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9 hours ago, Monkeys Fist said:

If we just stop all the brown people and their pesky small boats, even we plebs will rich beyond our dreams. 

What’s so hard to understand about that? 



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I know I am preaching to the choir here, and please feel free to tell me to shut up, but ffs, look at today's OECD's data they have just published. Hunt is already on gaslighting duties of course.  "You can only trust the tories with the economy". What a mess we're in. 



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No more doomscrolling for you, ya big ding dong.


I'm constantly nope-ing out within 30 seconds of scrolling twitter at the minute. Deleted the app so I have to use the shite mobile website if I want to put myself through it.


Feels like the world is ending if you spend too much time on there. Its literally the opposite of a mood enhancer. 

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8 minutes ago, Gemmill said:

No more doomscrolling for you, ya big ding dong.


I'm constantly nope-ing out within 30 seconds of scrolling twitter at the minute. Deleted the app so I have to use the shite mobile website if I want to put myself through it.


Feels like the world is ending if you spend too much time on there. Its literally the opposite of a mood enhancer. 


I get your point, I really do. Although this is from a link from the Guardian feed tbh, and I do use OECD data a fair bit in my day job as well so it's hard for me to ignore. It's just that the forecasts for the UK are so spectacularly bad, so obviously FUCKING BREXIT, but as a country we STILL won't acknowledge it and I FUCKING CAN'T STAND THE CUNTS FACILITATING THIS and who continue to do so. Just fucking admit the problems Hunt you cunt, then maybe we can begin to act postively on them. Instead of gaslighting us with shot about being able to freeze the duty on draught beer ffs. 


But if you just ignore this, is just a tacit acceptance that's just how it is, and you're just going to meekly accept the country's decline and the impact that's going to have on your kids? I feel that's where we are at the minute and that doesn't make me happy either tbh. 


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Whether you ignore it or you spend all day reading a feed about it, it's happening. Nothing we do will stop that - our next opportunity to do something is a general election. 


Being informed down to the last detail about this stuff doesn't make any difference to whether it happens, but it absolutely crushes your soul and leaves you permanently furious/in despair. 

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12 minutes ago, Gemmill said:

Whether you ignore it or you spend all day reading a feed about it, it's happening. Nothing we do will stop that - our next opportunity to do something is a general election. 


Being informed down to the last detail about this stuff doesn't make any difference to whether it happens, but it absolutely crushes your soul and leaves you permanently furious/in despair. 

Can’t disagree at all but I think Sir Keith’s Labour won’t change much. They’ve got to be voted for in seats where they stand a chance of winning but I don’t hold out much hope that they’ll change anything in a significant way tbh 

Edited by PaddockLad
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1 hour ago, Gemmill said:

No more doomscrolling for you, ya big ding dong.


I'm constantly nope-ing out within 30 seconds of scrolling twitter at the minute. Deleted the app so I have to use the shite mobile website if I want to put myself through it.


Feels like the world is ending if you spend too much time on there. Its literally the opposite of a mood enhancer. 

Went one better and deactivated my Twitter account a while back 

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15 minutes ago, spongebob toonpants said:

The next revolution will have to come from the bottom up. Dont think its going to be in my lifetime sadly


Everyone's too busy dancing on tik tok. 

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54 minutes ago, Gemmill said:

Whether you ignore it or you spend all day reading a feed about it, it's happening. Nothing we do will stop that - our next opportunity to do something is a general election. 


Being informed down to the last detail about this stuff doesn't make any difference to whether it happens, but it absolutely crushes your soul and leaves you permanently furious/in despair. 


It's an interesting point. I think a lot is down to personality type. I'm just hardwired to want to know - and understand - the truth of the situation I'm in. But I'm not motivated to act on the knowledge because, well, as you say, what can you do. For me personally, I find accepting my psychology makes things a bit easier.  Others are hardwired to blisfully ignorant. These are usually happier people and I am somewhat jealous of them tbh. CT is a classic example, on the surface, anyway. 


I wonder though, if you had incurable terminal cancer, would you want to know, or would you prefer to live without the knowledge? If you could believe in God and heaven, would you? I also wonder how sincere your denials of interest are, as you're on this thread after all. And back to the point of my post, people deserve to be told the truth about where we are heading economically. 

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It's not that I'm not interested. I can get as obsessed as anyone about this stuff. And the little jolts of hatred you can feel for people are totally addictive.


But I know it does me no good - it affects my mood, it probably affects my sleep which is already dismal, and once you stop doing it you realise how much of a drain it is. 


The cancer thing - that would be happening to me personally, so of course I want to know.


It's not about living in ignorance or not wanting to know about things. I'm not sitting watching playschool and drooling out the side of my gob as an alternative. :lol:


It's realising how damaging it is mentally to try and be across all of this stuff - I was literally scrolling to find stuff to be angry about. That's insane. I would guess by the way you turn up here to talk about things, that you might be doing the same...? 

Edited by Gemmill
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There's a bloke works as a consultant at my place who gets £1k a day from us for being good at DAX and Power BI. So I'm using my previous doomscrolling time to teach myself how to do that and become the £1k a day man. 


When playschool isn't on. :razz:


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I’m still on Twitter. It’s fine if you just see it for what it is - an aggregator of the best news and analysis.


Its also home to the worst, if you go looking for it. I’ve doom-scrolled as much as the next person, particularly while drinking too much during covid. Don’t recommend it 

There’s no question it’s the world’s biggest town square and gives a platform to the world’s biggest arseholes. Just mute them, curate your feed and fuck Elon’s “for you” tab 

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18 minutes ago, Gemmill said:

I would guess by the way you turn up here to talk about things, that you might be doing the same...? 


Not particularly, think you'll find nearly everything I post is from, or has been flagged by, MSM. I pretty much read the whole Guardian feed every day and any rabbit holes that might take me on, then sometimes post them on here. I never use twitter directly. There's also the usual podcasts I listen too - OGWN, New statesman, News Agents etc. I never intentionally want to make myself angry, it jusy happens organically!


But outside of that my interests are mainly scientific which I don't discuss on here because in that respect you're all thick as pigshit, no offence like. I mean yesterday I was reading about "strange stars" which are made of elemental quarks which I found quite mind blowing. These things are in between being a neutron star and a black hole. That's kind of my solace, that ultimately none of this shit matters, which we touched on the other week I think. Nature is indifferent, and amazing. 

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39 minutes ago, Gemmill said:

There's a bloke works as a consultant at my place who gets £1k a day from us for being good at DAX and Power BI. So I'm using my previous doomscrolling time to teach myself how to do that and become the £1k a day man. 


When playschool isn't on. :razz:


DAX is becoming less important - you might want to hurry. 


PowerBI isn't a bad idea though. 

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26 minutes ago, NJS said:

DAX is becoming less important - you might want to hurry. 


PowerBI isn't a bad idea though. 


How would you do Power BI without DAX though? That's the native language of power BI. 


I'm learning M as well, which is the Power Query one. 


It would be typical if I've been wasting my fucking time. 

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