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Jesus, yes Gemmill


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Hope you've all had a gorgeous day. For some reason the bairn was utterly convinced that Santa was leaving the presents under the tree (he didn't tell me this!!) so as he came downstairs and saw the tree only had a few family presents under there he absolutely believed Santa hadn't been. He got down on his hands and knees under the tree and said "So what happens now? :( " He didn't even look at the settee right beside him. I've got the whole thing on video and I could have cried :lol:


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The in-laws' ailing old dog (yes Gemmill). Just as tea was being served. It's not been your average Christmas Day...

Not funny at all so why I spurted tea everywhere and then nearly choked. Once I'd recovered assembled family asked what I'm laughing at. Read it out whilst still chortling to full looks of disapproval!!! :lol:



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Hope you all had a merry Xmas.


Pretty hungover, had quite a few of Wylam's finest, Purity's finest, Glenlivets finest, and so on....




And now a very tired, very whiny 3yr old shitbag just arrived. Being an uncle is all right, but by Christ I didn't realise it was so much hard work.




Edited by The Fish
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Hope you all had a merry Xmas.


Pretty hungover, had quite a few of Wylam's finest, Purity's finest, Glenlivets finest, and so on....




And now a very tired, very whiny 3yr old shitbag just arrived. Being an uncle is all right, but by Christ I didn't realise it was so much hard work.




It gets worse the older they get, trust me.

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Succeeded in my goal to achieve a vegetative state. Didn't have much involvement in the dinner as I was spending it with the lass & her family.


Her brother brought out some Czech digestive late on that hit me for six. :lol:


Hope everyone enjoyed the day.

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