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Anyone ever been knocked out cold?

Dr Gloom

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Scientifically proven to be impossible for this to happen to me.






References: Biology of the Hardest Man In the World: a study into perfection in the human form, by JR Hartley.

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Was in a serious car accident and blacked out and saw the white light and everything. Made me a little bit jumpy for a year or two.


for real? that's darkside. what happened?

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for real? that's darkside. what happened?

Hit by a car at a junction...side impact. I was a passenger and had head, neck and leg injuries all down my left. In hospital for a couple of weeks and on crutches for 2 months.


You see a light tunnel and you have to ask to come back and then I regained consciousness. I had trouble sitting in cars if others were driving for a while after that and would get flachbacks or sudden rushes of fear as if something was going to happen. I don't really like driving as a consequence and don't enjoy it when I do.

On holiday in Finland only a few years ago I started sweating for no reason and had to stop driving and let Mrs P drive.


The mind over compensates in what would be very natural situations for other people.


You have to remind yourself that it's all in the mind but that is hard at first. Took a couple of years to feel normal in cars again.

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Knocked myself out when I was 17 by crashing my dirt bike, which I ended up under as I used the road as sandpaper. :lol:

No lid, so the facial swelling was in the Joseph Merrick category. ( I had stitches put in to the left side of my left eyebrow- I watched the entire thing, needles going in, the lot, with my right eye, such was the swelling).

It was in Kielder Forest, where I was working at the time, and the centre staff later worked out I was probably out cold for 10 minutes.

Very lucky chap, the stitches and a broken bone in my hand were the worst injuries ( other than skinning the entire left hand side of my face).

Lesson learned- wear a lid :D

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Hit by a car at a junction...side impact. I was a passenger and had head, neck and leg injuries all down my left. In hospital for a couple of weeks and on crutches for 2 months.


You see a light tunnel and you have to ask to come back and then I regained consciousness. I had trouble sitting in cars if others were driving for a while after that and would get flachbacks or sudden rushes of fear as if something was going to happen. I don't really like driving as a consequence and don't enjoy it when I do.

On holiday in Finland only a few years ago I started sweating for no reason and had to stop driving and let Mrs P drive.


The mind over compensates in what would be very natural situations for other people.


You have to remind yourself that it's all in the mind but that is hard at first. Took a couple of years to feel normal in cars again.


fucking hell,that puts my thing in perspective. i was out of hospital the same day so your thing sounds a lot more serious, and traumatic. how long afterwards until you felt your old self again?


the bit i've been struggling with is just not feeling myself. it's hard to describe. been feeling quite dizzy (not vertigo or anything but just not normal), and just really fatigued - falling asleep at 9.30pm most nights. also finding i've been quite sensitive to bright lights and have been struggling to concentrate at work since i returned. my boss has noticed and has let me have a pretty easy first week back.


i've read a fair bit about post concussion syndrome and all this stuff sounds like it's on the lower end of the scale so for once googling my symptoms has calmed me down a bit.


one thing though is getting knocked out takes a lot more out of you than hollywood would have you believe. you don't just wake up 5 minutes later and carry on with shit as usual.

Edited by Dr Gloom
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Knocked myself out when I was 17 by crashing my dirt bike, which I ended up under as I used the road as sandpaper. :lol:

No lid, so the facial swelling was in the Joseph Merrick category. ( I had stitches put in to the left side of my left eyebrow- I watched the entire thing, needles going in, the lot, with my right eye, such was the swelling).

It was in Kielder Forest, where I was working at the time, and the centre staff later worked out I was probably out cold for 10 minutes.

Very lucky chap, the stitches and a broken bone in my hand were the worst injuries ( other than skinning the entire left hand side of my face).

Lesson learned- wear a lid :D


how long before you felt "normal" afterwards? did you find it took it out of you for a couple of weeks?

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I was playing basketball at School and one of the lads on the other court hit one on the volley like a young Duncan Ferguson. Struck me right on the temple & I was out cold. Couldn't remember a fucking when I woke up, didn't know what day it was or anything & had to go to hospital for scans, the lot. This is why Englishmen shouldn't play Yank sports.

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Fractured my skull as a kid. Wasn't knocked out though cos I'm rock


any concussion?


the weird thing about my accident is i was knocked out cold, and yet to look at me you'd never know i was in an accident other than a graze and some swelling/bruising on the back of my head (mostly obscured by hair). the worst wounds were on my legs, which took the impact from the car, but again - neither of them were broken.


i went back to work after a week in my sick bed and suspect most colleagues thought i was taking the piss.

