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Winchester school costs >£50,000 per annum. He's got two sibliongs, also privately educated. Very few GPs or pharmacists could afford to send their kids there so I'd be quite interested in understanding how his parents did this through "hard work" alone, I suspect they were minted when they came over. And a sky TV subscription is going to make bot all difference. :lol:


Sounds like this interview will be car crash TV. Might listen to it. 

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8 minutes ago, wykikitoon said:


Manford listening to Gemmill 


FTR, he wasn't listening to me when he was texting out pictures of his knob, as a married man. 

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22 minutes ago, Renton said:

Ooof, just heard a clip there of Sunak apologising to Brand for being 15 minutes late because the D-day celebrations "ran over". 


I actually don't think there was much wrong with that, and I think it's a bit naughty of ITV to clip it up, just cos they know everything he says is being jumped on. He also says it was amazing and brilliant to meet all the veterans, etc. 


I mean I'm all about things going worse and worse for them in the run up to the election, but I think making something of that clip was bollocks. 

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20 minutes ago, Renton said:

Sounds like this interview will be car crash TV. Might listen to it. 


The Sky leader event is on tonight and sounds like a decent format. 


Starmer and Sunak each have a separate 20 minute interview with Beth Rigby (in front of the studio audience), and then each separately has 25 minutes in front of the same audience, but answering questions from the crowd. 


It's 90 minutes of your life but it's an actual genuine attempt to get some answers out of the pair of them. It could legit go badly wrong as well if the audience turns against one or both of them. 


So much better than ITV's "Keir Starmer, what are your plans to reverse climate change.... You have 45 seconds, starting...... NOW!" 

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20 minutes ago, Gemmill said:


I actually don't think there was much wrong with that, and I think it's a bit naughty of ITV to clip it up, just cos they know everything he says is being jumped on. He also says it was amazing and brilliant to meet all the veterans, etc. 


I mean I'm all about things going worse and worse for them in the run up to the election, but I think making something of that clip was bollocks. 

Fuck them. They lie about everything so getting something they said being blown out of all proportion is absolutely fine by me. 

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25 minutes ago, Gemmill said:


I actually don't think there was much wrong with that, and I think it's a bit naughty of ITV to clip it up, just cos they know everything he says is being jumped on. He also says it was amazing and brilliant to meet all the veterans, etc. 


I mean I'm all about things going worse and worse for them in the run up to the election, but I think making something of that clip was bollocks. 


Of course, I agree. But if the shoe were on the other foot, what do you think would happen and what do you think the tories would do?

I'm happy for ITV to do what they want. I've listened to Brand and he said they offered him several dates but Sunak said this slot was the only one he would do - I think that is more damning. Labour should absolutely not try to make political capital out of it though, he's doing it to himself. 

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Just now, Renton said:


Of course, I agree. But if the shoe were on the other foot, what do you think would happen and what do you think the tories would do?

I'm happy for ITV to do what they want. I've listened to Brand and he said they offered him several dates but Sunak said this slot was the only one he would do - I think that is more damning. Labour should absolutely not try to make political capital out of it though, he's doing it to himself. 


I think Starmer nailed the response on this at the time, just saying what a privilege it was to be there, and he wanted to be there for as much as he could, and that it wasn't for him to comment on the PM's decisions, he'd have to do that for himself. 


Which you can say is a political answer (it is, and the understatement makes it even more effective), but it's also just the answer of a normal functioning human being. He would have looked a right cunt if he'd been crowing about it whilst still at the event. 

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Also, if you are going to go down the jingoistic, flag-shagging, fake national pride, poppy nonce route (as the Tory party has done with particular vigour in recent years) then you’ve created an environment in which a fuck up like this is magnified even more. Agree with Renton about Labour not politicising it too. It’s bad crack anyway but they don’t need to either. 

Edited by Alex
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1 minute ago, Gemmill said:


I think Starmer nailed the response on this at the time, just saying what a privilege it was to be there, and he wanted to be there for as much as he could, and that it wasn't for him to comment on the PM's decisions, he'd have to do that for himself. 


Which you can say is a political answer (it is, and the understatement makes it even more effective), but it's also just the answer of a normal functioning human being. He would have looked a right cunt if he'd been crowing about it whilst still at the event. 


I think Barry Gardner might have said something and I just wanted him to shut the fuck up. Rise above it.

Anyway, after a rare day off yesterday, looks like the nightmare for Sunak will resume again today. The more people see of him, the worse it gets. :)


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1 hour ago, Gemmill said:


FTR, he wasn't listening to me when he was texting out pictures of his knob, as a married man. 

Aye, you told him to tuck it between his legs, spread his cheeks and send the full fruit bowl to unsuspecting women :lol:

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1 hour ago, wykikitoon said:

The infrastructure in this country is well fucked.  Are we too far down the line to take highways maintenance out of private hands and put it back into public?


The social housing this is huge and is so seriously needed.  Not 'affordable' housing btw, proper social housing.

I work in that sector, and there are numerous large issues with trying to build social housing under the current government but budget cuts year after year are certainly the biggest along with under staffed planning departments taking 9-12 months to approve ALL applications in our area for housing that is desperately needed.

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Just heard the Tory manifesto compared to when you ring up to cancel your broadband and suddenly there's a load of great stuff they can do for you to keep your business. 

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Supposedly a big name celeb is gonna introduce the Labour manifesto launch tomorrow. We'll see. Once rumours like this get out if you trot out Steve Coogan it's gonna be a major damp squib. :lol:


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10 minutes ago, Gemmill said:

Supposedly a big name celeb is gonna introduce the Labour manifesto launch tomorrow. We'll see. Once rumours like this get out if you trot out Steve Coogan it's gonna be a major damp squib. :lol:




Who do we reckon then? Jeremy Hunt? 

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2 hours ago, Gemmill said:


I think Starmer nailed the response on this at the time, just saying what a privilege it was to be there, and he wanted to be there for as much as he could, and that it wasn't for him to comment on the PM's decisions, he'd have to do that for himself. 


Which you can say is a political answer (it is, and the understatement makes it even more effective), but it's also just the answer of a normal functioning human being. He would have looked a right cunt if he'd been crowing about it whilst still at the event. 


Eddie Howe style answer, which is exactly the tonic. The Tories are in an utter tailspin, heading to total oblivion - no need to stick the boot in, just get on with business and let them self-destruct. 


In fact have we considered Howe for PM? Tindall could be his mad Home Secretary. The Saudis already pay Eddie's salary so it'll be no different when he gets into Downing Street. 

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7 minutes ago, Gemmill said:

Eddie Izzard. In his fucking beret. :lol:


Probably more responsible for the Leave vote winning than anyone else tbh*

*except CT 

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3 hours ago, Gemmill said:


FTR, he wasn't listening to me when he was texting out pictures of his knob, as a married man. 

I'll ask him next time we're in the queue at the Tesco garage.

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This is good. I know Nick Robinson often gets accused of being a tory stooge but I don't see it. People used to say the same about Marr but you wouldn't if you listened to him on the New Statesman.



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