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3 minutes ago, Renton said:

This is good. I know Nick Robinson often gets accused of being a tory stooge but I don't see it. People used to say the same about Marr but you wouldn't if you listened to him on the New Statesman.











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14 minutes ago, Howmanheyman said:





gary coleman wtf GIF





I'm more interested in why she appears to have aged 15 years since Johnson left office.

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21 minutes ago, Howmanheyman said:





gary coleman wtf GIF




It’s desperation. She’s predicted to lose heavily. Although she’s an ERG cunt who no doubt loves Farage. 

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7 minutes ago, ewerk said:


I'm more interested in why she appears to have aged 15 years since Johnson left office.

Cuts have meant there’s less fresh corpses to feed on

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1 minute ago, Alex said:

It’s desperation. She’s predicted to lose heavily. Although she’s an ERG cunt who no doubt loves Farage. 





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Not being on Twitter for a while I’d forgotten all about this weird Johnson-obsessed cunt. 

Although I think one thing I can agree with her on is that she’s revolting 

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Just watching some of this Sky debate. Canny sure Starmer is trying to fillibuster the fuck out of this so he runs out of time for new questions. 

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2 minutes ago, Renton said:

Rigby asks Sunak to tell her something that will make people like him. He answers he likes Haribos. :lol:




Brutal that. He could have told them he likes Mexican coke and he went with Haribos. 

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32 minutes ago, Renton said:

Just watching some of this Sky debate. Canny sure Starmer is trying to fillibuster the fuck out of this so he runs out of time for new questions. 


I thought he did alright. Much more comfortable with the audience questions than Rigby who is brilliant. 


No one is even paying attention to Sunak here. He's boring and everyone has decided he's a liar. 

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3 minutes ago, Gemmill said:


I thought he did alright. Much more comfortable with the audience questions than Rigby who is brilliant. 


No one is even paying attention to Sunak here. He's boring and everyone has decided he's a liar. 


Aye, I just caught the end of Starmer, thought he was fine if a bit boring. Sunak is fucked like. Everybody knows he's a liar, nobody is listening to him, audience hates him. 

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How is cutting stamp duty good for young people btw? Doesn't it not start already until the property is worth 250k? That would buy you a street in Grimsby. 


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I thought he looked weary right at the start when Rigby was interviewing. 


He was reenergised by the audience being a cunt to him though. He's never more alive than when he gets to be a snippy little bitch. :lol:


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