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Only in America

The Fish

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And the Republican candidate Carson complaing because the media have cast doubt on the fact he tried to kill someone when he was a kid...............


most other places claims to have attempted murder are a bit of a barrier to public office but not in America

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It looks like Jeb Bush has decided the only way to invigorate his campaign is to jump aboard the crazy train.


When asked if he would kill baby Hitler: 'Hell yeah, I would!… You gotta step up, man.'

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And the Republican candidate Carson complaing because the media have cast doubt on the fact he tried to kill someone when he was a kid...............


most other places claims to have attempted murder are a bit of a barrier to public office but not in America



Only in America would a politician need to pretend to be a nutter just so he can then pretend to be "redeemed by Christ" so that other nutters will vote for him.


It also pales into insignificance compared to his "Joseph built the pyramids to store grain" theory.

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It looks like Jeb Bush has decided the only way to invigorate his campaign is to jump aboard the crazy train.


When asked if he would kill baby Hitler: 'Hell yeah, I would!… You gotta step up, man.'


One step away from asking if he'd rather fight one horse sized Hitler, or seven duck sized Hitlers.

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Makes sense though- how can the adults these kids will become make informed decisions on which black bloke to shoot first, if they've been mildly concussed from heading penny floaters?

Long term thinking at its finest.

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"Carson "Tithes are better than tax".."


he's right!!


tithes are only 10% of your income (some arguement about if this is pre or post tax)


But those pesky Muslims only pay 2.5% in Zakat.........

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