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I went to Jon's funeral this morning. Ironically I was sitting next to Interpolic from N-O without realising it was him!

It was a beautiful service and a total celebration on Jon's life. His best mate Stewart gave a humerous, emotional and very touching eulogy - the perfect tribute. Speaking of Jon's love for Newcastle United, his standing on the forums, the threads devoted to him both here and on N-O and the money raised for the flowers and in his name towards the SBR Foundation.

So many people there whose lives he touched - all united in grief and celebration. Might sound odd but I felt like I was somewhat invading their private moments but Newcastle United, the boards and the names Cajun & Gejon were spoken of so fondly.

So touching that the two items which adorned his coffin was a Newcastle United shirt, and the flowers in the shape of the shirt that Cath arranged. Briefly spoke to Stewart and Jon's Mum Naomi to offer condolences on behalf of everyone who knew him from both forums.

Stewart mentioned in the eulogy that a match was possibly being arranged in Jon's honour between the forums. If this does happen, he's asked me to let him know so that he and some of Jon's other mates can attend and play if they're able to do so. If anyone knows any information about this, please let me know.

He went into the chapel to 'The Circle Of Life', we heard 'Under The Bridge' and the committal was to 'Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word' - don't think I'll hear any of those songs again without thinking of you Jon. Rest easy mate, you will be very much missed.


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Two Elton John songs. If he was back on here for a day, that would be top of the agenda for me. ;)


Cheers for the update, Craig. Sounds like a well loved bloke.


I'm guessing they were his Mam's choice! :razz:


Under The Bridge was definitely penned as being his favourite.

Edited by Craig
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That picture really brings it all home. Such a massive, massive shame, man.


Thanks for the write up, Craig. Good to know that respects were paid on behalf of those of us who knew him online.

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It's a great effort from both forums. Hats off to Cat, Craig & Interpolic for their efforts - I'm sure the family appreciated it a lot.


He spent a long time posting on these forums - 10 years or so? So it's fitting that both are represented & represented so well.

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I think the match is just an NO thing btw, rather than cross-forum, so might be worth mentioning over there if his mates want to get involved.


Anyone will be welcome. It'd be great to see some of the lads from here as well if anybody is up for it.

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Still think it was brilliant that you both got there and represented everybody, can't being to tell you how much that means to me on a personal level that there was some kind of representation there but I imagine it was a big thing for the family as well.


Welled up earlier on at my desk when seeing the pictures, it's just horrible man. :(

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Still think it was brilliant that you both got there and represented everybody, can't being to tell you how much that means to me on a personal level that there was some kind of representation there but I imagine it was a big thing for the family as well.


Welled up earlier on at my desk when seeing the pictures, it's just horrible man. :(


No problems 2J, in many ways I felt I had a responsibility to go and represent the rest of the forums but on the other hand like I said yesterday, it felt very intrusive. I didn't know anybody there and when they carried him in, a thought went through my head that you should still be alive to introduce us yer daft bugger.... made me smile.


I met him only a couple of times, I know a lot of you saw him regularly so knowing how hard I found it, I can't begin to imagine what it feels to you lot who have the photos, the memories....


His mate Stewart commented that he went with Jon once to watch us play Southampton and couldn't believe the amount of people from Newcastle who knew him. A measure of the man I guess.


Would have been lovely for more of us to have been there yesterday but you all have commitments that you need to stick to. Neil and I were both fortunate enough to be able to duck out of work for a few hours.

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The money donated to Jon's fund has been sent to The Sir Bobby Robson Foundation. I just want to say a massive thank you to everyone for your generosity. You're all amazing. x


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  • 4 months later...

Lord above. I came on to have a laugh about Pardew leaving, decided to have a quick scroll through and found this. Life doesn't half have a habit of kicking you in the nuts sometimes. I only met him once in The Trent, and he seemed a good lad. However little I knew him, he remains part of my life in a way. Very, very sad news.

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Only just realised that this has happened after ignoring the thread due to assuming it was a birthday thread until now. Very sad and frankly quite shocking. I best remember Jon, aka.Gejon, as someone with a very quick wit and a good sense of humour which I could relate to and understand. Gone but certainly not forgotten.

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  • 6 months later...

Jon passed a year ago today. Still very much in my thoughts and it still makes my heart sink when I see one of his posts on here, thinking about how he's gone too soon.


Hope that wherever he is he can feel the love :)

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