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Everyone who has flown in a plane or helicopter is wrong about what? Do you think they use a globe for navigation or a flat map or codes on a screen? What are they wrong about. They follow a flight pattern to a destination given.

I'm not saying I'm right about it all. I know you can't see a curved horizon. It's looks level to your eye. If you want to believe it doesn't then that's ok with me. I'll just leave that up to anyone who wants to go and look. Go to the beach or in a plane and look out and see for yourselves people.


I've seen a curved horizon. So have millions. You're saying they're all wrong, but you alone are right?


How do you explain the curved shadow of the earth on the moon? How do you explain the different time-zones? How do you explain the constellations rising higher in the southern hemisphere than they do in the North?

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The ice dome is my idea in how I describe how it works. I don't see anyone with an exact one like it. I see someone who has a glass dome but i think that's concave. Mine is convex and made of frozen hydrogen/helium type elements.


So my point was, if you ice dome idea is yours and yours alone, why does it matter if other people are questioning other things? This is specific to you and you alone. If you have this theory of an ice-dome, go prove it. Otherwise you may as well have a theory of a cottonwool dome, or a biscuit dome, a cubed Earth, an invisible cloud grandpa...

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The Fish, on 03 Jul 2014 - 5:07 PM, said:


I've seen a curved horizon. So have millions. You're saying they're all wrong, but you alone are right?


How do you explain the curved shadow of the earth on the moon? How do you explain the different time-zones? How do you explain the constellations rising higher in the southern hemisphere than they do in the North?

What curved Earth shadow is this? What about different time zones? What do you mean by rising higher. Explain all these things one by one and I'll see if I can answer them.

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What curved Earth shadow is this? What about different time zones? What do you mean by rising higher. Explain all these things one by one and I'll see if I can answer them.

... :lol: If you're going to be obtuse I'm going to talk to you as if you're an idiot, ok?


Wolfy see moon :o

Moon not round :(

Moon smiley face shape :)


How that be?

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The Fish, on 03 Jul 2014 - 5:09 PM, said:The Fish, on 03 Jul 2014 - 5:09 PM, said:


So my point was, if you ice dome idea is yours and yours alone, why does it matter if other people are questioning other things? This is specific to you and you alone. If you have this theory of an ice-dome, go prove it. Otherwise you may as well have a theory of a cottonwool dome, or a biscuit dome, a cubed Earth, an invisible cloud grandpa...

I can't prove it to anyone. It's up to each individual to look at it all and decide what they think or if they have alternatives. It's a thought process not a full on provable scientific process that is up for peer review from mainstrean science.


The globe model is glued on tight, it's going no-where. I know this, you know this and many other people know this. Anything I say will be ridiculed. Even a geocentric global Earth is ridiculed.


Just use this as a lesson in thought, nothing more. I'm not here to argue and get bitter or to tell anyone they must listen to me. Just use your own minds. Don't even think about my dome or whatever. Just use it as one thought to question what we have been told to believe.

If you stick rigidly to what was told to you after weighing up the odds, then go with that. I have absolutely no qualms about people believing we live on a rotating oblate spheroid with gravity pulling us to the centre somehow and the airless moon with one sixth gravity, as we are told, that manages to also pull at the huge oceans despite us being told we are four times bigger than it and it being 240,000 miles away.


It just so happens that the moon to our view is exactly the same size as the sun. How convenient. Obviously it has to pan out this way, this is why they tell us the sun is 93 million miles away and is over 1000,000 km in diameter. They have to do this or people would ask how the moon can eclipse the sun. It just so happens that it's a virtual perfect match in size.

Very few question why we see the same face of the moon. How do they account for this? Easy, they have the moon rotating at 10 mph....ten mph, the opposite way to how Earth supposedly spins. It's all shoehorned to fit and is swallowed up without question.


Gravity makes things fall and stops us being shoved into space - we are told, because we are constantly being pulled into the centre of the spinning ball. Things can orbit the spinning ball because they fall around it because of gravity and centripetal force, which they tell us is like a swing ball, where you hit it and it whizzes around the pole but never flying off into space, because this imaginary string stops it.


Gravity keeps pulling at the orbiting craft but it's speed around the Earth stops it falling, as they tell us.

What is gravity? They don't know what gravity is. It's just an unknown force. Geniuses aren't they.


Why question the person in a white overall with letters after his/her name? Why question the geniuses that have been pushed into our faces with this space stuff?

If Hawking tells you the universe started from nothing, just accept it.

If Einstein tells you that E=MC2, then just accept it, as he knows what he's talking about.

If they tell you that warped space time is a springy net with Earth in , then accept it as it all makes sense, right?



Don't try and make sense of it all by saying things like, air pressure behaves like their gravity because you will be called a nutter. Hahahaha.

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... :lol: If you're going to be obtuse I'm going to talk to you as if you're an idiot, ok?


Wolfy see moon :o

Moon not round :(

Moon smiley face shape :)


How that be?

Negative colour spectrum dissolving the light from your vision.

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I deny it because it's not true. It's a big con job. Oh and you can't see the curvature of the Earth. If you believe you can then fair enough. I know you can't. Certain cameras can make things look both convex and concave as far as horizon goes.

Your horizon is straight and level and at eye level no matter where you view it from.


