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I'm older than most of you and if anything, I've become more of a lefty as I've aged.

Watching successive Tory governments bending the country over and screwing it for all it's worth, then blaming it on the underclass they themselves created as a result, is probably why.

Aye. I'm also far more anti-royal than I was too, (not that I was buying commemorative China plates of the plague of spongers in the first place, like).
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Can't be arsed with Tubs' crack most of the time, however, see below ;)

I've often wondered how someone of our generation and upbringing could be a Tory, and I've been about pondering Jar Jar the Cabby in particular this afternoon.

How could he grow up under Thatcher, in the North East, and think she and her various Cabinets were anything other than grade A cunts?

I thought it from the moment I was capable of political thought, probably helped along by my older brother who was heavily involved in supporting the miners during the strike( he performed in the Concert for Heroes at the Albert Hall in 1986, as did Lindisfarne, Weller, etc).

I realised it (their cuntery) then, and I recognise it now, if anything they've upped the ante.

Then I realised, CT is different to me and you.

For a cone-headed, buck-toothed, sparrow-shouldered ginger, the 80s must've been a tough time.

A bloke can only take so much rejection, and after yet another night spent sitting in the corner at Walkers or the Mayfair, watching the likes of me and PaddockLad fighting off the blart, it's easy to see how he'd come to hate his more handsome, less ginger contemporaries.

And then...... the conversion.

The new manager at SCS arrives, a former RGS boy called Marcus, or fucking Jeremy, whatever, and he's different.

He's posh, wears pink shirts blazers and chinos, (rugby shirts on dress down Friday), and, importantly, he doesn't ignore our Ginger Golem.

He cracks jokes with Tubs, calling the punters Plebs and Oiks ( out of earshot, naturally), brings Blue Nun for the staff tombola, gives him sales tips on flogging the utterly pointless Dralon Stainguard Treatment to grannies who can't afford it ( " fuck 'em, think of the commission Smeagol).

And idolises Thatcher.

Granted, he's shagging Debbie from Accounts and Customer Complaints that CT has secretly loved from the day he saw her, but hey, Marcus/fucking Jeremy gives our boy some attention!

A few years on, a promotion to deputy part-time managers assistant in the Leather suites and Pouffes section, the Tory conversion is well under way.

When MfJ gives the Goober tickets to a sportmans dinner where he meets Beardsley and other players ( and gets a Polaroid taken! The roughnecks in the warehouse will be soooo jealous!) it's a done deal.

Tory Boy is born.:lol:

:lol: :lol:


I didn't don't think for one second this resembles the truth.

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BBC really bashing UKip tonight first piss taking on Newsnight and then a good pasting on QT. It's too late you dopey fucks! :lol:


Probably someone has pointed out how many times UKIP were on QT in the months leading up to the vote.

Edited by Park Life
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dianne abbot new shadow home secretary :unsure2:



You've got to laugh. At a time when UKip have effectively disbanded itself and the tories are more hated than ever by large sections of the population, labour have Corbyn as leader and DIANNE fucking ABBOT as shadow home secretary.


Honestly, it's surreal. For the third time today. :anguish:

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Actually suspect he stands a better chance of not reshuffling again by appointing loyalists.


That said, someone is going to have to help me out here - what is it about Dianne Abbot that everyone considers makes her unsuitable for front bench politics? In a world where BoJo is Foreign Secretary and UKIP ministers are punching each other the fuck out, this is? I'm genuinely curious on this one.

Edited by Rayvin
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Actually suspect he stands a better chance of not reshuffling again by appointing loyalists.


That said, someone is going to have to help me out here - what is it about Dianne Abbot that everyone considers makes her unsuitable for front bench politics? In a world where BoJo is Foreign Secretary and UKIP ministers are punching each other the fuck out, this is? I'm genuinely curious on this on.

The position of home secretary is one of the triumvirate of top jobs in the UK government. It demands a person with sufficient competence, integrity, and gravitas to fill it. Abbot is none of those things, she's really a bit of a joke in Westminster. She's not competent or particularly likable. She's a hypocrite. And she's said a lot of dodgy things in the past which if she were a white male she would have been rightly branded a racist misogynist. She has no respect amongst the British public and will be crucified by the right wing press. She's basically a Corbyn stooge. Completely unelectable. Edited by Renton
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Ah ok, well at least unelectability is going to be a consistent theme then.


I'll wait and see how she does I guess. FWIW, if it all goes tits up then I'll hold my hands up and say it hasn't worked. At least it looks as though Corbyn isn't going to have to contend with anymore front bench backstabbing though, which I suspect is more damaging than the odd gaffe.

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Actually suspect he stands a better chance of not reshuffling again by appointing loyalists.


That said, someone is going to have to help me out here - what is it about Dianne Abbot that everyone considers makes her unsuitable for front bench politics? In a world where BoJo is Foreign Secretary and UKIP ministers are punching each other the fuck out, this is? I'm genuinely curious on this on.

I suppose some of the criticism she receives is a bit harsh, she gets a lot of the angry black woman stereotyping that an outspoken white male equivalent wouldn't have to endure.


But, she lost a lot of credibility for me when she sent her kid to a private school after criticising colleagues for doing the same. Massive hypocrite, basically.


She's made some pretty dodgy comments about race over the years too. Something about not wanting Scandinavian nurses in her local hospital because they've never seen a black woman or something.


Then there's the fact I just used to find her highly annoying to listen to when she was on with Brillo on This Week.

Edited by Dr Gloom
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The underlying problem is the talent willing to work with Corbyn is shallower than a pool of baby piss. At a time we really need it. I am actually scared at the direction this country is heading but there's nothing to stop it now.

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Ah ok, well at least unelectability is going to be a consistent theme then.


I'll wait and see how she does I guess. FWIW, if it all goes tits up then I'll hold my hands up and say it hasn't worked. At least it looks as though Corbyn isn't going to have to contend with anymore front bench backstabbing though, which I suspect is more damaging than the odd gaffe.

I'm trying to think of an equivalent on the Tory side who is still on back bench but imagine if Theresa May brought back Anne Widdecombe? It's that ridiculous.

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I don't know enough about her. Genuinely. I do sort of recall this stuff about private schools, and I'm very aware that everyone thinks she's some kind of lunatic, but I know nothing of any substance behind that. So ultimately, yes I can imagine it...?

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The underlying problem is the talent willing to work with Corbyn is shallower than a pool of baby piss. At a time we really need it. I am actually scared at the direction this country is heading but there's nothing to stop it now.


I can see why you'd be concerned. I'm going to reserve judgment until we see how things pan out though.



I'm trying to think of an equivalent on the Tory side who is still on back bench but imagine if Theresa May brought back Anne Widdecombe? It's that ridiculous.


That's a helpful metaphor I guess. Still though, we're in a new age of politics now. Brave new world and all that...

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