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Who are you going to vote for, then?

In a GE, I will vote labour because I know my MP quite well, otherwise I'd probably go liberal. I'm not voting in any other elections until things change.

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In a GE, I will vote labour because I know my MP quite well, otherwise I'd probably go liberal. I'm not voting in any other elections until things change.

I guess you and I cancel each other out then. But given that you claim we should vote for labour irrespective of principles in order to keep the Tories out, and yet won't vote for Corbyn simply because you believe that he won't win, yours is an odd position to take up.


Either way, Labour is fucked and you and I, who share quite similar politics I would imagine, stand pointing the finger at each other. A shambles that I don't think Corbyn has been around long enough to be responsible for. He, along with this disagreement, is the consequence of the death of new Labour.

Edited by Rayvin
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Another couple of brave Labour MPs undermining their party. This is what's killing Labour, not Corbyn. Snakey little cunts who can't respect a democratic process. The tories don't have to do anything but sit back and watch.

This is absolutely spot on. Infuriating in the extreme.

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Cunts like those two mps will just sit back for 4 years and hope for a defeat so they can advance their careers under Kendall or whoever. Just like when milliband fucked off to the US thinking he'd waltz back in but then realised the mood was against him.

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I guess you and I cancel each other out then. But given that you claim we should vote for labour irrespective of principles in order to keep the Tories out, and yet won't vote for Corbyn simply because you believe that he won't win, yours is an odd position to take up.


Either way, Labour is fucked and you and I, who share quite similar politics I would imagine, stand pointing the finger at each other. A shambles that I don't think Corbyn has been around long enough to be responsible for. He, along with this disagreement, is the consequence of the death of new Labour.

2020 is a long way away, I seriously doubt Corbyn will be leading whatever labour has become by then, so it's all a bit hypothetical, but I imagine it will be me not you that is voting labour by the sounds of it.


Imo there is a place in the centrist left in England and Wales (forget Scotland, they're out of it) to take on and beat the conservatives. It may take a reshuffle of the labour and liberal packs to achieve this, and will take a decade or more. I wouldn't be expecting you or NJS to join the party, but maybe Meenzer would. ;) Who knows.


Meanwhile we have a very important referendum coming up. Get Brexit and imo we're all fucked anyway and anything can happen (another thing that I think Corbyn is piss weak about BTW).

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Cunts like those two mps will just sit back for 4 years and hope for a defeat so they can advance their careers under Kendall or whoever. Just like when milliband fucked off to the US thinking he'd waltz back in but then realised the mood was against him.

People who nominated Corbyn = cunts. OK.

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I wouldn't be expecting you or NJS to join the party, but maybe Meenzer would. ;) Who knows.


I would be delighted to be able to vote for something and someone I broadly agree with and believe in - it's been too long! :D

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People who nominated Corbyn = cunts. OK.

No - they're cunts for failing to support him now.


Unless they nominated him deliberately in an attempt to humiliate him.

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I always vote labour and know I'll get a better deal through them than the alternative although even that belief was starting to get blurred with some of the rhetoric from the other labour candidates. I'd still have voted and supported them in the GE though.

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Meanwhile we have a very important referendum coming up. Get Brexit and imo we're all fucked anyway and anything can happen (another thing that I think Corbyn is piss weak about BTW).

You mean his forthright stance on positive reasons to remain rather than the scare mongering of both sides of the tory argument.

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You mean his forthright stance on positive reasons to remain rather than the scare mongering of both sides of the tory argument.

Funny that, the man is a career eurosceptic and has voted against every advance the EU has ever made including the inception of us joining the common market in 73. He knows his position would be totally untenable now if he campaigned for Brexit, and suddenly is positive about staying in? Maybe not so principled after all then. Edited by Renton
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Being pro-Europe in 1973 is a very different prospect to being pro-Europe today. Europe as a political entity is not attached to a way of thinking either as it evolves with the dominant parties of Germany, Netherlands, Belgium etc. Now we have a Schauble dominated fiscal and monetarist EU with a leftist social core. You can't align an ideology with Europe's political structures as from one decade to the next, those running the Commission and in the Parliament are of differing political views. Being pro Europe today in practical terms means aligning with the current views of the political elite which shift over time.


I don't believe anyone in Britain can truly approach the question of Europe through conviction alone as what will be voted for in 2016 will not be the same in 2026. It's not a good democracy but it's built from the democratic structures of the member states meaning it's vision and policies will change with the political processes of each country in the parliament.


To criticize Corbyn for changing views on Europe is akin to buying Boris Johnson's laughably stupid line that the Brexiters were the only side of the debate with beliefs and ideology. The whole point of this decision for me is to put aside 'feeling' and go with the practical issues. If that means viewing Europe as more than a common market then let Corbyn change how he sees it too.

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I don't think Corbyn has changed his beliefs , I think he's lying about them. I'm not even sure he has the intellectual capacity to hold any conviction on the matter anyway, but that's another matter. He should be a major player in this debate. Instead, he's been almost silent the matter as far as I can tell, the most important issue of our times.

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He really doesn't seem to be particularly personable. I saw him on Peston on Sunday and his only saving grace was that he was sandwiched in between two even bigger twats.

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