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Look at it all with a critical mind and you will see that it's a big bunch of fantasy made up science to make us all believe we know what the entirety of our Earth is, when it's likely we don't even know the half of it.


Whereas a half sphere topped with a magic ice dome, with a mystery-carbon burning sun at its centre , that projects the moon and stars through magic crystals is a much more reasonable proposition.

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Monkeys Fist, on 08 Jul 2014 - 6:46 PM, said:


Whereas a half sphere topped with a magic ice dome, with a mystery-carbon burning sun at its centre , that projects the moon and stars through magic crystals is a much more reasonable proposition.

Magic crystals? Have a look at what people wear as jewellery, like the little diamonds and other precious stones. How precious are they really and where could they be in abundance and on a big scale?

What I have said makes a hell of a lot more sense than a rotating globe in a vacuum, heated by a big burning sun in that vacuum, 93 million miles away.

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Monkeys Fist, on 08 Jul 2014 - 6:53 PM, said:

No mate.

It doesn't.



If you can explain how your version of earth formed, I'll be impressed.

How the Earth came about is the question everyone would like to know, whether they think it's flat, concave, hollow, a sphere, or whatever. As far as that's cocnerned, it's a case of, how long is a piece of string.


Let's assume it appeared for whatever reason. What do I think it was like from that point.


My theory is, it was actually matter so dense and small that it basically caused super friction within itself, which caused it to expand from the inside, eventually forcing out gases and liquids over time, whilst building up more and more widespread friction, churing out more and more liquid and gases, splitting them all into their respectuive elements.

The lighter gases would be forced up creating a skin against the vacuum that the small Earth is in. As it grew over time, more elements were spread out and sorted into lighter or less dense matter due to the glow of the friction in it's centre.


This is constantly happening and will always happen, as nothing gets destroyed, just recycled over time. The ice ages are real. The warming of the Earth is real and the floods are real, which has happened many many times, over and over again.

I'm not talking religious stuff here, I'm talking about a natural cycle of Earrth.


We get told a lot of truths. We just aren't told them in the right way. They are disguised for whatever reasons. I'm going into outlandish mode now for most of you, if I wasn't already.


We aren't the only time humans have inhabited Earth, Atlantis is real. A lot of the stuff you are shown, including the pyramids and how they were built and for what reasons, are dis-info.


Is anyone familiar with the nazca lines? The drawings of animals that are so huge they can only be seen from a plane?

How many think that the pyramids were burial chambers for Egyptian kings?


What about the size of the stones that some of the pyramids were built from? Do you think that thousands of slaves managed to cart them up the nile and erect them, seriously?

The answer to all of these questions are outlandish but more true to me than any other explanation.

It's about picking the bones out of what we are told about our history and being told aliens build this and that.


The alien ruse, is a clever trick, because it keeps people's belief in space.

I think all people have heard the story of David and Goliath, right. Just historical fantasies, right?

What about Jason and the Argonauts? What about Talos, the big statue that came to life.


Let's start with the growing Earth.


As it grows, it uses up more and more of it's resources, as far as us needing them to survive, because it's central sun is eating up hydrogen which the salty sea provides, as well as oxygen, etc from the atmosphere, sucking it all in like a big vortex , making the centre of Earth super low pressure that is always being replenished, causing the winds we feel as it swirls around.

The fact that it's using up it's resources,as in taking out the hydrogen from the sea, it's also building in size. Expanding, until it cannot expand anymore. What happens from that point is - the Earth starts to shrink as the sun starts to lose energy. It will do this quickly, only Earth's quick will be maybe a thousand years from now, maybe more, maybe less.

Sounds bat shit crazy, right? I know, I know, you don't need to remind me.


The next time you look at a fly and think it's only got a short life span, try and think how that fly views it's life. That life to a fly could be our 70/80/90, etc years to us, only we see it in fast motion.

How many times have you tried to swat a fly or catch the fly and wondered how the little git can avoid your quick hand? What about if that fly sees you in such slow motion that it's like you avoiding a karate kick off a tortoise. See what I mean?


