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CT, what criteria did the Tories change to ensure only deserving cases get DLA?


I have no idea HF which is why I stated there will no doubt be winners and losers. It won't be as black and white as some Tory sitting their kicking a crutch away or telling a quadriplegic "good money to be made begging sonny".


I personally know of the abuse of the system and others will have personal knowledge of genuine claims knocked back. There are appeals though and if the bad cases were as bad as some would have you believe, then I would have thought the likes of the Guardian would be publishing them daily.


There's probably a balance to be found and I'm sure we all just want money going to the right people.

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I have no idea HF which is why I stated there will no doubt be winners and losers. It won't be as black and white as some Tory sitting their kicking a crutch away or telling a quadriplegic "good money to be made begging sonny".


I personally know of the abuse of the system and others will have personal knowledge of genuine claims knocked back. There are appeals though and if the bad cases were as bad as some would have you believe, then I would have thought the likes of the Guardian would be publishing them daily.


There's probably a balance to be found and I'm sure we all just want money going to the right people.


Assumed you must have knowledge as you made it such a partisan issue.


I've done a little reading this morning cos I knew nowt, from what I can see it's a benefit that the tories intoduced, Blair tried (and failed) to reform and is as black and white as kicking away crutches. Half a million are to be taken off it, a financial target rather than a redressing of the fairness in the system you're suggesting.

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I know an awful lot of people claiming DLA with fuck all wrong with them who are planning to live off it for the remainder of their lives. It's wankers like them who have created the necessity for this change.


As I understand it, the new system basically provides a 'Fit for work' notice whereby they specify what work a claimant can do rather than ruling them out of the workforce forever. Without knowing the details of 2J's friend's case they possibly deemed that he was fit for office work and ruled him out of manual labour. This would also apply to many of the people I know claiming DLA.


It sounds like a great idea, making people to do what they're physically capable of and changing the rule that a physical injury automatically means a life of entitlement to DLA. The problem is, however, that we are still in the middle of a massive economic crisis with the highest unemployment figures since the early nineties. Who the fuck is going to employ a fella in an office job that has been on DLA for over 20 years and previously worked in the shipyards. It's not going to happen.


Rightly or wrongly, many people have become reliant on DLA and for a lot of them the transition back into employment won't happen and to slash the benefits of those genuinely unable to work and label them as scroungers is a Tory wet dream.

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The thing is people with diseases like MS have good days where a test would suggest they were fine for work followed by 4 days where they can't get out of bed. That would be hard to prove but I'd be inclined to give diagnosed people the benefit of the doubt. It's not all people with "bad backs".


As HF said its numerical targets not based on actual cases that's wrong.

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DLA is not about ability to work. It's for families/individuals that have the burden of a disability, to help them with the costs. For example if you have a child with a disability that needs care, or transport.


Incapacity benefit is about the ability to work.

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Tbh when people on here are affected by it, it's not really an issue I would want to get all political about (especially not knowing the specifics) (never usually stops me ;) ).


Suffice to say it was / is bring abused and needs reforming, but they should err on the side of caution.


Ie better to have a few scroungers slip through than genuine people miss out.

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Thing is CT the official figures for benefit fraud suggest 1% at the very most but if you try and tell a mail reader that it falls on deaf ears. That isn't just because thy are cunts either - its because as Chez pointed out there is a deliberate policy in place to scapegoat the poor with the help of the media. All it takes is a few "I know this one bloke......" tales for it to succeed.


Our only hope is that the one bloke most people know becomes one of those being shat on.

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Guest CabayeAye

I wouldn't use benefit of the doubt, I'd only pay out on hard evidence. Workshy cunts. I'd have fuckers licking stamps for their benefits if that's all they could do.

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MS is no barrier to making a living.


Not necessarily but its a good example of a good day/bad day disease.


My sister took early retirement last year but still does some part time work to help out. She has MS and on some days she just can't go in. Now she doesn't need the money to make a living but if she did it would certainly limit her earnings. At the moment it isn't that bad but of course it can and probably will get worse.

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Guest CabayeAye



Perfect example of a shit system and doctors who are mercenary shitbags.


If she's so incapable, the why the FUCK did she have a daughter?! If she can care for a child, she can work. I'm sure she could pick litter up or sonething.


Also, that's the Guardian, ergo full of bullshit.

Edited by CabayeAye
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It's stuff like this that makes me want to avoid this thread. Perhaps if some of the right wingers on here had relatives or loved ones who were disabled they would show some compassion. Or perhaps not.

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Guest CabayeAye



I think you're a canny bloke who's a bit of an idiot when it comes to politics. Cabayaye and Rocky are genuine pricks.


Ooooooh! Get you, flowerpot!


I only scan read that article. I couldn't bring myself to look at the Grauniad for any length of time.

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It's stuff like this that makes me want to avoid this thread. Perhaps if some of the right wingers on here had relatives or loved ones who were disabled they would show some compassion. Or perhaps not.


Compassion is for the weak Renton..............

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