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Liverpool fan in Peace


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Hey guys, I'm a member of KopBlocks.com where we run a feature called "the view from that lot" where we basically ask opposition fans questions to gauge how they're feeling about their season, the upcoming game etc etc


Any answers given would be greatly appreciated!


1. With the season drawing to a close this weekend how do you feel its gone looking back as a whole?

2. Looking at the table as a whole are you happy to be finishing where you are or do you consider it this season a failure?

3. There was a lot of discussion about Pardews 8 year contract at the time; do you think hell be there at the end of it? Or do you think hes already been given too long?

4. What would you like to see in terms of comings and goings over the summer transfer window?

5. If you could bring back any player from Newcastles past who would you like to see back in the black and white?

6. What have you thought of Liverpools season?

7. Who are Newcastles main threats for the game on Sunday?

8. And finally; What do you reckon the score will be this weekend?



Edited by stuartrdon
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  On 08/05/2014 at 13:43, stuartrdon said:

Hey guys, I'm a member of KopBlocks.com where we run a feature called "the view from that lot" where we basically ask opposition fans questions to gauge how they're feeling about their season, the upcoming game etc etc


Any answers given would be greatly appreciated!


1. With the season drawing to a close this weekend how do you feel its gone looking back as a whole?

2. Looking at the table as a whole are you happy to be finishing where you are or do you consider it this season a failure?

3. There was a lot of discussion about Pardews 8 year contract at the time; do you think hell be there at the end of it? Or do you think hes already been given too long?

4. What would you like to see in terms of comings and goings over the summer transfer window?

5. If you could bring back any player from Newcastles past who would you like to see back in the black and white?

6. What have you thought of Liverpools season?

7. Who are Newcastles main threats for the game on Sunday?

8. And finally; What do you reckon the score will be this weekend?




1. As a whole, terrible for us, best player sold, second best isn't ours, cretins as manager and owner, no ambition, nothing to cling to.

2. Given the second half of the season its miracle we are where we are, the only downside is that it is target met for pardew and he'll be getting a lovely bonus and still be manager next season.

3. I fucking well hope not, hes outstayed his welcome by a long way.

4. Manager and owner going and being replaced. More realistically us keeping hold of Debuchy and adding some actual full signings would be miraculous.

5. Cliché but Shearer.

6. You've done extremely well to do what you have, some naivety at the back has cost you the league but the attacking side of the team has been excellent, the huge effort from all involved in making people talk about Suarez as a footballer and not an almighty cunt is commendable.

7. Your defenders.

8. if your forwards show up, which is likely, it could actually be a record score for the Premier League.

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  On 08/05/2014 at 13:43, stuartrdon said:

1. With the season drawing to a close this weekend how do you feel its gone looking back as a whole?

It's been utterly shite, even when we won we were shite. Turgid terrible football all the while being told by the manager it's all we can expect and if we lost we should blame the fan base, injuries, the alignment of the stars. Of course we're 9th so we should be massively grateful but a lot of us have the disgraceful view that we should be entertained by the team occasionally.

Also I'm frustrated I didn't enter in to what ever competition that Dan Gosling lad entered into.

2. Looking at the table as a whole are you happy to be finishing where you are or do you consider it this season a failure?

We can't really consider it a failure due to last years disaster, but I wouldn't say I'm happy with 9th, especially with the points tally we've got which is only 8 points more than last year if I recall correctly. The second half of this season has been nothing short of an utter disgrace mind, the fact we're 9th is simply down to the fact the teams below us are also fucking shite.

3. There was a lot of discussion about Pardews 8 year contract at the time; do you think hell be there at the end of it? Or do you think hes already been given too long?

Why not? He insults the fan base basically everytime he opens his mouth, headbutts rival players, pushes over officials, loses multiple games every season by 3 or more goals, defends 1-0 leads against woeful teams for 45 minutes, loses 7 in a row and despite all that is still in the job so I can't see what would possibly lose him his job. For the second part of the question aye he's 100% been given to long, he should be long gone by now, his sides don't just lose they simply roll over and take a right kicking as I suspect we'll see in the final game.

4. What would you like to see in terms of comings and goings over the summer transfer window?

It would be nice to actually sign someone, after 18 months of no signings. We need at least 6 players in all honestly but sadly Pardew has already piped up and said he's after 2-3 signings which, unless it's 2-3 of Cabaye's quality, will probably see us relegated. As for goings it'd be nice to send Gosling back to the call centre he normally works at, not signing Shola Ameobi to a new contract would perhaps signal the intention we're looking to buy more than one striker.

5. If you could bring back any player from Newcastles past who would you like to see back in the black and white?

If they were in their prime too? Shearer for sure, no question. If it was current players Cabaye or Ba.