The reason I'm saying this, is because what we see as a longish life to ourselves, it's just a mere flies existence in terms of the Earth. It's like lighting a large fire and being amazed that it's still alight after 5 days. The sun is like that to us, except we think it's going to glow forever or for billions of years. That's how brainwashed we are.

We probably don't need to know the real truth of it all, as it may scare us.


So what happens as the sun starts to lose energy? The Earth cools down and gets more dense which adds more pressure to the oceans, which start to flood the lower land. In Atlantis time it did just that and forced people to abandon those cities to move to higher ground.

The thing is: what were those people like that lived further down into the bowl that was flooded?

They were giants. They needed stronger bodies to cater for the higher pressures. How tall? Maybe 50 feet tall, maybe more and ranging in size, the higher people lived.


This is how the pyramids were built. Not by slaves in their thousands - but by giants. The same as the nazca lines were like your kids carving their names in massive letters into the sand, only they were huge and towered over those drawings.

They were maybe as big as how a mouse would see us now. That's the reason why us small fry cannot see the drawings. This is why temples carved into rock had massive door ways. It's why stonehenge is the way it is, because these places were seats to these people. They are unreal erected stones to us.

The pyramids were build like we would lay heavy blocks.

The dinosaurs were simply lizards of that time with animals that were huge but only normal to the giant people of those times.


We really don't know the reality of it all. I might be not exact in how I'm describing but I genuinely believe that it's on those lines and it's got nothing to do with religious beliefs, as I don't follow religion, I follow logic, even though this logic will...I'm sure, be scorned and scoffed at.

That's your right though and I have no issues with it. Just take a bit of time to delve into it, if you're interested.


If you take a look at the peopel around Earth's circle, up higher elevations, you will notice the differences in size from sea level to higher plains. that's just today. I have a feeling that the Earth is due for anotehr replenishment, basically putting everything back, only to start again. It's almost like a cell about to go dormant, however long that will take.


Deciper the history books and the written bible, not in a religious way but in a logical way. It's all there. The stories told are simply told in a different form from the real story but the clues are there if you can think.

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Dinosaurs were just little lizards to the giants who built Stonehenge as a place to park their huge, ancient arses.


Two pints of whatever you're having, please.

I never said it would be easy to grasp. I mean we can just accept that the huge stones were shipped in and carried to the spot by little men in loin cloths as a worship to the sun if it's easier. The problem is, that makes no logical sense.

The Earth makes no logical sense with what we are told about it and what it was about in ancient times.


There's one bloke inventing a pen out of a burdy quill not that many hundreds of years ago and yet Eratoshenes in 270 BC was crayoning his findings about Earth's circumference whilst making sure his mate was on the phone letting him know that he has his little stick planted in the deck where he was told to, about 500 miles away. Lol


History makes no sense in how we have been told. They simply use names and make out they were this and that from blah blah time as if they were top scientists...and yet here we are sending rovers to mars that even tweet what they're doing, yet a little kids remote control car lost signal when it went a bit too far away.

I suppose it's about trusting the person in the white overall with letters after their name, I suppose.

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Renton, on 08 Jul 2014 - 8:29 PM, said:

Quite. You should trust him and take you meds wolfy. :)

Nah; I spent too long trusting all that stuff. It's why I decided to use my own thinking.

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Monkeys Fist, on 08 Jul 2014 - 8:31 PM, said:

Explain to me how you came to your conclusions about giants and dinosaurs etc.

What is it based on?

Logic, by looking into all of what we were told and piecing together the potential realities of the reasons behind a lot of stuff. Gravity was a massive one for me. Once I realised it didn't exist and knew it was atmospheric pressure, everything started to fit into place.

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Logic, by looking into all of what we were told and piecing together the potential realities of the reasons behind a lot of stuff. Gravity was a massive one for me. Once I realised it didn't exist and knew it was atmospheric pressure, everything started to fit into place.

Peculiar definition of logic like.


What causes your denpressure gradient? That is, why is pressure greater at sea level than high up?

