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Only in America

The Fish

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1 hour ago, ewerk said:

So ‘I didn’t say that…I was actually thinking something much worse’.


Defeat snatched from the jaws of victory right there.


I said why ;) You were after all quite right that I did make some comments that were contentious.


This is why I should never go into politics btw.

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8 hours ago, ewerk said:

I mean she is a Republican after all. It’s like when the odd Tory shows a shred of decency and then you look them up and realise that nearly all their other views are that of a complete cunt.

At the end of the day her issue with Trump has always been to do with his appalling treatment of her father not idealogical disagreement. 

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About America but applies equally here. I'm not suggesting I was the one doing the warning btw, I was mostly the one telling people (mainly @Renton) to calm down. 


And for all everyone thinks this couldn't happen here, well maybe this specific thing couldn't, but as we're all saying that the Tories are busy working on literally stripping away human rights. 



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2 hours ago, RobinRobin said:

At the end of the day her issue with Trump has always been to do with his appalling treatment of her father not idealogical disagreement. 

You sure you’re not confusing her with Bit Tits MaCain?

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10 hours ago, Gemmill said:



About America but applies equally here. I'm not suggesting I was the one doing the warning btw, I was mostly the one telling people (mainly @Renton) to calm down. 


And for all everyone thinks this couldn't happen here, well maybe this specific thing couldn't, but as we're all saying that the Tories are busy working on literally stripping away human rights. 




Gary Neville is pretty spot on here.



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12 minutes ago, Gemmill said:



Been another wild one today. 



Also, Maxwell has only got 20 years for pimping underage girls. 

Unless she gets the Cosby treatment and gets out in a years time. 

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I thought I had no contempt left for Trump btw but after hearing that testimony yesterday. He knew the protesters were armed but he said "they're not here to get me, remove the metal detectors". 100% a psychopath who was happy to burn shit down and watch people die to get his own way. 


Lunging for a secret service agent's throat and repeatedly throwing plates around and stuff. 


He's a complete scumbag. 


The people that still defend him are just off the charts. Fox News presenters going "I mean is anybody REALLY that shocked by the news he threw his lunch plate?!" 

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5 minutes ago, Gemmill said:

The people that still defend him are just off the charts.


Agreed, but remind me approximately what proportion is that of the US again? It's genuinely terrifying. 

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The narcissist wanting the metal detectors out of the way so that there could be more people in the crowd is absolutely typical of the man, as was the ketchup smeared on the wall.

Petulant little child (is probably being unfair to petulant little children).

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18 minutes ago, Gemmill said:

100% a psychopath

I know not everyone agrees with me but psychopathy is something Trump and Johnson are very much aligned on. 

How the fuck the senate managed to acquit his 2nd impeachment I will never understand.

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27 minutes ago, Craig said:

How the fuck the senate managed to acquit his 2nd impeachment I will never understand.

The same way that a handmaid and sex predator got onto SOCUS - because they could

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Because carbon reduction was not mentioned in the Constitution?

While I concede that the Supreme Court will always be politicised, due to the nomination process, this is getting ridiculous and only going to get worse.  And the worst one is Clarence Thomas who is willing to change everything which does not align with his biblical view (other than marrying out of his "race", of course).

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3 hours ago, Gemmill said:



"America's Mayor" 




Perfect opportunity to relive this little gem


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On 24/06/2022 at 15:12, Gemmill said:



A reminder that for all her 1/6 committee, anti-Trump stuff, Liz Cheney is a dyed in the wool ocean-going, copper-bottomed cunt. 



She’s a cunt. As much of a cunt as her vile father. It’s not worth mentioning how much of a cunt Trump is, and his entire family of fucking cunts. 

I used to not wish death upon people, I really didn’t, but honestly some of these fucking animals are sentencing people to death with their actions so fuck them I hope Trump chokes on his next overly ketchuped chip the chinless, slobby paedophile. 

The Supreme Court can all fuck themselves. Biden can fuck himself, the fucking bitch that he is, he genuinely watched January 6th unfold and his response was basically a furrowed brow and then a ‘we should all heal’ motto, fuck that they’re treasonous far right lunatics, he should have used every fucking power he had available to completely fuck them. He should have codified Roe v Wade, AOC was spot on he asks for support from Dems for his next presidential campaign but what the fuck has he done to deserve it? He’s watched Trump and his legion of fucking psychos turn the cart over, piss and spunk all over it, flip everyone off, and once he got the power to do something about it he basically tutted and acted like it was a normal switch of government. He’s failed us. 

The Republicans have used every dirty trick in the book to get us here, the Democrats are unwilling to do anything and are trying to take some high road on it, it’s already cost women abortion rights, and removed a shit ton of checks and balances about gerrymandering, this avalanche will continue from the “Supreme Court” as we will see the removal of gay marriage federally and contraceptives (hence the national rush on Plan B pills). The fucking zealots have won and the Dems have sat on their fucking hands, along with Republicans who were too fucking cowardly to risk losing their seats. 

The country is fucked tbh, absolutely fucked, despite all the rights being torn away and removal of checks and balances dumb country bumpkins are screaming on about how high gas prices are all Biden’s fault - I genuinely think he will lose, they can’t let him run again they just can’t as he will lose. 

I think I mentioned on here that the day of the Ulvade school shooting my wife told me she wanted us to leave this country, and after this Roe v Wade decision I’m fully on board. Even if I didn’t have a daughter I don’t think I could stomach it anymore, it’s just fucking insanity these people genuinely believe there’s people out there getting abortions (even fucking late term ones) as if it’s a form of birth control, I can’t even read or listen to their bullshit any more. It’s an anti-woman law, it’s a stop fucking working and get back in the kitchen law, it’s not “pro-life” the very mention of that makes my stomach turn because it implies the other side is pro-death they also don’t give a flying fuck about life once that person is born, not a single fuck. Just look at the “pro-life” attitude to planned parenthood- they aim to defund it and attack their locations, does the organization aid women who have made the difficult choice to have an abortion? Yes, but they do fucking so much more - they offer impoverished communities support by giving information and access to doctors for pregnant women or for those who have young kids, they give contraception out and anonymous advice to people on safe sex and how to not end up pregnant, they give women resources and information about all things to do with their pregnancy, periods, etc etc, it’s basically an organization that aims to keep people safe and healthy, so sure “pro-life” want rid of that.  

Some of the responses to tweets like this show there’s no hope tbh:

Like I say, it’ll be Gay marriage, contraception and then probably civil rights acts next “make America great again” = let’s get back to the 1950’s when white men could do what the fuck they wanted, women stayed at home and other races cowered. I’m at the point where if I hear someone voted Republican I automatically think they’re a cunt, you flat out cannot shrug all this shit off and think it’s an acceptable choice for some tedious reason like Biden is a bellend, or whatever else - the Republican Party is now anti democracy to add to their usual anti-progress stance. They used to just want to pull the ladder up after themselves, now they’re actively taking to burning other peoples ladders down. 

Sorry for the rant, I’m just so fucking angry about this. This country is gone. “It’s just giving the power to the states” pedantic fucking pricks can go do one too, no it’s giving the power to complete fucking lunatics and you all know it, why give power to less qualified and less equipped people? Admittedly as a British person I find the whole States rights thing to be mostly backwards fucking bollocks. 

Edited by Howay
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