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Only in America

The Fish

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  • 4 weeks later...

No statutory paid leave for maternity. None. Nada.


Not even the most hard line Tory can come up with shit like this.....America takes the idea that 'there is no such thing as society' to a whole level beyond Thatcher.

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Having a wee browse through Reddit, and came across this.


So, a nursing assistant, whilst off her tits on coke, E and weed, drove into a homeless pedestrian with enough force for him to become stuck in her windscreen.

She then drove home, parked in her garage, with the bloke still stuck in her windscreen, alive, but with survivably injured.

She then left him there, without food, water or treatment, until he died.

Then, with the help of two mates, they drove the car to a park and set it alight, with him still in it.

Incredibly, it wasn't until 4 years later, when she was cracking jokes about it at a party, that she was implicated and charged. (She was sentenced to 60 years).


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Having a wee browse through Reddit, and came across this.


So, a nursing assistant, whilst off her tits on coke, E and weed, drove into a homeless pedestrian with enough force for him to become stuck in her windscreen.

She then drove home, parked in her garage, with the bloke still stuck in her windscreen, alive, but with survivably injured.

She then left him there, without food, water or treatment, until he died.

Then, with the help of two mates, they drove the car to a park and set it alight, with him still in it.

Incredibly, it wasn't until 4 years later, when she was cracking jokes about it at a party, that she was implicated and charged. (She was sentenced to 60 years).




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Whilst the mindset of your average US cop undoubtedly needs to change, I can't help but think the U.S. media are stitching up the police atm. Every time a black bloke is killed these days, even if he's been trying to shoot at the police first, there's riots in the streets. Fox news can't get enough of it, which is ironic given their usual casual racism

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Whilst the mindset of your average US cop undoubtedly needs to change, I can't help but think the U.S. media are stitching up the police atm. Every time a black bloke is killed these days, even if he's been trying to shoot at the police first, there's riots in the streets. Fox news can't get enough of it, which is ironic given their usual casual racism


It gives them a platform to continue though surely?

If people keep rioting then eventually they switch from a "the police are shit" to "look at these black people rioting, they're terrible" and the views keep rolling in.

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