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I think you should apologise CT, you'd obviously forgotten that there were a few on here who had lost their jobs because of the cuts and its fairly insensitive of you.


Hell will freeze over first :)


My comments were at use of the word "savage" and I 100% stand by them.


I don't know anyone whose being effected by the cuts not 1.


And as Ive already said, the fact that some people have lost their jobs is sad for them, but that still doesn't warrant "savage" cuts and still won't stop me from discussing them in a political thread.


If it's too sensitive for some then stay off the net ffs.

There is a line tbf. If someone announces a family member had died in bizarre circumstances, you wouldnt make a joke of it. The devastation and personal impact of job losses is another area where i think its just decent not to make any insensitive comments. Its not 'the internet ffs' its our little corner of the internet, with a small community, some who know each other personally. As such you should act accordingly. Being grown up and intelligent means you should have the ability to know where the line it. I dont want to overstate it, its not the worse thing thats been said on here by a long way but just keep it real mate.


Well said. Even by your standards CT, you're being totally unreasonable & insensitive. If I didn't know better I'd say it was the comments of a clueless teenager. Your immaturity at times is staggering!

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Going to apologise to TS for continuing to be an insensitive cock to him losing his job? It's a good thing he seems to be a relaxed person because if I was in his shoes, I'd be calling you worse than shite.


Fuck off you daft shite. He lost his job back in October and I wished him well at the time. That doesnt mean Im never going to discuss politics or job losses again. :)


What a fucking arsehole you are. You should probably never discuss politics or job losses because you're fucking hopeless at doing both. If this is how low you'll stoop to get some attention then the reaction you receive when something inevitably does go wrong in your own life will be full deserved.


At the core of it, you're too dim to argue anything effectively which is why Chez and HF routinely have you bent over in anything regarding intelligent discussion which is why your attempts at riling everyone else up have to go even further. You're a prize cockend.


Put this in Stevie's moaning thread if you want.

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You help me out and explain what that graph of job losses under Labour has to do with Tory deficit reductions that started on April 1st 2011?






So a bit sill really posting it to try and show how the cuts are effecting south tyneside.


With regard to some of your other points, people in my cab are a measure. I drive unemployed, employed, self employed one man bands, Big business execs and footballers :) quite a wide breadth of the local population. They discuss all sorts from current affairs to elections etc.


Nobody, not one is going on about how savage cuts are making things difficult. They are complaining about petrol prices going up, old age, the weather, lots of things.


Now if the lower classes were being savaged, then it would be the number one topic, business would have crashed, all the regulars would be losing jobs left right and centre. Its just not like that.


I also dont recall saying friends or family will never be affected by the cuts....another made up quote I guess.


The truth, as anyone with an ounce of sense on this subject would know, is that the majority of the cuts have been back loaded, ie the coalition is hoping the economy takes off, everything is rosy and therefore some of the cuts will not need to happen.


And one final point, Labours cuts program for this year, had they been elected, would have virtually matched the coalitions, penny for penny.


If you want to debate the issue, debate it with some sense and not this wish washy lefty codswallop.

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I think you should apologise CT, you'd obviously forgotten that there were a few on here who had lost their jobs because of the cuts and its fairly insensitive of you.


Hell will freeze over first :)


My comments were at use of the word "savage" and I 100% stand by them.


I don't know anyone whose being effected by the cuts not 1.


And as Ive already said, the fact that some people have lost their jobs is sad for them, but that still doesn't warrant "savage" cuts and still won't stop me from discussing them in a political thread.


If it's too sensitive for some then stay off the net ffs.

There is a line tbf. If someone announces a family member had died in bizarre circumstances, you wouldnt make a joke of it. The devastation and personal impact of job losses is another area where i think its just decent not to make any insensitive comments. Its not 'the internet ffs' its our little corner of the internet, with a small community, some who know each other personally. As such you should act accordingly. Being grown up and intelligent means you should have the ability to know where the line it. I dont want to overstate it, its not the worse thing thats been said on here by a long way but just keep it real mate.


