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All the best nutters are also seemingly banned from Flat Earth forums.

Anybody else notice how much more cohesive the debates here have been since sceptimatic's( Wolfy) enforced sabbatical?

What happened there then, Crazy Horse?


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What did you do?

Mentioned the war.








Nah, what really happened was that I noticed loads of multi-Kulti (multiculturalism in Germanic idiom) posters all over the place at the open evening...Now the Germans are good at this kind of branding lark, which is oft only surface deep...I went upto a group of dem teachers that were chatting with Mrs P and asked if any of them had done any kind of course or training with regard to multiculturalism and developed there awareness of such issues? There was an uncomfortable silence. :lol:

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Ant, on 13 Jul 2014 - 10:53 AM, said:

Wolfy you've kids right? see when they come home with physics/mechanics homework, what happens?


When they did they were allowed to do the homework set for them to be answered how the school wanted it answered. They are marked on their ability to memiorise what has been schooled into them, then to commit that memory to paper in a test. The expected answers are what allows them to go to the next level. Being taught about what Earth is, is not verifiable; physically , it is based on years of indoctrination.


Ant, on 13 Jul 2014 - 10:53 AM, said:Do you cave so they don't get labelled as failures and answer it like it should be or do you stick to your principles and make them answer it with your theories so they respect you sticking to your guns.


In this country and many others, schooling is compulsory. Only the very well off can afford to have certified private tutors, who still teach the same principles. Home schooling is not an option with most. Like religion, I won't try and school my non- belief into them, I would leave it up to them to decide once they have a mind to choose.




Ant, on 13 Jul 2014 - 10:53 AM, said:Or do your kids think you're a looper and conform with the rest of the brainwashed?

Are they home schooled?


I don't put anything out to them, as I said above.



Ant, on 13 Jul 2014 - 10:53 AM, said:seriously i'm not having a go i really truly want to know how someone like you raises and educates a child considering your "beliefs"

And how does parent/teacher night go when you're faced with these "educators"


My beliefs are my own. My kid's education was mainstream indoctrination just like mine was. I can't change that, nor would I strive to, as it's not going to gain anyone employment by answering test sheets with answers that do not conform to what's been drilled into them.

Let's put it simply: if I went for a top job and I had to answer 3 questions to get that job. The questions were.


1. Is the Earth a rotating globe, yes/no. I will put yes.


2. Did man land on the moon in 1969, yes/no. I would put yes.


3.Is the sun a massive ball of fire in space, yes/no. I will put yes.


I would be prepared to go against what I believe to land that job, because my thinking is not going to get me anywhere in this world, on any level and I'm under no illusions about that.


Having said all of that, I'm putting my thoughts on a chat forum, in the chat section of my football team forum and simply putting my views across and seeing if people have a different view to what's been schooled into all of us.

Most go with the mainstream flow and that's fine. I have no problem with that. My thoughts are way off the scale and it would be difficult for anyone to even understand my thoughts and think nothing of calling me a tin foil hat loop the loop. Again; that's ok with me, as I don't expect the masses to take any of it onboard. Just call it an exercise in out of the box thinking, even if you are concrete that what is told to you, is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.


Go into many places and tell people there is no god and you will be ridiculed to hell and told about how history says there is. It's no different with space science, not general science.

A rotating globe makes absolutely no sense to me , NOW. It used to, because I didn't have any inclination to question it. Why should I?


It all seems to fit what we are told and believe we actually observe on the whole, so why question it?

It's about having faith in thousands of years old so called philosospers or centuries old scientists that we are told sussed out gravity as a force, yet we have to rely on faith as to what force gravity is, as even scientists do not know.

They can tell you what it does but cannot tell you what it is, just like a lot of the stuff they sling out. The problem is, it's simply believed because people simply put their trust in the man in the suit.


I can counteract it by telling you that denpressure caters for gravity on earth. Once gravity is used where space is cocnerned, it's a tough one to argue against, because people are told the reasons why it works in a vacuum, just as they tell you that a rocket can work in a vacuum...and not only in a vacuum...but better. They don't allow themselves to see how it's all a scam, in my honest opinion.

It's all down to a person/s allowing themselves to think outside of the norm.

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so you allow your kids in your opinion to waste time and effort "memorising" nonsense, and possibly pay for the privilege of this (pending on what school they goto) ;)


basically you bottled it then because you really know you're wrong and just a massive attention seeker, gotcha

Yep, I bottled it. I realised that me telling my kids my thoughts is not going to help them get on in life.

Aren't all people attention seekers on forums?

I mean, anyone that posts their thoughts are doing it for attention. You are seeking attention off me as I am off you. This is how debates are, or thoughts work, thata re put into type.


Yes, I am certainly an attention seeker. We all are.

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This is one of the funniest threads I've ever read.


Wolfy can I ask a question?


As you can see from images taken form telescopes, other planets and their sattelites are round. Given this piece of information, why would our planet be flat, or do you see the info mentioned in this question as wrong?

