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@Ayatollah Hermione You throwing up as well or is it just the hot snakes? If it's the former you might have the Norovirus? 


Had that a while ago and lost a shit ton of weight and despite needing to be near the khazi didn't feel too bad. 7/10 would recommend for fatties and boxers.

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  On 29/03/2018 at 06:04, The Fish said:



@Ayatollah Hermione You throwing up as well or is it just the hot snakes? If it's the former you might have the Norovirus? 


Had that a while ago and lost a shit ton of weight and despite needing to be near the khazi didn't feel too bad. 7/10 would recommend for fatties and boxers.



Nah, just shitting everything out, coupled with some bastard stomach cramps beforehand. Sure it'll be gone by Saturday but if not, there's every chance I'll shit myself if we score a screamer

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  On 25/03/2018 at 19:59, Christmas Tree said:


Dont know if you are still having problems with this (and not sure if I’ve mentioned it), but I had quite a few problems with a herniated disc 3’ish years ago and all the referred pain issues in arms, fingers, shoulders etc. Went through the usual tablets, physio and finally a consultant who wanted to replace the disc with a metal one. 


Anyway he warned me I would have less movement, could lose the use of my arm or could be paralysed from the neck down. I agreed to the op, went home and started googling like fuck. :lol:


I found this aussie on YouTube who has a practice on some tropical island and he had two exercises for herniated discs that “cured” me in 2 weeks. When I say cured, the pain went I cancelled the op and am now 3 or 4 years down the line. I get the odd twinge now and again but mostly still symptom free. 


If you are still having issues (and it’s related to a herniated disc), let me know and I’ll chuck the link up.



Nice one man, I'll happily give anything a shot.

No dick pics though. :lol:


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  On 30/03/2018 at 10:26, Tooj said:


Nice one man, I'll happily give anything a shot.

No dick pics though. :lol:






Good luck.


As I said, these “cured” my herniated neck disc in a couple of weeks. If your problem is related to your back rather than neck it may be worth searching his other videos.





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Been a shit couple of months :(

6 Weeks ago I had my first epileptic seizure in over 17 years.  Thankfully at home.  Put it down to the stress of moving house and a few work issues.  All starting to feel better then last Thursday had another one, this time at work.  


Bit my tongue which is still painful as fuck and feeling drained still.  Back in work today and thankfully they're all taking the piss.

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  On 04/04/2018 at 09:27, wykikitoon said:

Been a shit couple of months :(

6 Weeks ago I had my first epileptic seizure in over 17 years.  Thankfully at home.  Put it down to the stress of moving house and a few work issues.  All starting to feel better then last Thursday had another one, this time at work.  


Bit my tongue which is still painful as fuck and feeling drained still.  Back in work today and thankfully they're all taking the piss.


All the best, mate.

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I was shitting and vomiting all last night for the first time since I was a kid. At least it’s passed now. Hopefully this isn’t going to become a regular thing for you, Wyki.

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  On 30/03/2018 at 19:14, zerosum said:

gallstones!! was at the freeman yesterday to speak to surgeon and looks like my gallbladder is going for the exit :unsure:



I had those a few years back, get the op as soon as you can is my advice.  Not a nice thing to have :(

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Hope things work out wykiki.. a friend of mine suffered quite badly from seizures and set him back a lot, although he seems to have grown out of it somewhat as he hit mid 30s. Doesn’t happen as often.


Yes @Sonatine, I’m in the “system” now to get sorted. Pre assessment in 10 days.


Question for you, I’m assuming you had gallbladder removed? Can you just crack on as normal afterwards.. or am I destined to be the designated driver from now on?

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  On 04/04/2018 at 13:32, zerosum said:

Hope things work out wykiki.. a friend of mine suffered quite badly from seizures and set him back a lot, although he seems to have grown out of it somewhat as he hit mid 30s. Doesn’t happen as often.


Yes @Sonatine, I’m in the “system” now to get sorted. Pre assessment in 10 days.


Question for you, I’m assuming you had gallbladder removed? Can you just crack on as normal afterwards.. or am I destined to be the designated driver from now on?



I still eat and drink more or less normally, I just don't hammer the shorts when i go out for a few pints anymore.  Pretty sure they gave me a diet sheet with things to watch out for, but most people are fine I think.  If you're lucky you'll get keyhole surgery and be in and out with few side effects. I had it done the old fashioned way because they needed to slice my bile duct open to flush it out, but I managed to blag a month on the sick, so not all bad news ;)



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Wykiki, hope this all passes and you're sorted again soon. 


I was in hospital yesterday for a spermatic cord denervation. Basically cut in the groin, hoke the spunk cord out and sever anything that looks like a nerve. Hopefully this will stop my long term bollock knack (since 2009). 

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  On 04/04/2018 at 13:32, zerosum said:

Hope things work out wykiki.. a friend of mine suffered quite badly from seizures and set him back a lot, although he seems to have grown out of it somewhat as he hit mid 30s. Doesn’t happen as often.


Yes @Sonatine, I’m in the “system” now to get sorted. Pre assessment in 10 days.


Question for you, I’m assuming you had gallbladder removed? Can you just crack on as normal afterwards.. or am I destined to be the designated driver from now on?



I had mine out in 2009 and haven't changed any lifestyle  habits... :unsure:


Am still here like..  :)



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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 25/03/2018 at 20:44, TheGingerQuiff said:


What tablet? I've got what I think is one at the top of my arse crack. Sore as owt. I'm currently using talc to try and keep it dry and applying athletes foot cream. No idea if that's the proper way to treat it but don't really fancy seeing a doctor about me arse.



If your arse crack hasn’t cleared up, I highly recommend Dermotex. :)

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