.

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