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This is one of the funniest threads I've ever read.


Wolfy can I ask a question?


As you can see from images taken form telescopes, other planets and their sattelites are round. Given this piece of information, why would our planet be flat, or do you see the info mentioned in this question as wrong?

Thing at distance always look round. If you shine a light through a triangle cut out or a square at close range, it will create a triangle or square light. If you done that over distance, the shapes would be round.

The images taken from telescopes are the reflections seen from what's happening at the centre of the Earth's circle, reflected off the ice dome. All your telescope is doing is magnifying the image.


What look like stars and planets are what you are told are stars and planets. You have no real way to verify what you are told...you have to rely on info given to you about what you see.

I know it's hard to think on this, because your brain has been geared to accept what has been fed into it, like everything else.


Even stuff that is drummed into you as a kid, despite knowing in later years that it's all fairy stories and fantasy, stays with you subconsciously, where you don't actually still believe the stuff but your mind can't rid itself of it.

If someone says to you, "it'll soon be christmas and santa will be delivering the presents" , your mind immediately brings up that image of santa on his sleigh and what not. You know that rationally it's just a thought, yet it's ingrained.

This is what is ingrained into our minds about space. We swallow it all because we see rockets taking off into space on TV. We see so called astronauts in the space station showing us how to make a sandwich or blowing bubbles, or showing us how they use a toilet with the new toilet invention that sucks as they do their business.


Nobody ever thinks how the so called Apollo astronauts went to the toilet on their supposed missions, or even just looking into the ridiculousness of the clear piss taking they are doing with the public in so called space, as in the space station with astronauts being musicians. Flute playing females or guitar playing Chris Hadfield, etc.


It's all drummed into your psyche, so why question it?

People can be sold anything and anything and everything can be used to make sure that mind sale goes along, smoothly.


The media and TV have a brainwashing effect on anyones mind.

TV programmes and documentaries , etc, are fronted by actors of one sort or another. The news is told to you by an actor. They may look like a bright newsreader but they are just acting out a scene that is choreographed for them and reading from a script.


All they require you to do, is sit there and listen to it all or view it.

We humans are gullible. We don't like to admit it...but we are.

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SteveAustin, on 14 Jul 2014 - 3:23 PM, said:

So how do I know you're not just another piece of fraudulent information being fed to my by the brainwashers?


How do I separate the wheat from the chaff, as it were? How do I know there is even wheat or chaff?

The truth is, you don't know. All you know is what you decide is the truth or you accept as the truth. I'm not telling you to believe one word I say. I'm asking you to basically use your own mind to question what you believe is the absolute truth, to see if that absolute truth you stick to, is exactly that and cannot be anything else.


The decision anyone makes is entirely up to them. As I said before - I have my thoughts and I am one person giving my thoughts out. For me to expect anyone to take what I say as feasible, would be delusional.

As far as mainstream teaching goes, I am delusional to think against some of it, because after all, surely what we are taught can't be mis- information, can it?


If you question one thing about what you were brought up to believe, you owe it to yourself to question it all. You don't have to go all conspiracy nuts over it. Just simply weigh up the odds of some of it being - maybe intentional lies or deflection of the truth, whichever way you want to view it.

Most people would prefer to simply go with the flow. It is what it is and that's that, kind of thing. That's fair enough as far as I'm concerned.


Just remember though. All but the purest human beings have a price they will accept to aid in the spinning of lies. It may be simple fibs to them in the small scheme of things, yet could be a massive lie in the cold light of day that they realise as time goes on.


I get told time and time again how millions of people can't hide a conspiracy. It always crops up. The answer is simple. Millions of people don't have to hide anything. All they have to do is believe the few and follow the pattern set out.

A newsreader can be given scripted news to read about a bunch of lies. The newsreader is conveying those lies to you, yet could be totally unaware that they are lies.

A college science teacher can teach the class that the reason why they stay on Earth is due to gravity. That teacher can then explain that gravity is a force that pulls everything down towards the centre of Earth and all the rest of it. That teacher is simply teaching what he/she was taught to teach. They may believe every word of it in most cases This can be the same everywhere in the world that this model is taught.


The reality is, there is no physical proof that the Earth is a globe and rotating. All we have to go on are pictures, TV, teachings that it is what they say it is.

Ok, the arguments can be many that there is proof. Space rocket launches prove it, right? It could be true because I once saw Bruce Willis go up into space in one shuttle and Ben Affleck go up in another, so obviously space is real because they even dock with the space station then land on an asteroid. It looks real. It looks as real as all the other stuff we are shown, so I suppose it has to be accepted as real.

It's easy to say, " ahhh but this is a movie and we know it is." How do you know all the rest aren't...seriously?


You can believe your bragging neighbour is watching a 200 inch TV screen in his home if he/she tells you they are. They can even make you more convinced if they show you a picture of a 200 inch TV screen in a room, if you have never seen the inside of their room. No reason to doubt, right?