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I was playing basketball at School and one of the lads on the other court hit one on the volley like a young Duncan Ferguson. Struck me right on the temple & I was out cold. Couldn't remember a fucking when I woke up, didn't know what day it was or anything & had to go to hospital for scans, the lot. This is why Englishmen shouldn't play Yank sports.


sounds like you were concussed if you couldn't remember anything. any nausea? anything show up in the scan or owt?


the doctors were asking me what my name was and what day it as every half an hour or so. that side of it was fine. can't remember a thing about the incident though.

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I dunno the difference really.


I was unresponsive, like asleep etc, and the scans didn't really say owt. I just had a splitting headache for a few days. So I came to about 15 minutes later - I don't remember how it happened from my own memories - just what everybody else said.

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fucking hell,that puts my thing in perspective. i was out of hospital the same day so your thing sounds a lot more serious, and traumatic. how long afterwards until you felt your old self again?


the bit i've been struggling with is just not feeling myself. it's hard to describe. been feeling quite dizzy (not vertigo or anything but just not normal), and just really fatigued - falling asleep at 9.30pm most nights. also finding i've been quite sensitive to bright lights and have been struggling to concentrate at work since i returned. my boss has noticed and has let me have a pretty easy first week back.


i've read a fair bit about post concussion syndrome and all this stuff sounds like it's on the lower end of the scale so for once googling my symptoms has calmed me down a bit.


one thing though is getting knocked out takes a lot more out of you than hollywood would have you believe. you don't just wake up 5 minutes later and carry on with shit as usual.


I think you should take some more time off or ask for reduced hours for a while, if possible. The sensitivity and dizziness are classic signs of a recurring concussion. It takes time to restore normal brain function after a concussion and it happens in stages - any overwork, physical or mental, during any of the stages and a re-injury might occur.

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I dunno the difference really.


I was unresponsive, like asleep etc, and the scans didn't really say owt. I just had a splitting headache for a few days. So I came to about 15 minutes later - I don't remember how it happened from my own memories - just what everybody else said.


bad headache implies concussion. how long till you felt your usual self afterwards? can you remember?

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I think you should take some more time off or ask for reduced hours for a while, if possible. The sensitivity and dizziness are classic signs of a recurring concussion. It takes time to restore normal brain function after a concussion and it happens in stages - any overwork, physical or mental, during any of the stages and a re-injury might occur.


ah fuck. here's me thinking i've turned a corner and getting ready to get back in my old routine. i probably should have been more of my usual hypercondriac self!

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fucking hell,that puts my thing in perspective. i was out of hospital the same day so your thing sounds a lot more serious, and traumatic. how long afterwards until you felt your old self again?


the bit i've been struggling with is just not feeling myself. it's hard to describe. been feeling quite dizzy (not vertigo or anything but just not normal), and just really fatigued - falling asleep at 9.30pm most nights. also finding i've been quite sensitive to bright lights and have been struggling to concentrate at work since i returned. my boss has noticed and has let me have a pretty easy first week back.


i've read a fair bit about post concussion syndrome and all this stuff sounds like it's on the lower end of the scale so for once googling my symptoms has calmed me down a bit.


one thing though is getting knocked out takes a lot more out of you than hollywood would have you believe. you don't just wake up 5 minutes later and carry on with shit as usual.

In all honesty I don't think you're ever quite the same again. Although yours seems 'lighter' than mine, if you have a traumatic experience and you 'lose time' the mind is changed forever and your reactions to things will always be a little different now.


I had the same thing with bright lights and had trouble in noisy rooms or enclosed spaces - having to resist real temptations to rush out...:lol: These things lasted a good couple of years that I was aware.


You have to be careful that subconsciously you aren't blaming yourself which will give feelings of slight depression and feeling sleepy early in the eve is a sign of that..


There are upsides however and having a near death exp means in some ways I know how to enjoy the moment more...There can be something special in every day. :)

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ah fuck. here's me thinking i've turned a corner and getting ready to get back in my old routine. i probably should have been more of my usual hypercondriac self!

In all honesty you should never go back to work too quickly regardless of the temptation. As others say the brain is the most sophisticated instrument known to man.

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