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Just now, PaddockLad said:



Yeah I think this is inevitably where this is going. Especially now it's transpired that:


- there were previous incidents which Johnson was informed about before he gave him his job in Feb

- it's now been made public that the bloke had a "minder" to watch him on nights out whose job it was to remove him before he got into trouble. 


He's clearly a fucking sex pest and I'm sure there's a u-turn on the way. 

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Depends if anyone takes it further, unlikely I think as it happened in the Carlton club. OTOH why has he resigned the whip if the accounts aren't true. He has a 20,000 majority, which probably isn't enough nowadays for these cunts. 

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4 minutes ago, Renton said:

He has a 20,000 majority, which probably isn't enough nowadays for these cunts. 


It's a strong leave voting seat with no significant Lib Dem vote. It would be very much an uphill task for Labour to take it.

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2 minutes ago, ewerk said:


It's a strong leave voting seat with no significant Lib Dem vote. It would be very much an uphill task for Labour to take it.


 Maybe, although West Midlands has been completely fucked by Brexit. They'll probably get a reduced majority of 2000 and spin it as an amazing victory though. 

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Makes you think about the calibre of people entering parliament. Maybe we just hear about the oxygen thrives like this fucker the most and there are also decent people in the benches but I do think it’s a magnet for all sorts of borderline psychos/misfits/deviants all looking for power and the ability to hide in plain sight so they can try to get away with this sort of shit. The woman who stood for the tories in Tiverton locked herself in a room to hide from the media when the result came through. UK are basically in a proxy war with Russia as we speak and these are the sorts in parliament and trying to enter it ffs 🤦‍♂️ 

there’s also the likes of some of the 2019 intake who couldn’t dream of earning 80k a year anywhere else. That twat from Nottinghamshire who weighed in on his pride in his local food bank springs to mind, used to be a Labour Party official? 

Edited by PaddockLad
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JOB is spot on there. And the thing is, as he alludes to, we're so desensitised to this shit with Johnson it has almost no impact. This needs to be another nail in his coffin. 

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31 minutes ago, Renton said:

JOB is spot on there. And the thing is, as he alludes to, we're so desensitised to this shit with Johnson it has almost no impact. This needs to be another nail in his coffin. 


He's absolutely spot on. If having someone sucking you off, who is not your wife nor partner and who is looking for a role within the office you run, cannot be considered misconduct of public office then what can be? 

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3 minutes ago, Craig said:


He's absolutely spot on. If having someone sucking you off, who is not your wife nor partner and who is looking for a role within the office you run, cannot be considered misconduct of public office then what can be? 


It's weird how we've allowed this exceptionalism to root itself in Westminster. Any other public sector job, if you were caught being piped off by a junior staff member, you would both be sacked on the spot, absolutely no doubt about it. Yet the ones who are supposed to set an example for the nation can act with complete impunity. I'm sick of hearing people saying they don't care what Johnson does in his personal life. Firstly, I do because if a person repeatedly cheats on his spouse (fathered 5 kids to women he wasn't married to while married ffs!) then I don't trust him in public life, as JOB says. But secondly, this happened in the HoP with the promise of a job for his mistress, so it's gone well beyond his private life. I know we all know and agree on this, but how the fuck did we get here and why aren't the media reporting this?  

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I think JOB, who has never spoken anything but sense BTW, nails that last bit too. It's a question the likes of Rebekah Brooks needs to be answering. 

And there is an absolutely clear precedent - Matt Hancock who did fall on his sword for his indiscretion. The only difference I see there? There was irrefutable proof of Hancock's wrongdoing. Tory cunts hiding behind the line 'what can't be proved never happened'.

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1 minute ago, Craig said:

I think JOB, who has never spoken anything but sense BTW, nails that last bit too. It's a question the likes of Rebekah Brooks needs to be answering. 

And there is an absolutely clear precedent - Matt Hancock who did fall on his sword for his indiscretion. The only difference I see there? There was irrefutable proof of Hancock's wrongdoing. Tory cunts hiding behind the line 'what can't be proved never happened'.


Hancock was during lockdown, so he breached lockdown rules, and as health minister, his position was untenable. 

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4 minutes ago, ewerk said:

How is this any different to the Clinton/Lewinsky affair? If anything it's worse as he was trying to get her a £100k pa job.


Agreed. And Clinton was impeached and the whole saga led to Netflix series on it iirc! 

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1 minute ago, Renton said:


Hancock was during lockdown, so he breached lockdown rules, and as health minister, his position was untenable. 

Need I point out Johnson's lockdown breaches? And as leader of the government and ultimately responsible for the emergency rules that had been enacted, does it not make his position even more untenable than Hancock's?


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14 minutes ago, Renton said:


It's weird how we've allowed this exceptionalism to root itself in Westminster. Any other public sector job, if you were caught being piped off by a junior staff member, you would both be sacked on the spot, absolutely no doubt about it. Yet the ones who are supposed to set an example for the nation can act with complete impunity. I'm sick of hearing people saying they don't care what Johnson does in his personal life. Firstly, I do because if a person repeatedly cheats on his spouse (fathered 5 kids to women he wasn't married to while married ffs!) then I don't trust him in public life, as JOB says. But secondly, this happened in the HoP with the promise of a job for his mistress, so it's gone well beyond his private life. I know we all know and agree on this, but how the fuck did we get here and why aren't the media reporting this?  

They’ve got Labour infighting and devious electoral pacts to worry about before reporting this 

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3 minutes ago, Craig said:

Need I point out Johnson's lockdown breaches? And as leader of the government and ultimately responsible for the emergency rules that had been enacted, does it not make his position even more untenable than Hancock's?



No argument from me there. There is three types of exceptionalism happening here. First, Westminister exceptionalism, applying to all MPs (e.g. bars at work). The there is tory exceptionalism, because no way would Labour MPs get away with half the shit the tories do, they'd be crucified in the press (ffs Rayner was criticied for drinking sparkling wine at an opera this week). Then there is Johnson exceptionalism. "Boris just being Boris". He's done enough wrong in office to force the resignation of anyone else five times over. It is truly bizarre. 

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Against the backdrop of absolutely ducking wrecking the economy and making nearly everyone worse off. You could understand it to a degree were that not the case 

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Just now, Alex said:

Against the backdrop of absolutely ducking wrecking the economy and making nearly everyone worse off. You could understand it to a degree were that not the case 


He fucks me off with his textbook response to any criticism he cannot reasonably defend in the Commons with claims that we drove the global vaccine programme as if in some way he was personally responsible for it. Talk about taking the credit off those who deserve it. Fuck off you bumbling cunt.

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How in fuck's name is this Labour's issue? And why doesn't said 'Tory MP' identify themselves. My money's on that fuckwit, Dorries.

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Downing Street saying the PM considers the matter regarding Chris Pincher is now closed. Everyone else, including 2 female Tory MPs are rightly pointing out it's sexual assault and at the very least he should be suspended pending a full independent investigation.

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