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How the Earth came about is the question everyone would like to know, whether they think it's flat, concave, hollow, a sphere, or whatever. As far as that's cocnerned, it's a case of, how long is a piece of string.


Let's assume it appeared for whatever reason. What do I think it was like from that point.


My theory is, it was actually matter so dense and small that it basically caused super friction within itself, which caused it to expand from the inside, eventually forcing out gases and liquids over time, whilst building up more and more widespread friction, churing out more and more liquid and gases, splitting them all into their respectuive elements.

The lighter gases would be forced up creating a skin against the vacuum that the small Earth is in. As it grew over time, more elements were spread out and sorted into lighter or less dense matter due to the glow of the friction in it's centre.


This is constantly happening and will always happen, as nothing gets destroyed, just recycled over time. The ice ages are real. The warming of the Earth is real and the floods are real, which has happened many many times, over and over again.

I'm not talking religious stuff here, I'm talking about a natural cycle of Earrth.


We get told a lot of truths. We just aren't told them in the right way. They are disguised for whatever reasons. I'm going into outlandish mode now for most of you, if I wasn't already.


We aren't the only time humans have inhabited Earth, Atlantis is real. A lot of the stuff you are shown, including the pyramids and how they were built and for what reasons, are dis-info.


Is anyone familiar with the nazca lines? The drawings of animals that are so huge they can only be seen from a plane?

How many think that the pyramids were burial chambers for Egyptian kings?


What about the size of the stones that some of the pyramids were built from? Do you think that thousands of slaves managed to cart them up the nile and erect them, seriously?

The answer to all of these questions are outlandish but more true to me than any other explanation.

It's about picking the bones out of what we are told about our history and being told aliens build this and that.


The alien ruse, is a clever trick, because it keeps people's belief in space.

I think all people have heard the story of David and Goliath, right. Just historical fantasies, right?

What about Jason and the Argonauts? What about Talos, the big statue that came to life.


Let's start with the growing Earth.


As it grows, it uses up more and more of it's resources, as far as us needing them to survive, because it's central sun is eating up hydrogen which the salty sea provides, as well as oxygen, etc from the atmosphere, sucking it all in like a big vortex , making the centre of Earth super low pressure that is always being replenished, causing the winds we feel as it swirls around.

The fact that it's using up it's resources,as in taking out the hydrogen from the sea, it's also building in size. Expanding, until it cannot expand anymore. What happens from that point is - the Earth starts to shrink as the sun starts to lose energy. It will do this quickly, only Earth's quick will be maybe a thousand years from now, maybe more, maybe less.

Sounds bat shit crazy, right? I know, I know, you don't need to remind me.


The next time you look at a fly and think it's only got a short life span, try and think how that fly views it's life. That life to a fly could be our 70/80/90, etc years to us, only we see it in fast motion.

How many times have you tried to swat a fly or catch the fly and wondered how the little git can avoid your quick hand? What about if that fly sees you in such slow motion that it's like you avoiding a karate kick off a tortoise. See what I mean?


The reason I'm saying this, is because what we see as a longish life to ourselves, it's just a mere flies existence in terms of the Earth. It's like lighting a large fire and being amazed that it's still alight after 5 days. The sun is like that to us, except we think it's going to glow forever or for billions of years. That's how brainwashed we are.

We probably don't need to know the real truth of it all, as it may scare us.


So what happens as the sun starts to lose energy? The Earth cools down and gets more dense which adds more pressure to the oceans, which start to flood the lower land. In Atlantis time it did just that and forced people to abandon those cities to move to higher ground.

The thing is: what were those people like that lived further down into the bowl that was flooded?

They were giants. They needed stronger bodies to cater for the higher pressures. How tall? Maybe 50 feet tall, maybe more and ranging in size, the higher people lived.


This is how the pyramids were built. Not by slaves in their thousands - but by giants. The same as the nazca lines were like your kids carving their names in massive letters into the sand, only they were huge and towered over those drawings.

They were maybe as big as how a mouse would see us now. That's the reason why us small fry cannot see the drawings. This is why temples carved into rock had massive door ways. It's why stonehenge is the way it is, because these places were seats to these people. They are unreal erected stones to us.