Okay lets have this out :)


Show me where I have made a joke out of anyone losing their job on here.


If you are seriously saying I cant, in a political thread, pull a non tory up for using the word savage and that that pulling up somehow offends anyone who may have lost a job, then you are clearly WRONG IMO.



I'll wait btw. :)

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Going to apologise to TS for continuing to be an insensitive cock to him losing his job? It's a good thing he seems to be a relaxed person because if I was in his shoes, I'd be calling you worse than shite.


Fuck off you daft shite. He lost his job back in October and I wished him well at the time. That doesnt mean Im never going to discuss politics or job losses again. :)


His girlfriend is currently on garden leave (meaning she lost her job recently) and very fearful for their futures.


There are plenty of reasons why someone might not want to talk about their personal lives on here, including their employment situation. Not to give you the satisfaction of a gloat, for one. That doesn't mean people aren't being directly affected by the cuts though.


You really have shown yourself to be the most obnoxious cunt ever to grace this board. No wonder virtually everyone despises you.


Renton, theres no point getting into this with you because as always, you whine like a girl for several posts, finally lose the argument and instead revert to telling me how much more popular you are than me :)


Although its nice to see you got it out the way in the first post. :)

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I think you should apologise CT, you'd obviously forgotten that there were a few on here who had lost their jobs because of the cuts and its fairly insensitive of you.


Hell will freeze over first :)


My comments were at use of the word "savage" and I 100% stand by them.


I don't know anyone whose being effected by the cuts not 1.


And as Ive already said, the fact that some people have lost their jobs is sad for them, but that still doesn't warrant "savage" cuts and still won't stop me from discussing them in a political thread.


If it's too sensitive for some then stay off the net ffs.


Everyone says they're savage cuts.

Clegg defends 'savage cuts' call http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/8266260.stm


Savage cuts and social cohesion http://www.independent.co.uk/opinion/leadi...on-2113111.html


In a first round of savage cuts, 2,600 servicemen and women will definitely go in the autumn. http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/...dy-wars-on.html


MUMS with newborn babies will today find themselves in the front line of the Tory-led Coalition’s savage cuts.http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/politics/2011/04/06/mums-with-new-babies-big-losers-in-tory-led-coalition-s-savage-cuts-115875-23041058/


Isn't your argument they're necessarily so?



Rather than get into a tit for tat headline posting session with you, you go and find me a headline from the Gazette about how the lower classes are being savaged. Not might be, but are.

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You help me out and explain what that graph of job losses under Labour has to do with Tory deficit reductions that started on April 1st 2011?


People have been plainning for the cuts and letting people know (or worse let them stew) for months - including redundancy for some. The actual effects of the cuts on services won't be known for a while but the human cost has already started and has been ongoing since last year.


But the 2 -3 year spike on the graph is before the tories even got in man :)

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I think you should apologise CT, you'd obviously forgotten that there were a few on here who had lost their jobs because of the cuts and its fairly insensitive of you.


Hell will freeze over first :)


My comments were at use of the word "savage" and I 100% stand by them.


I don't know anyone whose being effected by the cuts not 1.


And as Ive already said, the fact that some people have lost their jobs is sad for them, but that still doesn't warrant "savage" cuts and still won't stop me from discussing them in a political thread.


If it's too sensitive for some then stay off the net ffs.

There is a line tbf. If someone announces a family member had died in bizarre circumstances, you wouldnt make a joke of it. The devastation and personal impact of job losses is another area where i think its just decent not to make any insensitive comments. Its not 'the internet ffs' its our little corner of the internet, with a small community, some who know each other personally. As such you should act accordingly. Being grown up and intelligent means you should have the ability to know where the line it. I dont want to overstate it, its not the worse thing thats been said on here by a long way but just keep it real mate.


