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Kay Burley was a cunt as usual.


Paxman regurgitating the flawed narrative on labour spending when they were last in power with a smug look on his face too. I don't know any economists who still believe that but it's accepted as fact by media and the public. Miliband doesn't do himself any favours by not being adept enough to refute it.

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Unfortunately, economic discourse in Britain is dominated by a misleading fixation on budget deficits. Worse, this bogus narrative has infected supposedly objective reporting; media organizations routinely present as fact propositions that are contentious if not just plain wrong.



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Kay Burley and Jeremy Paxman, 2 stout Tories, leading the questions :lol:


Main questions to Miliband focused on


-why aren't you your brother?

-explain why the last labour government was flawed?


Neither of which have any real impact in Milibands prospects as PM and plans once there. The questions from the crowd were fucking junior school level too.


-why are you miserable?


Who gives a fuck!

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These are the most searched for questions on Google through the debate in order of popularity:

  1. What is austerity?
  2. What does austerity mean?

There are more, but fuck me. :lol: "What's this austerity business all about?!" :lol:

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I almost want to see the Tories be the biggest single party (which looks quite likely) and to be bereft of anyone with enough seats willing to go into coalition. Could conceivably see a compromised Ed Milliband being forced into a coalition on the basis that proper PR is on the agenda. I could see an electorate going for it if it was sold right.

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All the junior parties outshone the big boys, apart from Bennet, who seemed really nervous. Sturgeon in particular was very impressive.


If it was anyone but miliband leading the party, Labour would be romping home. But the state of the man - what was with the incessant talking to camera about people at home having to decide? Someone clearly told him to do that but it just came across as fake and creepy. Look into my eyes people at home. He's just not a leader.


Not that it makes that much difference. The Tories will continue to shaft the poor and vulnerable but Labour have signed up to more austerity and nuclear weapons too.

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