The pyramids were build like we would lay heavy blocks.

The dinosaurs were simply lizards of that time with animals that were huge but only normal to the giant people of those times.


We really don't know the reality of it all. I might be not exact in how I'm describing but I genuinely believe that it's on those lines and it's got nothing to do with religious beliefs, as I don't follow religion, I follow logic, even though this logic will...I'm sure, be scorned and scoffed at.

That's your right though and I have no issues with it. Just take a bit of time to delve into it, if you're interested.


If you take a look at the peopel around Earth's circle, up higher elevations, you will notice the differences in size from sea level to higher plains. that's just today. I have a feeling that the Earth is due for anotehr replenishment, basically putting everything back, only to start again. It's almost like a cell about to go dormant, however long that will take.


Deciper the history books and the written bible, not in a religious way but in a logical way. It's all there. The stories told are simply told in a different form from the real story but the clues are there if you can think.



Hello Frank.

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noun: logic

reasoning conducted or assessed according to strict principles of validity.

(You're not using logic Wolfy)

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Renton, on 08 Jul 2014 - 9:04 PM, said:

Peculiar definition of logic like.


What causes your denpressure gradient? That is, why is pressure greater at sea level than high up?

At sea level the molecules are compressed, more dense. The reason for this is a stack. Remember the push on push? I'll make it simpler to understand so you get what I'm saying.


Let's assume that all molecules are sponge balls. Imagine being underground, under a big football stadium. We will call this, the Earth.

You are underground pushing sponge balls into that stadium. It's easy at first, until you start to fill the stadium up with every ball you push up.

Every time you do it, your ball is now getting compressed, which is compressing against the ball above and above that.

The first balls you pushed up are fully expanded because they are on top. The last balls you push up, you have to push hard to try and push the weight of the balls in that stadium that are putting huge resistance against your push as you are against it.

By the time you manage to fill that stadium, the balls at the top are under no friction, because they don't have anything but their own mass working against them.


Now imagine you being put into that as a new born baby and growing into that pressure. You have to be strong and your body has to be strong enough to withstand the pressure, which it does because your body equalises with it.

You're a lot stronger than you think. The only problem is, we don't appreciate how strong our bodies are, because we are used to the environment we are in.


Your body adapts to change in pressures. In the short term it's acclimatisation when you go to a different country at a higher plain.

Everything you do you are pushing against atmospheric pressure which is pushing right back with equal force.

Nothing works without that happening. No rockets, no planes...you...trees griowing or whatever.


You live in your own ocean just like fish live in theirs, except our ocean is a lot less dense.

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You see, your analogies make no sense at all without the concept of a force attracting the molecules downwards. Without this, there would be no up or down, would there? Why don't the molecules tend to go to the bottom of the ice dome rather than the top? Clearly an external force is dragging them down.


As a thought exercise, why don't you try and explain why the concept of up and down exists if there is no force involved. That way you might just get that it is gravity causing the pressure gradient and your ridiculous theory is in tatters.

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You see, your analogies make no sense at all without the concept of a force attracting the molecules downwards. Without this, there would be no up or down, would there? Why don't the molecules tend to go to the bottom of the ice dome rather than the top? Clearly an external force is dragging them down.


As a thought exercise, why don't you try and explain why the concept of up and down exists if there is no force involved. That way you might just get that it is gravity causing the pressure gradient and your ridiculous theory is in tatters.

What I'm telling you requires you to think differently to what you've been schooled with by mainstream indoctrination that all of us have been saturated with all our lives.


Take some time to think of the sponge ball analogy and you might understand it. If you can't , then no problem. Not all people will get it, especially when they are heavily reliant of fictional gravity.

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I've been 'schooled' into believing there's up and down now have I? :lol:


No, I think you'll find that the concept is pretty essential for life preservation. So why don't you try and directly explain it rather than pretend it's intellectually beneath you. It blows your theory apart, and you know it.

