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Half your age plus seven rule for me personally. Think I might have to cap the lower limit at 30 like.


BTW, where are the decent wums nowadays?

That gives me 29.5 as my limit.

Scarlett, get your coat love, sharpish :naughty:

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Can I just butt in for a second to give Des a teeny bit of advice? Calling/accusing fellow posters of being paedophiles will lead to you being hoofed. Pack it in.

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Sex with kids, a fucking grey area indeed.


You mother fucking oddball.

pre 1750 or whatever date it was. It was legal to marry / have sex with a teen. Normally that meant post marriage. I cant recall what legal age of marriage was. ?15


whatever age is considered being old enough is an artificial construct of society. In practise ofcourse having a baby at 14 or younger is dangerous. It could be that 16 is artificiallyhigh age, but tbh am not sure what you use to measure it by. Because in reality people develop (physically and mentally) at differnt ages. We accept 16 because that what the victorians set it at, and because more of the demands of the educationists; that people stay in school till 16.


Linking sex to physical activity devoid of love, isnt something society should promote as normal at 14/15 or whatever age. However as you cant police someone being in love, then you need an artifical barrier of 16; but that barrier is still somwhat plucked out of thin air.

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Please do. :naughty:

Well it's fucking daft isn't it. Who is going to enforce such an archaic set of laws? It's hard to imagine coppers stormimg in as the lube is cracked open to shout "your knicked."

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That Paul Eastwood is shit.


At least his website Bio is accurate


"The name Paul Eastwood springs to mind when a top class act is required by discriminating clients"

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Russia faced demands from almost all council members to pull its troops out of Crimea and there was no support for military action from its close ally China. Several EU states, including the UK, and the US have said they are considering economic sanctions against Russia.


A Kremlin aide said on Tuesday that if the US were to impose sanctions, Moscow could be forced to drop the dollar as a reserve currency and refuse to pay off any loans to American banks.


Sergei Glazyev, an adviser to the Kremlin – often used by the authorities to stake out a hardline stance but does not make policy – added that if Washington froze the accounts of Russian businesses and individuals, Moscow would recommend that all holders of US treasuries sell them.


Shit just got real.

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And this is why shit like this shouldn't happen these days. If the US declares that it is defaulting on all Russian owned debt and freezing Russian's US based bank accounts it would hurt Russia more than the US. However, it would of course cause chaos all over the globe.

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A set of internationally co-ordinated financial sanctions would be a massive blow to Russia. They would most likely respond with sanctions of their own and restrictions/price hikes on their oil and gas which would lead to a crisis but ultimately they need us to buy their natural resources to continue maintaining their levels of national spending. It's basically a global clusterfuck that neither side wants so they need to come up with an answer that sees neither side losing much face.

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