The speed of an object falling to Earth is related to it's mass and density. It is not being pulled by some fictional force called gravity.

Have you ever looked out a plane window? Have you ever dropped two solid objects of completely different mass and observed they hit the ground at the same time? Do the latter experiment now, and report back. Not too much to ask is it? And next time you fly do the former observation.

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Have you ever looked out a plane window? Have you ever dropped two solid objects of completely different mass and observed they hit the ground at the same time? Do the latter experiment now, and report back. Not too much to ask is it? And next time you fly do the former observation.


You try them also. It might open your eyes.

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Your called a nutter because your half arsed ideas make no sense at all.

Not one of them.

They won't to anyone who doesn't understand them, I'm well aware of that.

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Negative colour spectrum dissolving the light from your vision.

Can you go further into that explanation please?

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Can he shite.


There's no evidence that you shite, people may think they've shit, but there's no actual proof. People may believe they've seen smeared faeces on a folded piece of paper, or the gusset of their favourite pair of keks, but they haven't.

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The Fish, on 03 Jul 2014 - 6:02 PM, said:

Can you go further into that explanation please?

Light is wavelength of primary colours, right?

There are two sets of primary colours. Your first set (red/green/blue) when converged through the crystal prism will produce a white light or the sun from your view high in the sky. As those converged lights move away from you they show you less covergence of colour wavelengths, so you see a yellow sun or a red/yellow type and so on.

The negative spectrum of colours like cyan/magenta/yellow. When they all coverge, they make black, or for more clarity, they cancel out all the colours like they do with the moon and an eclipse.

You can call this a black spot or a black sun for instance. It's the same size because it's the same source.

There's a hell of a lot more to it but hopefully you'll get the gist of it.

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Light is wavelength of primary colours, right?

There are two sets of primary colours. Your first set (red/green/blue) when converged through the crystal prism will produce a white light or the sun from your view high in the sky. As those converged lights move away from you they show you less covergence of colour wavelengths, so you see a yellow sun or a red/yellow type and so on.

The negative spectrum of colours like cyan/magenta/yellow. When they all coverge, they make black, or for more clarity, they cancel out all the colours like they do with the moon and an eclipse.

You can call this a black spot or a black sun for instance. It's the same size because it's the same source.

There's a hell of a lot more to it but hopefully you'll get the gist of it.


Ok, you realise that doesn't explain why there is a curved shadow. Nor does it explain why four different people in entirely different places on your disc see the same shaped shadow on the moon.

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Ok, you realise that doesn't explain why there is a curved shadow. Nor does it explain why four different people in entirely different places on your disc see the same shaped shadow on the moon.

Can you elaborate on the 4 people seeing exactly the same shape on the disc, please?

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So half of the disc can see the moon exactly the same. Is this what you are saying? If it is, what makes you think that?

Are you going by half of a globe? If so, then tell me where half of that globe at 4 positions evenly spread will see the moon as you say?

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So half of the disc can see the moon exactly the same. Is this what you are saying? If it is, what makes you think that?

Are you going by half of a globe? If so, then tell me where half of that globe at 4 positions evenly spread will see the moon as you say?

Are you genuinely taking my MS Paint scribblings as an accurate diagram of your disc, thing?

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Are you genuinely taking my MS Paint scribblings as an accurate diagram of your disc, thing?

No. But I get what you are saying, so do you mind answering my question.

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I do mind, because you're yet to answer mine. You're yet to give any evidence of anything. You're yet to accept anything as evidence.

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I do mind, because you're yet to answer mine. You're yet to give any evidence of anything. You're yet to accept anything as evidence.

Fair enough, we can just let that one float by.

No evidence against what I'm saying and no direct evidence to prove a rotating globe. I think that's a fair assumption.

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Fair enough, we can just let that one float by.

No evidence against what I'm saying and no direct evidence to prove a rotating globe. I think that's a fair assumption.

So you're refusing to answer my question?


You've no explanation for the curved shadow on the moon? Your negative light spectrum does not explain it, people in different longitude, latitude and altitude would not perceive that black spot you speak of because the angles are too dissimilar to experience the same event.

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Fair enough, we can just let that one float by.

No evidence against what I'm saying and no direct evidence to prove a rotating globe. I think that's a fair assumption.


There is direct evidence, you just choose to dismiss it. Not because it's illogical, but simply because it disproves your theory.

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The Fish, on 03 Jul 2014 - 7:18 PM, said:

So you're refusing to answer my question?


You've no explanation for the curved shadow on the moon? Your negative light spectrum does not explain it, people in different longitude, latitude and altitude would not perceive that black spot you speak of because the angles are too dissimilar to experience the same event.

My negative wave spectrum does cover it. Once they converge the black overcomes the light, it gets absorbed. It's one circle of one spectrum cancelling out another circle of light by absorbing into it.

Nobody will perceive the black spot because it reflects of nothing. It cannot reflect it will only absorb all colours it moves into.

Your globe is 24,900 miles in circumference, so 4 people stood equally apart on half of that are not going to see the same shape of moon if you think about it.


Your cement like moon is not going to light up like a beacon in the sky due to any light placed upon it, unless it was a luminous moon. Is it a luminous moon? because the supposed moon rock brought back doesn't light up like a beacon.


It makes no sense at all for the moon to be lit up like it is in how we are told on a rotating globe of Earth.

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