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Renton, on 09 Jul 2014 - 11:39 AM, said:

I've been 'schooled' into believing there's up and down now have I? :lol:


No, I think you'll find that the concept is pretty essential for life preservation. So why don't you try and directly explain it rather than pretend it's intellectually beneath you. It blows your theory apart, and you know it.

I don't know what you mean by asking me to explain up and down when I've just explained it as a push on push. I'll give you another example then I'd liek you to explain up and down with your gravity, fair enough?


Air pressure is more dense at our feet than it is at our heads. It's more dense at our heads than it is up a mountain and so on, because molecules are in a much more compressed state below due to the stack of molecules above, meaning every dense object/matter in that environment has to push against that.....UP.

If matter is pushed up with more energy, for example: a ball. It will displace it's own area of molecules for as long as the energy is greater than the resistance of the push against it.

Once that happens, the ball itself becomes more dense than the molecules it displaced, under it, so it falls back to where it came from.

Once it falls, it encounters the resistance of the molecules under it which flow over the ball and around it because the ball has compressed the molecules into a higher pressure than above and that pressure always equalises behind the ball.


Your body is reliant on the pressure it's up against for it to work and your balance is geared to be stood on your feet and not your head, because your life blood is being pushed around your body through pressure which starts with breathing.


When you use energy to breathe in, your body expands against the atmospheric pressure. You make your area larger, so the pressure you push against by doing that, immediately pushes back. It crushes you and forces the air back out of your body, which makes you use your energy again to push back...and so on.


For anyone to understand what's really happening, they have to channel their minds into the simplictity of what's really happening.

I can explain gravity in every way, no matter what...by atmospheric pressure and I welcome anyone to try and stump me.


What I would like from you, Renton, is to explain to me what gravity is, if you don't mind.

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Gravity is still pretty mysterious as a force W I give you that and we don't totally understand its purview. But we do know it is created by the magnetic iron core of the planet, hence the Mars example...Smaller core, less gravity, less atmosphere.


I take you denpressure and raise you one millibar. ;)

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Gravity is still pretty mysterious as a force W I give you that and we don't totally understand its purview. But we do know it is created by the magnetic iron core of the planet, hence the Mars example...Smaller core, less gravity, less atmosphere.


I take you denpressure and raise you one millibar. ;)


I actually agree that there is a centre of Earth that is super hot, except it's not inside a solid ball, in my honest opinion.

Do you agree,as regards the mars atmosphere that a parachute would be absolutely pointless?

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Does anyone not wonder why we never get hit by so called metorites or astroids, etc?

We're told that we have near misses all the time and that space is awash with rogue rocks, plus micrometorites constantly smashing into Earth's atmo0sphere and burning up, yet none of us ever get hit by a stray meteorite, ever.

Of course we get told that they land in deserts and all kinds of remote places that nobody ever gets to see. We see them in the sky and believe they are what's told.


The one in Tungusta in Russia that happened in 1908, supposedly flattened trees and yet no sign of it. Why?


I mean, why doesn't all the thousands of satellites get smashed to pieces by these small meteorites, or the ISS that's supposedly up there in space. All seem to be immune to these Earth bombarding mass of whizzing rocks coming in as thousands of mph as we are told, yet none hit any so called satellites or any other supposed craft in space.

Of course, we get told of the odd one or two every now and again just to whet our space appetites. Is it feasible?

If you think about it, it's not feasible, at all.


Whatever is seen in the sky, man made or not, are not in space, they are in our atmosphere.

Metoers, or what we are told are meteors, are simply hydrogen/helium ice chunks. They fall slow to our eyes and friction of falling melts them, leaving a tail as it separates, until it disappears.


We don't get hit by space rocks because space does not exist and the only chunks of rock we need to be worried about falling on our heads are building bricks and such, all Earthly.

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I actually agree that there is a centre of Earth that is super hot, except it's not inside a solid ball, in my honest opinion.

Do you agree,as regards the mars atmosphere that a parachute would be absolutely pointless?

We know it won't be able to use as much atmospheric resistance as on earth but there is still some. My pet theory is that if they used a fine aluminium foil parachute that was electromagnetically charged it would work better. There is a deep relationship between electromagnetism and gravity.

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