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More hell on today courtesy of Braverman. Sir Roger Gale has been to visit the Manston Processing Centre, has said the conditions are completely unacceptable, and that he can't be sure that they haven't been caused deliberately. Said he wasn't sure if it was the current Home Sec or Patel to blame. 


Patel's people are briefing that it's got nothing to do with her. 


Just more happy families shit caused by Braverman being an absolute horror show of a human. 

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Braverman released a statement saying there were no secrets contained within the document she emailed herself. That's alright then.....

Stupid fucking bitch.

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I've seen people dismissed for emailing sensitive business details to their private email. No investigation required as it's considered gross misconduct. So how the fuck does she get away with it?



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They're all over the place here. On the day she was sacked we were told it was cos the information she had emailed was market sensitive. Now today they're saying it wasn't market sensitive and offering no explanation for why two weeks ago sources said it was. So either Truss allies were lying at the time - lies which went unchallenged by Braverman, which seems unlikely - or lies are being told now. 

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Whether it was market sensitive is irrelevant to me. It's less about the subjective content and more about the objective action. 


It's akin to saying a traffic cop who got behind the wheel on a 'blues and twos' shout whilst absolutely plastered was absolutely fine because he didn't crash and/or injure anyone. 

Absolutely NOT OK and neither is it OK for the Home Secretary to email government papers to her private account simply because it contained no secrets. 

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And as for the 'she's apologised for her actions' line, my mate came out with a strong analogy for that one. 


A few years ago, Ian Huntley said in a recorded interview with the Sun that he was truly sorry for the hurt he caused the families of Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman. Now that he's accepted his wrongdoing and apologised, should we immediately release him from prison and re-instate him as the caretaker of the school in Soham?

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Not once but six times she sent herself stuff in six weeks, in ANY commercial organisation she'd be escorted off the premises.


Fuck knows what went on when she was AG no way this was just a "new" thing for her.


What with this and Truss' phone, how compromised are these fuckers, not to mention how utterly inept.

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I read in her published statement she's asked for guidance on how to manage her IT. FFS she's not an officer junior just employed out of school. She's in charge of National Security and needs guidance on how to manage her IT Security!!

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34. In my appointment discussion with the new Prime Minister, I assured him that I would no longer use personal IT for government business. I have requested briefing and guidance by security experts on what constitutes appropriate use of government and personal IT. I have now received this briefing. This fulsome and detailed security briefing by officials was supplementary to the briefing by officials when I was first appointed as Home Secretary at the beginning of September. My Ministerial team and those who work with me closely will all receive the same training.


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A while back when working in the NHS I used to communicate with a mate I'd once worked with via NHS mail. One slow day for both us we were reminiscing about a mutual female acquaintance who happened to work at his place then. We couldn't remember her name so he found it on his mailing list. We exchanged some frankly quite shameful emails but then I realised he had cced her in whilst looking at the mailing list!


He rushed off to find her and apologise in person and thank fuck she was okay about it because that was definitely a sacking offence for him and a disciplinary for me. Learned my lesson to never be disrespectful behind another person's back and absolutely NEVER use work email for personal use. What a fucking pair of idiots we were. But at least we weren't deseminating official secrets so guess it was okay really. 



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10 minutes ago, Craig said:



Laughable isn't it. I need guidance to understand "Don't EVER use personal IT you fucking idiot"


Christ, this is the government, should be the most cyber sensitive organisation in the country !!!!!

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25 minutes ago, Toonpack said:

Not once but six times she sent herself stuff in six weeks, in ANY commercial organisation she'd be escorted off the premises.


Fuck knows what went on when she was AG no way this was just a "new" thing for her.


What with this and Truss' phone, how compromised are these fuckers, not to mention how utterly inept.


It wasn't even 6 weeks, it was from 6 September to 19 September. 14 days. 6 times in 14 days. :lol:


She was practically an own goal every other game striker. Prolific. 

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