Okay lets have this out :)


Show me where I have made a joke out of anyone losing their job on here.



It was general advice and its not directed at anything you said, the only bit which applies to you is the bit i have put in bold there. Making a joke about death was an example of insensitivity, not you making a joke about people losing their jobs.


The point was; try to be a bit more sensitive about this issue, not you are acting like you are making a joke about death.

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You help me out and explain what that graph of job losses under Labour has to do with Tory deficit reductions that started on April 1st 2011?






So a bit sill really posting it to try and show how the cuts are effecting south tyneside.


With regard to some of your other points, people in my cab are a measure. I drive unemployed, employed, self employed one man bands, Big business execs and footballers :) quite a wide breadth of the local population. They discuss all sorts from current affairs to elections etc.


Nobody, not one is going on about how savage cuts are making things difficult. They are complaining about petrol prices going up, old age, the weather, lots of things.


Now if the lower classes were being savaged, then it would be the number one topic, business would have crashed, all the regulars would be losing jobs left right and centre. Its just not like that.


I also dont recall saying friends or family will never be affected by the cuts....another made up quote I guess.


The truth, as anyone with an ounce of sense on this subject would know, is that the majority of the cuts have been back loaded, ie the coalition is hoping the economy takes off, everything is rosy and therefore some of the cuts will not need to happen.


And one final point, Labours cuts program for this year, had they been elected, would have virtually matched the coalitions, penny for penny.


If you want to debate the issue, debate it with some sense and not this wish washy lefty codswallop.


Business doesn't crash when the lower classes are being savaged you numbskull. Business spunk their load that their biggest cost (wages) is being driven down. That's supposed to be YOUR argument in favour of cuts.


You obviously never read Meenzers earlier post about health and safety cuts if you think regulators aren't losing work.


Which reminds me of another aunt and uncle in the field. He's had to go abroad for work and she's doing one day a week.

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Going to apologise to TS for continuing to be an insensitive cock to him losing his job? It's a good thing he seems to be a relaxed person because if I was in his shoes, I'd be calling you worse than shite.


Fuck off you daft shite. He lost his job back in October and I wished him well at the time. That doesnt mean Im never going to discuss politics or job losses again. :)


His girlfriend is currently on garden leave (meaning she lost her job recently) and very fearful for their futures.


There are plenty of reasons why someone might not want to talk about their personal lives on here, including their employment situation. Not to give you the satisfaction of a gloat, for one. That doesn't mean people aren't being directly affected by the cuts though.


You really have shown yourself to be the most obnoxious cunt ever to grace this board. No wonder virtually everyone despises you.


Renton, theres no point getting into this with you because as always, you whine like a girl for several posts, finally lose the argument and instead revert to telling me how much more popular you are than me :)


Although its nice to see you got it out the way in the first post. :)


If someone had told me that both they and their girlfriend had lost their jobs due to government cutbacks (a massive thing for a young couple), I'd have the decency to say that I was sorry to hear that, even if it was you. This isn't about politics, it's about basic human decency. The fact that you seemingly can't even sympathise, let alone empathise, with people who are suffering reflects very badly on you. I'm not the only one who can see this btw; in fact you are perhaps the only one who can't.


Nobody is trying to censor your political views but you need to be told that you are being a complete dick in the way you express them.

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Going to apologise to TS for continuing to be an insensitive cock to him losing his job? It's a good thing he seems to be a relaxed person because if I was in his shoes, I'd be calling you worse than shite.


Fuck off you daft shite. He lost his job back in October and I wished him well at the time. That doesnt mean Im never going to discuss politics or job losses again. :)


What a fucking arsehole you are. You should probably never discuss politics or job losses because you're fucking hopeless at doing both. If this is how low you'll stoop to get some attention then the reaction you receive when something inevitably does go wrong in your own life will be full deserved.


At the core of it, you're too dim to argue anything effectively which is why Chez and HF routinely have you bent over in anything regarding intelligent discussion which is why your attempts at riling everyone else up have to go even further. You're a prize cockend.