6. What have you thought of Liverpools season?

Impressive, I must say I thought Rodgers was full of hot air and simply talked a good game but he's proven me wrong. Played some really good stuff along the way as well, heartbreaking to (seemingly) lose it this close to the end we should know.

7. Who are Newcastles main threats for the game on Sunday?

The steps in the tunnel going up to the pitch, maybe Suarez might slip on them. Short of that no one tbh, I guess Remy but we'll struggle to get the ball that far up the pitch.

8. And finally; What do you reckon the score will be this weekend?

Could be anything over 3-0 to your lot.


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1. With the season drawing to a close this weekend how do you feel its gone looking back as a whole?

Started quite well but then fell apart after Cabaye was sold without as much as a temp loan signing to replace him. Sent out a clear message to the the players and fans - the owner doesn't give a shit, so why should anyone else? If the season started at that point we'd be bottom of the table. Unbelievable we're still top half really. Goes to show how inconsistent the teams in the bottom half are.


2. Looking at the table as a whole are you happy to be finishing where you are or do you consider it this season a failure?

the only people the season hasn't been a failure for are mike ashley and alan pardew - ashley set the goal of a top ten finish and pardew has got that so will pick up his bonus.


10th is about as good as we're going to finish under the present owner and manager and before the start of the season, most people were predicting between 10th and 16th. The second half of the season has been an abject failure. It's not just that the form has trailed off. It's the abject nature of the performances. The players have essentially given up. All the owner cares about is staying in the top flight. He's probably relieved we never threatened to do well in the cups or finish in the europa spot as it would endanger his goals.


3. There was a lot of discussion about Pardews 8 year contract at the time; do you think hell be there at the end of it? Or do you think hes already been given too long?

His time has come. The number of heavy defeats, the consecutive hidings at the hands of the local rival and the dreadful recent run of form would have seen off managers at most other clubs, but he's the perfect man for Ashly. Toes the party line, a puppet basically. The 8 year contract is a nonsense though - Ashley could sack him any time he wants without having to pay much compensation - I'm positive of that.


4. What would you like to see in terms of comings and goings over the summer transfer window?

Hopes: two new strikers, a new centre half, two new wingers ,a playmaker and a new fullback.


Expectations: Shola to be handed a contract extension and the smallest net spend in the division over the course of the two transfer windows, yet again.


5. If you could bring back any player from Newcastles past who would you like to see back in the black and white?

Beardsley - best player to wear the black and white in my lifetime


6. What have you thought of Liverpools season?

Very impressive. I didn't think you'd be challenging for the title so close to the end of the season. Bodes well for next time. You must be loving the brand of football too. V jealous to think we were a competing with you just a few seasons ago.


7. Who are Newcastles main threats for the game on Sunday?

Honestly, no one. This is a banker. Put your mortgage on a home win.


8. And finally; What do you reckon the score will be this weekend?

three or four nill to you lot

Edited by Dr Gloom
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  On 08/05/2014 at 13:43, stuartrdon said:

Hey guys, I'm a member of KopBlocks.com where we run a feature called "the view from that lot" where we basically ask opposition fans questions to gauge how they're feeling about their season, the upcoming game etc etc


Any answers given would be greatly appreciated!


1. With the season drawing to a close this weekend how do you feel its gone looking back as a whole?

2. Looking at the table as a whole are you happy to be finishing where you are or do you consider it this season a failure?

3. There was a lot of discussion about Pardews 8 year contract at the time; do you think hell be there at the end of it? Or do you think hes already been given too long?

4. What would you like to see in terms of comings and goings over the summer transfer window?

5. If you could bring back any player from Newcastles past who would you like to see back in the black and white?

6. What have you thought of Liverpools season?

7. Who are Newcastles main threats for the game on Sunday?

8. And finally; What do you reckon the score will be this weekend?




1. Completely shit, there should be no doubt in anyone's mind that we are a club going downhill at a rapid rate of knots. There's no forward planning of any sort and there's no reaction when one needs to be done. The Cabaye situation was abysmal and how in the months between the summer and January transfer window a replacement for Cabaye wasn't sounded out is astonishing.

2. It could have been a success but ultimately a failure, we're a club taking one step forward and then 2 back. Just when you think something good could be on the horizon, Pardew and Ashley come along and kick us in the bollocks.

3. Not a day goes by that I don't wish he'd been sacked. He's a total bellend and it's annoying that people and media outside of Newcastle don't realise this.

4. Pardew and Ashley gone hopefully, but on the transfer front, we need at least 2 strikers already, a creative CM and a winger, also a back up RB too. Thats before we sell anyone though.