There's also no reason to doubt that your neighbour also has a holiday villa if they show you a picture of it.

They could keep telling you about all kinds of stuff.

What happens as time goes on when they tell you they have a helicopter and a private jet? You start to doubt and want more proof, right? Assuming you're interested that is. I mean, you might just nod and brush it all off and just accept it for what it is and just call them bragging gits.


The thng is, you have two choices. You either question it or you don't. By not questioning it, isn't going to change your life in any major matter, nor is just accepting it. It's down to how you view being lied to or potentially being told fibs.


For me, the questioning had to start with the moon landings. Anyone who has studied this stuff and saw the footage, should see enough in it - to - at the very least, be very sceptical. The reality is, most people probably are a little bit sceptical of some of it - but not sceptical enough to warrant them questioning the whole set up to this very day.

It's up to each individual to decide what is the truth and is the truth and fiction mixed, or has fantasy been turned into people's reality by the very people that put out other fantasies in movie scripts.


If people can believe that someone remote controlled a camera to watch the lift off of Apollo from the moon and to track it's ascent - from Earth, even though it's allegedly rotating at over 1000 mph (we are told) , then I suppose I can understand why people will accept anything told to them by mainstream science.

I personally don't buy into a lot of it.

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There's big problems with gravity Wolfy (edges of galaxies spin faster), I go along with that. Einstein was a rank blagger who nicked a lot of other peoples ideas (and worked at the patent office).


They've had to make up dark matter to cover the problems with all the equations (Tesla would have called it 'the ether').


What is the point of this 'earth globe' conspiracy moi petit loup?

Edited by Park Life
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Einstein was a 'blagger'? :lol:


I find it curious the problem some people have with intellectual geniuses, particularly in the science field.


Agree though that the observable universe is not behaving as it should with present gravity theories. Dark energy and matter is clearly not right imo, there clearly has to be a more elegant answer. Just because the unified theory is not there yet though is no need to go into tin foil hat mode.

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There's big problems with gravity Wolfy (edges of galaxies spin faster), I go along with that. Einstein was a rank blagger who nicked a lot of other peoples ideas (and worked at the patent office).


They've had to make up dark matter to cover the problems with all the equations (Tesla would have called it 'the ether').


What is the point of this 'earth globe' conspiracy moi petit loup?

What's the point in any conspiracy?

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What's the point in any conspiracy?


Depends on so much; the lie, the truth, the public being sold the lie...

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The Fish, on 14 Jul 2014 - 9:32 PM, said:


Depends on so much; the lie, the truth, the public being sold the lie...

A simple question: do you think that we could have been sold a lie so big that we all simply follow it unconditionally, based on faith rather than physical evidence?

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No, I don't.


This flat earth thing. I jumped out of a plane from 13000 feet, and have pictures from the camera strapped to my head that shows a curvature to the planet. I have not doctored these pictures.


So, by physical photographic evidence, I conclude a round structure to the planet.


If this is not so, where is the edge?

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A simple question: do you think that we could have been sold a lie so big that we all simply follow it unconditionally, based on faith rather than physical evidence?

Science is based on physical evidence and not faith though.


After pages of pointless discussion with you where your ultimate tactic is denial of even the most apparent and easily provable facts, the only question left for you by anyone on this forum is actually whether you are insane or a wum. In either event you're rather a sad man, but I'm hedging on the latter after reading some of the drivel spouted by sceptimatic. In which case, how you have the time and motive to spam multiple forums with thousands of idiotic posts is simply beyond my comprehension.


And yes, I realise I have spent far too much of my own time pondering this issue myself. I should definitely have quit when it became clear that rather than honour our bet, you'd rather deny or ignore it. Par for the course for wolfy.

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SteveAustin, on 16 Jul 2014 - 10:57 AM, said:

No, I don't.


This flat earth thing. I jumped out of a plane from 13000 feet, and have pictures from the camera strapped to my head that shows a curvature to the planet. I have not doctored these pictures.


So, by physical photographic evidence, I conclude a round structure to the planet.


If this is not so, where is the edge?

I'd like to see your pictures that show a curvature of the Earth, if you don't mind.


So you want to know here the edge is?

There is no edge. I don't follow a flat Earth as I've said before. I don't follow the ships falling off edges and what not.

Earth is not flat. It's slightly concave. The oceans are in the bowl and land is jutting out from the bowl edges, all the way around Earth's circle.


Nobody gets much further than the inner rim, which people assume is Antarctica. The inner rim circles the entire Earth. Trekking into that rim will render you a frozen statue in short order. Anything mechanical that goes further will soon break down. The oxygen runs out and is replaced by white outs of nitrogen, then further towards the dome foundation, it becomes colder and colder until you hit the dome itself. Obviously this is not possible but hopefully you can see what I mean.


I don't expect you to even want to try and understand it. It's your choice what you go with. You asked, so I answered.

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