Put this in Stevie's moaning thread if you want.


I'll put it in the talk of pile of shite and dodge the argument thread. Unless ofcourse your brave enough or clever enough to quote which bit Ive said is so offensive. Surely your not just jumping on a band wagon :)


tick tock

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Going to apologise to TS for continuing to be an insensitive cock to him losing his job? It's a good thing he seems to be a relaxed person because if I was in his shoes, I'd be calling you worse than shite.


Fuck off you daft shite. He lost his job back in October and I wished him well at the time. That doesnt mean Im never going to discuss politics or job losses again. :)


What a fucking arsehole you are. You should probably never discuss politics or job losses because you're fucking hopeless at doing both. If this is how low you'll stoop to get some attention then the reaction you receive when something inevitably does go wrong in your own life will be full deserved.


At the core of it, you're too dim to argue anything effectively which is why Chez and HF routinely have you bent over in anything regarding intelligent discussion which is why your attempts at riling everyone else up have to go even further. You're a prize cockend.


Put this in Stevie's moaning thread if you want.


I'll put it in the talk of pile of shite and dodge the argument thread. Unless ofcourse your brave enough or clever enough to quote which bit Ive said is so offensive. Surely your not just jumping on a band wagon :)


tick tock

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I think you should apologise CT, you'd obviously forgotten that there were a few on here who had lost their jobs because of the cuts and its fairly insensitive of you.


Hell will freeze over first :)


My comments were at use of the word "savage" and I 100% stand by them.


I don't know anyone whose being effected by the cuts not 1.


And as Ive already said, the fact that some people have lost their jobs is sad for them, but that still doesn't warrant "savage" cuts and still won't stop me from discussing them in a political thread.


If it's too sensitive for some then stay off the net ffs.

There is a line tbf. If someone announces a family member had died in bizarre circumstances, you wouldnt make a joke of it. The devastation and personal impact of job losses is another area where i think its just decent not to make any insensitive comments. Its not 'the internet ffs' its our little corner of the internet, with a small community, some who know each other personally. As such you should act accordingly. Being grown up and intelligent means you should have the ability to know where the line it. I dont want to overstate it, its not the worse thing thats been said on here by a long way but just keep it real mate.


Okay lets have this out :)


Show me where I have made a joke out of anyone losing their job on here.



It was general advice and its not directed at anything you said, the only bit which applies to you is the bit i have put in bold there. Making a joke about death was an example of insensitivity, not you making a joke about people losing their jobs.


The point was; try to be a bit more sensitive about this issue, not you are acting like you are making a joke about death.


One down, one to go.


Now show me this deeply insensitive quote of mine.

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One down, one to go.


Now show me this deeply insensitive quote of mine.


I didnt say you had made a joke about it, i compared the levels of insensitivity. Maybe it was a bit subtle for you saying one thing is like doing another thing.


Claiming that you dont know anyone affected by the cuts on a forum where you know plenty of people who have posted about how the cuts are affecting them is a bit insensitive. If you made the statement in the pub, it would depend on who you know in the pub. You know full well (or forgot) that plenty on here have been affected. The point being, you are trying to use the fact that you dont know anyone affected as an argument for the lack of severity and implying its all a fuss over nothing. When the direct experience of those you are talking to contradicts your observation, it undermines everything you are saying and looks insensitive.


Look at this way CT; i'm telling you.

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CT isn't a man. When you become morbidly obese the body starts to produce higher levels of estrogen, especially when you're mainly eating foods high in sugar content, like doughnuts and cream pies - CT's daily intake of food mainly consists of these two in different varieties. He will have developed significant mammaries by now, and I would be surprised if he wasn't lactating. As for downstairs, all bets are off.

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Guest alex
One down, one to go.


Now show me this deeply insensitive quote of mine.