5. Ben Arfa

6. You's have surpassed everyone's expectations of you's and it's been a success whether you win the league or not. Attacking wise excellent but defensively a shambles. I'm just sick of this SAS bollocks, it's cheesy as out. Both are awesome players though along with Coutinho who seems to get less praise than the likes of Sterling, Gerrard, Sturridge and Suarez. Henderson's been good too, the Mackem bastard.

7. Absolutely no one, I would say Remy but Pardew will have him back defending in our own half and taking corners, instead of going to Anfield to win as we've got nothing to lose.

8. You'll walk it about 6-7 goals to nil.

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  On 08/05/2014 at 13:43, stuartrdon said:

Hey guys, I'm a member of KopBlocks.com where we run a feature called "the view from that lot" where we basically ask opposition fans questions to gauge how they're feeling about their season, the upcoming game etc etc


Any answers given would be greatly appreciated!


1. With the season drawing to a close this weekend how do you feel its gone looking back as a whole?

The worst in living memory. I now have next to no interest in the league at all. Appart from the fun in seeing Stevie G cost you the league the other week, there will be nothing a look back at with any pleasure.

2. Looking at the table as a whole are you happy to be finishing where you are or do you consider it this season a failure?

I'm not upset at a 9th or 10th place finsh but it's the way the club don't think it's worth our while to try to kick on when we had a (results wise) good first half of the season and that we don't see cup competitions as worthwhile that has resulted in our performances since January being a complete joke. On that basis the season has been a complete clusterfuck.

3. There was a lot of discussion about Pardews 8 year contract at the time; do you think hell be there at the end of it? Or do you think hes already been given too long?

The man is not a good manger, stands up for a regime that sticks its fingers up to the fans and is generally a cunt. I hope he won't be our manager on Sunday let alone in five years time. But as long as he keeps toeing Ashley's line, I don't see any end to his tenure.

4. What would you like to see in terms of comings and goings over the summer transfer window?

I would like to see a hitman come and get rid of Ashley and Pardew.

5. If you could bring back any player from Newcastles past who would you like to see back in the black and white?

Shearer, Beardsley, Gazza, Ginola, Rob Lee, Les Ferdinand, Albert & Fumaca.

6. What have you thought of Liverpools season?

You've done very well to come so close with such an average defence. Haveing your strikeforce available for nearly all season has obviously benefitted you immensely. And credit has to go to Rodgers for making Jordan Henderson no longer look like the worst £20m player in history.

7. Who are Newcastles main threats for the game on Sunday?

Remy is our only threat if he's still remotely interested in playing for us (I wouldn't be if I was him).

8. And finally; What do you reckon the score will be this weekend?

You will put a shit load past us and we probably won't have a shot.



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  On 08/05/2014 at 13:43, stuartrdon said:

Hey guys, I'm a member of KopBlocks.com where we run a feature called "the view from that lot" where we basically ask opposition fans questions to gauge how they're feeling about their season, the upcoming game etc etc


Any answers given would be greatly appreciated!


1. With the season drawing to a close this weekend how do you feel it's gone looking back as a whole?


Fucking disgraceful


2. Looking at the table as a whole are you happy to be finishing where you are or do you consider this season a failure?


Abject fucking failure, again. Our position in the table belies what has been another shocking season of eye bleedingly bad football under two (three until January) of the biggest cunts ever to walk into SJP.


3. There was a lot of discussion about Pardew's 8 year contract at the time; do you think he'll be there at the end of it? Or do you think he's already been given too long?


Should have gone last season the useless fucking spanner.


4. What would you like to see in terms of comings and goings over the summer transfer window?


Unless Ashley and/or Pardew go, no new signings and anyone half decent making a run for their lives. Such is the depth of my mistrust.


5. If you could bring back any player from Newcastle's past who would you like to see back in the black and white?


Beardsley was the best for me, who was better for you?


6. What have you thought of Liverpool's season?


It has been refreshing and ultimately enjoyable to see someone else in the mix for the title.


7. Who are Newcastle's main threats for the game on Sunday?


The fans.


8. And finally; What do you reckon the score will be this weekend?


6 or 7 nil to you, a red card for us and Pardew shitting himself the entire game.

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  On 08/05/2014 at 13:43, stuartrdon said:

Hey guys, I'm a member of KopBlocks.com where we run a feature called "the view from that lot" where we basically ask opposition fans questions to gauge how they're feeling about their season, the upcoming game etc etc


Any answers given would be greatly appreciated!


1. With the season drawing to a close this weekend how do you feel its gone looking back as a whole?

Shit. On a personal note I'd like to thank the mainstream media, particularly SKY, for going to the trouble of changing the club's name on our behalf to just 'Noocarsuuwl'. I'd like to apologise to them for our forefather's lack of foresight in realising that another football club in Salford would like exclusive rights to the 'United' moniker.

2. Looking at the table as a whole are you happy to be finishing where you are or do you consider it this season a failure?

