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2 hours ago, RobinRobin said:

The argument is always run that it is in the Constitution.  However, it wasn't in the Constitution, which is why it is called the 2nd AMENDMENT.  Further, as is evidenced by the 18th and 21st AMENDMENTS, the Constitution can be AMENDED so the right to bear arms is not set in stone.  

The actual 2nd amendment reads:


A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.


Note - “well regulated militia”, that bit is conveniently not mentioned by gun nuts, the amendment itself does not actually support what the US has now.


It doesn’t really need changing, it just needs enforcing as it was written/intended.



Edited by Toonpack
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Before Mr Trump spoke, Texas Senator Ted Cruz blamed mass shootings mainly on absent fathers, declining church attendance, social media and video games.

Well I’m glad someone has finally figured out what causing all these people with GUNS to murder innocent kids with GUNS.

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That’s basically the discussion in a nutshell, bloke just completely fucking lies while being absolutely adamant about it, when proven to be complete and utter fucking bullshit just completely dismisses it as if it was never his point and brings up that stupid fucking amendment. 

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The line that boils my piss is "the right to bear arms has always been in the constitution.". That's why it's referred to as the 2nd amendment you batshit crazy fucking clowns.

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Another obvious point (amongst many) is that you can allow people to have guns whilst not letting people just walk into a shop and buy an assault rifle with minimal checks 

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Bill to regulate the sale of guns has been passed by the House of Representatives, but isn't almost certainly destined to fail being passed by the Senate. :sad:


Nancy Pelosi - House Speaker (Democrat):
"America has lost more children from gun violence than any other cause. Does that embarrass you? To think that in our country, more children have died from gun violence than any other cause? These stories are tragically all too common in America today."


Jim Jordan - Ohio Representative (Republican):
"The speaker started by saying this bill is about protecting our kids. But this bill doesn't do it. What this bill does is take away second amendment rights, God-given rights, protected by our Constitution from law-abiding American citizens."

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Ah yes, that famous 11th commandment, ‘Thou must be allowed to carry an AR-15 capable of shooting 400 rounds per minute. Y’know for hunting and that’.

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There is not one reasonable argument put forward for why a civilian should have the right to walk into a store and purchase an assault rifle. All they bleat is 'it takes away or second amendment rights'. 

No, it fucking doesn't.

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