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Did anyone see on the news this morning that the number of people sleeping rough in England and Wales has risen from about 1,700 six years ago to over 4,000 now?


The horrible fucking Tory cunts

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Dutch voters abandoning the centreground now.


“Voters simply no longer trust the traditional parties to look after them,” Krouwel said. “And in times like this, people who feel vulnerable, who are angry and worried, want to feel taken care of. They are drawn to an alternative party.”

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Sturgeon starting the process for a second Independence Referendum. I can't see May agreeing to it. It'd almost certainly see Scotland leaving the Union with NI possibly to follow.

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I was under the impression that support for a second referendum was at a low ebb right now? Sturgeon must be confident about winning that particular fight I guess, but didn't Theresa May basically bait her into this?

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I haven't seen any polling but given that Scotland have been completely ignored during the Brexit process I would imagine that dissatisfaction with Westminster must be pretty high.

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Think it'll happen and I think the current government trying to prevent it will only hamper the cause of those wanting to remain part of the UK. To be fair to the circumstance have changed pretty dramatically making a very reasonable argument for another referendum. It'll be a shame personally but I can see why they wouldn't want to remain part of the UK particularly as there seems to be little or no consideration given to those who wanted to stay in the EU.

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What do Labour do when they go? That's it, surely? The Tories will have everything left sewn up.

I think there's been recent elections when they've won enough seats whereby they'd have a majority even without Scotland but it certainly makes things a lot more difficult. The UK's fucking desperate for electoral reform like which will be further emphasized if you have a situation whereby a party cleans up at every GE with about 40% of the vote (or potentially even less). Ironically that'll make the electoral reform even less likely.

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They should get on their bike and look for mental health, and keep looking till they find it.

Incidentally, what a horrible piece of work Norman Tebbitt was (and still is).

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When the last referendum was announced Yes was at 25% and rose to 45%.

And guess what? If yes had won in 2014 Scotland would have been outside the EU :thumbup:


If May grants indy2 and yes wins have you had any thoughts on what your currency might be?

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