I didnt say you had made a joke about it, i compared the levels of insensitivity. Maybe it was a bit subtle for you saying one thing is like doing another thing. Claiming that you dont know anyone affected by the cuts on a forum where you know plenty of people who have posted about how the cuts are affecting them is a bit insensitive. If you made the statement in the pub, it would depend on who you know in the pub. You know full well (or forgot) that plenty on here have been affected. The point being, you are trying to use the fact that you dont know anyone affected as an argument for the lack of severity and implying its all a fuss over nothing. When the direct experience of those you are talking to contradicts your observation, it undermines everything you are saying and looks insensitive.


Look at this way CT; i'm telling you.


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Going to apologise to TS for continuing to be an insensitive cock to him losing his job? It's a good thing he seems to be a relaxed person because if I was in his shoes, I'd be calling you worse than shite.


Fuck off you daft shite. He lost his job back in October and I wished him well at the time. That doesnt mean Im never going to discuss politics or job losses again. :)


His girlfriend is currently on garden leave (meaning she lost her job recently) and very fearful for their futures.


There are plenty of reasons why someone might not want to talk about their personal lives on here, including their employment situation. Not to give you the satisfaction of a gloat, for one. That doesn't mean people aren't being directly affected by the cuts though.


You really have shown yourself to be the most obnoxious cunt ever to grace this board. No wonder virtually everyone despises you.


Renton, theres no point getting into this with you because as always, you whine like a girl for several posts, finally lose the argument and instead revert to telling me how much more popular you are than me :)


Although its nice to see you got it out the way in the first post. :)


If someone had told me that both they and their girlfriend had lost their jobs due to government cutbacks (a massive thing for a young couple), I'd have the decency to say that I was sorry to hear that.


I agree :) Tit.





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I think people are being harsh on CT. He has had different experiences than most people on here and thus has a different point of view. For instance, a single mother would have been hit hard when Thatcher cut free milk for school children in 1971, but this wouldn't have affected CT's children, as they had an ample supply of fresh milk from his obese sagging mammaries that had been developed over many years of gorging like a hippopotamus on doughnuts and cakes.

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So you knew people from this board were being affected after all then? Making you a liar, as usual. Of course you've completely ignored the revelation that his girl friend has also lost her job recently, which makes things doubly worse.


Btw, in case you haven't guessed it, yes, I am personally affected by this as well. I'm not going to say any more CT because 1) I don't divulge personal information to pricks like you, and 2) Everyone has realised what a completely insensitive bell end you are apart from yourself, so it's pointless.


Edit: addressed at CT, obviously.

Edited by Renton
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One down, one to go.


Now show me this deeply insensitive quote of mine.


I didnt say you had made a joke about it, i compared the levels of insensitivity. Maybe it was a bit subtle for you saying one thing is like doing another thing.


Claiming that you dont know anyone affected by the cuts on a forum where you know plenty of people who have posted about how the cuts are affecting them is a bit insensitive. If you made the statement in the pub, it would depend on who you know in the pub. You know full well (or forgot) that plenty on here have been affected. The point being, you are trying to use the fact that you dont know anyone affected as an argument for the lack of severity and implying its all a fuss over nothing. When the direct experience of those you are talking to contradicts your observation, it undermines everything you are saying and looks insensitive.


Look at this way CT; i'm telling you.




So it all boils down to that.


What you mean is you've been back and had a look at the original reply, noticed that it was a very legitimate response given the preceeding post and the different political viewpoints and in no way made fun of anyone who had lost their job.


Nobody was being a cuts denier, it was the use of language similar to when the hoo ha kicked off about the word "flooding" when use in the race debate.


Yes everyone jumped on Alex's little fuse (and all credit to Alex btw, currently getting back to his best form), but its no good piling all this belated feelings crap after the event.


We might as well close down general chat in case someone, somewhere takes offence at something.


:) One final word of caution, it is pub night so this very fair minded liberal Tory might be replaced by Norman Tebbitt come this evening.

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