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The Daily News has rag tendencies, but they are consistently and vehemently anti-gun. This is one of my favorite front pages ever:



As true today as it was two years ago - more true, even. I'm a teacher and every so often I wonder if today's the day, and if it was, what would I do. Most likely get filled with bullets off a military-grade assault rifle wielded by an 18-year-old. It's a sobering thought. 

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From Guardian coverage:


John Crescitelli, a family doctor and 15 year-old Sarah Crescitelli’s father, was shaking as he was reunited with his daughter. He feared she had been killed.

“These school shootings have to stop. This is crazy. My son’s football coach died. It’s horrible,” he said. “It’s like Columbine across the street from my house.”

Asked by the Guardian if the tragedy should lead to stricter gun control for people with mental health issues, he replied: “I don’t want to get into a gun debate. I really don’t. What are you going to do? Confiscate everybody’s guns? We have millions and millions of weapons … I’m a gun owner. I don’t want the government taking my gun.”

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Banning automatic guns would be a good start but realistically it’s going to have a negligible effect on gun murders for the best part of a century. 


iirc there are more guns than people in America now. That’s a tough genie to get back in the bottle. How do you reimburse all the idiots that have spent tens of thousands on automatic weapons? That’s gonna cost billions. How do you stop the hundreds of millions of weapons in private ownership falling into the hands of idiots?


And that’s before you get into the NRA and the politics of the gun business in the states. What’s going to happen to the companies and their workers who build guns, ammunition etc.


Obama can wax lyrical all he wants but he did fuck all about the problem when he was in the power.


Id be interested to see what people’s ideas are to solve this problem. It’s not as easy as “just ban guns”

Edited by Kid Dynamite
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Ban future sales, make private selling illegal, begin reclaiming weapons over time.


It'll take a while but so what?


Did Obama not lack control of the senate or something (american political bodies) that would've prevented this going forward under his lead?

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Obama pushed for gun control and signed executive orders placing restrictions on sales. Trump case in and made it removed restrictions such as making it harder for those with mental illness to buy guns. The Dems haven’t had control of both houses since 2011.

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It'll just go underground though - then you'll have organised crime in total control of gun ownership. Prohibition all over again surely?


They might need a widespread cultural shift against guns first tbh... really not sure what the answer is. And I don't see that cultural shift coming at all.

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Although support for gun control is on the rise it has fallen quite a bit over the last thirty years. The problem is that those who are against it are really vocal about it and their votes depend on their candidates’ support for gun rights. 

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34 minutes ago, NJS said:

Was it Chris Rock who said they should make bullets cost 10000 dollars each? 


I know the diehard hunters would make their own but it might be a start. 


Aye. "I'd kill you...... If I could afford it!" etc. 

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