Worse than a failure, it's a potentially good season deliberately and wantonly sabotaged.

3. There was a lot of discussion about Pardews 8 year contract at the time; do you think hell be there at the end of it? Or do you think hes already been given too long?

I wish he'd fuck off, man's lost any trace of sympathy I had a long time ago, he's well in with the regime. A more defeatist, arselicking bloke I've yet to hear as our manager, only Kinnear beats him but Kinnear was a practical joke that just got out of hand. Never thought I'd see a bigger chancer than Souness but I was wrong.

4. What would you like to see in terms of comings and goings over the summer transfer window?

Mike Ashley going, he's where all the shit starts.

5. If you could bring back any player from Newcastles past who would you like to see back in the black and white?

Beardsley, (although he seriously blotting his copybook with his pro-Ashley patter as he works at the club), Sir Les, Andy Cole, Gazza, Nobby, Shearer, actually I could go on and on).

6. What have you thought of Liverpools season?

Didn't think you'd do it as to get to the top you'd won 11 off the belt, it takes some doing to make it 14, I've enjoyed the occasions I've seen you play. I know you'll be disappointed but shit happens, at least you've seen your side play in three European finals in the near past, winning two f them as well as other cups at home.

7. Who are Newcastles main threats for the game on Sunday?


8. And finally; What do you reckon the score will be this weekend?




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  On 08/05/2014 at 16:58, Howmanheyman said:




Kinnear was a practical joke that just got out of hand. Never thought I'd see a bigger chancer than Souness but I was wrong.


:lol: Possibly the most perfect description of Kinnear I've ever seen.

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  On 08/05/2014 at 18:58, Howmanheyman said:

This 'in peace' line needs rethinking by the way. No harm to him but is he a scouse Captain Kirk? :lol:

Cath would have to dye herself green before he's be interested though...

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One thing I want to be clear. If we'd tried every game, if the players simply weren't capable of better than 9/10th? We'd not be as livid. This anger and frustration isn't a belief we deserve to be challenging for Europe. This anger and frustration is because the life has been sucked out of my football club by wide-boy chancers. It's not an anti-London thing. It's an anti Mike Ashley thing.


I'll try and answer your questions later.

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1. Best player sold, lifeless performances, no ambition. Going to a match became a chore.

2. In terms of league position we finished where I thought we would, but based on what we saw this year we will really struggle next season

3. No, hopefully he`s gone by June. Oh, who am I kidding.

4. Does not really matter if it is Pardew who they have to work with.

5. I wish we had a player like Shearer

6. Playing football as it should be played; I really wanted Liverpool to win the league by the end.

7. Pardew`s head

8. Eleven - nil



S Norman

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  On 08/05/2014 at 13:43, stuartrdon said:

1. With the season drawing to a close this weekend how do you feel its gone looking back as a whole?


As a whole it has been terrible. There was a few highlights in the earlier part of the season, but the price was paid for the relative success early on in that it more or less guaranteed the primary on field goal of the owner, that being the avoidance of relegation. Subsequently our key player was sold with no replacement, and the sentiment from the top fed through the manager and the players who have had little reason to perform.


TLDR; Fucking shit.


2. Looking at the table as a whole are you happy to be finishing where you are or do you consider it this season a failure?


Position wise it could be worse. The problem is the negative momentum that has built since mid season. There's no indication that the owner will move to address this and if not there is nothing to look forward to. The season has unquestionably been a failure as we have moved backwards at a rate of knots.


3. There was a lot of discussion about Pardews 8 year contract at the time; do you think hell be there at the end of it? Or do you think hes already been given too long?


It's not possible to anticipate the actions of Mike Ashley using logic or reason. If he's sacked, and I hope he is, it will be for Mike Ashley's reasons.


4. What would you like to see in terms of comings and goings over the summer transfer window?


After the second half of the season it feels like the squad needs a major overhaul, but I feel that if there is a management change many of the existing players can salvage their reputations reducing the requirements somewhat. Even still at least a pair of permanent strikers are required, Cabaye's position needs to be filled by a similarly influencial player, the defense needs reenforcements and we need wide players with quality delivery to feed the new forwards.


5. If you could bring back any player from Newcastles past who would you like to see back in the black and white?


Alan Shearer without a doubt. Not just a phenomenal goal scorer, but also a player of unquestionable loyalty.


6. What have you thought of Liverpools season?


A great season for Liverpool after previous significant investment netted them no results. Built momentum in the second half of the season playing some excellent football. If they had have kept it up to the end of the season and won they would have been deserving. As it is it has still been a wonderful achievement, no supporter should be disappointed.


7. Who are Newcastles main threats for the game on Sunday?


If our players find some reason to perform then Remy is the main threat.


8. And finally; What do you reckon the score will be this weekend?




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