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When I was in intensive care in Germany there were cubicles with a nurses station outside, being bored fuckless and a little stoned (well a lot really) I would spend hours just staring at the heart monitor just watching it go, beep, beep, beep. One day whilst watching it flatlined, no warning flat line lites started the lot. Being the tough army bloke I was naturally I screamed at the top of my voice that I was dying. Nurse stands up from chair in nurses station eating a sandwich. With a look of disdain I have never seen before or since from a woman (and I have seen a fair few) she put down her sandwich walks into mycubicle, looks at me for about 0.5 seconds and then gives the heart monitor a thump. Sure enough the machine returns to normal operation immediately. WIthout a word being said she returns to desk and resumes her sandwich eating / magazine reading (I think it was Nazi nurses love Hitler monthly or something) I am absolutely sure if I wasn't bunged up with opiates I would have shit myself.

Edited by Kevin Carr's Gloves
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To work as a nurse, you need a degree in nursing and you must be registered with the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC). You won’t usually pay university fees, as most nurses' education is funded by the NHS. You’ll also need to choose which of the four nursing specialisms (adult, children, mental health, or learning disability) you’d like to study. Nursing requires a high level of technical competence and clinical decision-making skills. To develop these, you'll spend half of your nursing degree on supervised placements in local hospital and community settings.




It has been mandatory for any newly-registered nurse to have a degree since 2013, and those who previously held the RN Dip(HE) had/have to undertake further study to obtain one. It was announced in 2009 that this would be the case.


We don't carry lanterns and mop brows these days, nor is seen by anyone with half a brain as an option for those who aren't that academic. Your statement above shows a breathtaking amount of ignorance.



I'm sorry, I haven't a clue what your point is.


My point was that until recently (2013), a nurse did not need to complete a degree course to be a nurse and that the vast proportion of current Nurses are very good and became very good WITHOUT needing a degree.


Added to the these FACTS! :lol: was the underlying point which is that there are some very good potential nurses out there who will now not enter the profession due to having not attained good enough grades at school or by being unable to rise to the EXTRA academic requirements of the degree.


I say all of this based on common sense, one mother and three sisters who were excellent nurses and a brother in law who until recently was Professor of nurse training in Newcastle.


So stick that in your pipe and smoke it :lol:

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If you were using that citation in your degree paper you'd get significantly marked down for using an outdated source. Fail.


I'm off to bed - I've got commodes to wash later.

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Because he's just gotten paid for being on holiday most of the summer. He ain't stupid.


Dammit man, I want something much more illuminati-esque than that! That's just fucking mundane :lol:


Although entirely in keeping with British politics, come to think of it.

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It's only just went to degree level. Virtually every NHS nurse doesn't have / need a degree.

Well that's a lie. Even the older generation of nurses with a diploma are funded to go back to uni part time to top it up to a degree


You also have to complete 35hours of cpd/training every 3 years or they won't let you practice.


Case in point, I have a degree, a PGdip at Msc level, a prescribing qualification and am trained in delivering dialectical behavioural therapy at national level. I also make less money than my mate who sells street lights to councils


Doesnt your career consist of selling sofa's and driving taxi's? You really need to learn to pick your fights

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